t w e n t y - e i g h t

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A/N: This story hit 5K reads!! just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's read and voted or commented, it means a lot that people are enjoying the story.


Rosie's POV:

I could feel the awkwardness fill the air, I'm sure the color in my face had been completely drained. We all just sat in place until Tom broke the silence.

"Nice to see you.. two." Megan smiled at all of us, Fionn scratching his neck.

"I hope you don't mind me tagging along." Megan said.

"No, not at all.. uh, please, sit." Harry said as he returned to his seat next to me. I was sat at one end of the couch, Harry next to me, Aneurin next to him, and Jack and Tom sat on a smaller couch next to where I was. Megan and Fionn took a seat on the loveseat, the one we sat on last time we were here...

"Would you like some wine to sip on?" Harry asked.

"A water for me please."

"Water, got it. Would anyone else like more to drink?" A few boys responded with nods and murmurs of yeses.

"I'll help you." I said quickly. I got up and followed Harry into his kitchen. Once we were both away from the rest he turned to me, an apologetic look on his face.

"Rosie, darlin', I'm so sorry I didn't know she'd be here with him I was hoping you two could make u-"

"Look Harry. He's clearly chosen her. It's over now, what we had is over." I hate to say it, but it was true. Harry gave me a small hug and grabbed a water from the fridge and a wine bottle.

"Could you grab two more glasses?" I nodded and reached up to grab two wine glasses from the cupboard. I walked out and set them down next to where Harry had set the bottle.

"I thought you weren't drinking?" He whispered to me.

"I'm gonna need it." I said. He nodded and poured me a glass. We sat down in our seats and handed out the drinks. Everyone seemed to be in their own small conversations as I sat there and sipped on my glass. I attempted to avoid looking over in Fionn's direction so I joined in on Tom and Jack's conversation.

"I jus' think the one on fifth is bette'." Jack said. They were talking about the best bars in London, to which I had no knowledge about since I had only been to one.

"Have you had a chance to go to any?" Tom asked looking at me.

"Can't say I have, just one." Without thinking Jack then said something that made my stomach drop and cheeks burn.

"The one where Fionn picked ye' up drunk?" I saw everyone turn to us.

"Sorre'." Jack whispered to me. I looked down and fumbled with my glass, hoping everyone would return to their conversations. I had to get out of there, it was just too awkward for me, and everyone knew it.

"How about I get some snacks, Harry where do you keep your snacks?" I asked.

"Pantry in the kitchen." I grabbed my glass and walked into the kitchen. That was one of the worst moments ever. I leaned onto the counter and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I heard the kitchen door open behind me and turned to see the last person I wanted to see.

Fionn's POV:

I watched her walk into the kitchen, clearly embarrassed. Everyone returned to their conversations but my eyes were still focused on the kitchen door.

"She's the reason why." Megan said, I turned to look at her.


"She's the reason you didn't want to do this, right?" I didn't say anything, just sipped my drink.

"Go talk to her." She told me.

"She doesn't care for me." I simply stated.

"Fionn I'm sure that's not true. Go." She shoved me off. I got up with my drink in my hand.

As I walked through the door she turned around and looked at me.

"Oh, uh, hey." She said looking down at her feet.

"Megan made me come check on you."

"She seems sweet." She spoke softly.

"She is, I'm sure your new friend is too." Her head snapped up and looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"My new friend? What new friend?"

"Your new friend from yesterday, the one you shared coffee with."

"Fionn what the hell are you talking about?" She raised bit voice a bit.

"The man you seemed to be getting pretty friendly with, I guess you just didn't want a relationship with me huh?" I didn't mean to sound harsh, but my anger got the best of me.

"Alright now you listen to me, that was an old friend visiting from back home. I didn't know he was here and we bumped into each other and decided to hang out, what's wrong with that?" She crossed her arms.

"Doesn't mean you don't have feelings for him."

"We grew up together, we're practically family." She defended.

"Whatever you say." I scoffed.

"Excuse me? You have no right to be mad at me."

"And why is that?"

"You started this. You made me fall in love with you." She said, her voice softening. I looked up at her. "You made me fall in love with you, then let me down." Her eyes began to water a bit, I could heat the pain in her voice. "You let.. me down..." She walked passed me and out the door.

"Thanks for the lovely evening Harry." I heard her say, the front door opened then shut. I stood there and held my head in my hands. Why am I such an idiot?

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