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"I just can't believe you're really leaving. I don't want you to leave." I folded the last of my clothes and put them into my suitcase.

"Mom we've been talking about this for almost a year! This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I've worked too hard to just give it up." She was sat on my bed with a look of sadness on her face.

"I know, I know." She let out a sigh. "I just can't believe it, you've wanted to work on a big picture film since you were 12 and here you are, achieving your dreams." I smiled at her as I zipped up my last suitcase. I sat down next to her and gave her a hug. "I couldn't have done this without you and dad."

She got up and began grabbing my suitcases. "Well, there is no time for tears we can save those for the airport! Let's get going." She grabbed my backpack and my smaller suitcase and proceeded down the stairs. I grabbed my large suitcase and my purse and looked around the room to see if I was missing anything. After checking the room I go downstairs where my sister, Lucy, and my mom are waiting for me by the door.

"If I was the one going to another country for almost a year I'd be in such a rush." My sister joked.

"That is true, but I will miss this place even though I say I hate it almost everyday." She chuckled. We put my things in the back of the car and made our way to the airport. On the way there I took the chance to read over the film schedule and other information given to me. About 45 minutes later we arrived.

I checked my bags in and got my boarding pass. There weren't many people considering it was about 8 in the morning. I had a long flight including a layover in New York so I brought a book and made sure I had a portable charger just incase the plane didn't have outlets.

"I guess it's time for me to go through security, I didn't get TSA Pre this time." I said goodbye to my sister and gave her a tight hug. We were pretty close but we had our moments just like any normal siblings.

"Rosie, darling, before you go." My mother reached into her pocket and pulled out a box. "Before your father passed away, he gave me this." She opened the small box and inside sat a gold necklace with three little chains. The first was my birthstone, a tourmaline crystal for October. The second was a film reel, and the third one was a gold oval with words engraved on the back: "For my youngest, love you always."

"When Lucy graduated college your father made her a necklace and he wanted to do the same with you. When his heart began failing he made you one and told me this: "No matter what happens, make sure Rosie gets this and make sure she knows I love her and always will." I tried fighting my tears but couldn't help let a few fall.

"I was going to wait until you graduated college but I thought now seems like a good time. I'm so proud of you and I know your father is too." I hugged her and took the necklace from her. I didn't put it on because I still had to go through security. I said my final goodbyes and made my way toward security.


"We'll be arriving at London Heathrow in about 20 minutes. It is currently 8:32 pm and about 26° celsius or 79° fahrenheit for our American passengers on board. It is a but cloudy with low winds. I have turned on the seat belt sign, flight crew please prepare the passengers for landing. Thank you."

I put my bookmark in my book and in the pocket in front of me. I put my charger in my purse but continued to listen to music until we landed. I looked out the window and saw the city lights shining below. The stars looked so bright from the plane, it was a beautiful view.

"Isn't it stunning?" I heard a voice ask. I turned and saw an older woman smiling at me.

"It really is. Have you been before?" I asked her.

"It's my home love!" I hadn't heard her accent due to the loud noise the plane makes. "It's good to be back." She smiled. "What are you doing here? Vacation?"

"No I'm starting my internship in a few days. I'll be staying here for the next few months. I'm taking a year off of college due to the internship." She nodded her head.

"Good for you darling, I hope you love it here."

I thought to myself, me too.


After going through the hell that is customs, I made my way to the greeting area where I'm supposed to be meeting the head of the production design, Isabella Davis. I look around until I saw a tall brunette holding an iPad with my name typed in large letters. She saw me approach her and greeted me with a smile.

"Rosie! It's great to finally meet you !" She said in her thick British accent.

"Oh my goodness you too! It's a privilege to be here, thank you so much for this opportunity and for everything."

"No need to thank me. I've seen how hard you've worked, you really earned this." She put her iPad back into her tote gave me a hug. "Here love, let me help you with your things." She grabbed my larger suitcase and I grabbed my two smaller ones and followed her outside. We put my things in the car and drove to Isabella's house. I would be staying in her guest house tonight, but throughout the internship I would have my own small place in the city, which was half paid for by the internship. How crazy was that? I'd still have to pay a good amount of money, but I had worked two jobs and saved up for this internship. I'd also be staying in hotels with the crew when we film in other locations.

"Alright Rosie here we are, if you need anything let me know. The rest of the design crew will be here tomorrow morning at 10 so try to get some rest."

"Thank you Isabella."

"Please, call me Izzy." She left and I decided to shower. After I got out I changed into some comfortable clothes and knocked out.

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