e l e v e n

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(A/N: I'm gonna start adding outfits in the photo area so if you want to see them they'll be there. Also I suggest listening to Louis Armstrong while reading this, especially La Vie En Rose. Idk I just find his romantic songs soothing and beautiful. Ok, I'm done, back to the story!) 


The week couldn't have gone by slower. I was excited for Saturday. I knew I shouldn't get myself get too attached but Fionn was a nice guy. As the week passed I would occasionally eat lunch with the guys when they invited me to. We'd talk and laugh and Harry would make jokes that resulted in multiple eye rolls.

But alas, the day had arrived. I was getting my hair done by Izzy in our hotel room. She curled my hair loosely and I did a light and casual makeup look. I didn't know whether it'd be a fancy dinner so I wore a floral white dress that could be dressed up or just worn casually. I paired it with black heels and put on my bracelet and, of course, wore my necklace.

"He's going to fall to his knees when he sees you." Izzy exclaimed.

"Are you sure? It's not too much?" I kept babbling on.

"You look stunning. Trust me." She said grabbing my shoulders. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 5:57. It was almost time for him to pick me up. I felt my palms getting sweaty due to the nerves. I hope tonight went well.

"I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? Should I even be nervous? Do I like him?" I sputtered.

" Rosie, darlin'. Deep breaths, take deep breaths. That's it." Izzy calmed me down and I took a seat on the bed.

The clock now read 6:03. I knew I shouldn't be worried because it was only 3 minutes, but I was pacing around the room... Until I heard a knock on the door. I looked at Izzy who motioned for me to go. I walked over and opened the door. There he stood, dressed in dark jeans, a nice button up, and flowers in his hands.

"Sorry I'm a bit late. Had to pick these up." He said handing me the flowers.

"Thank you, let me set these down." I walked into the room and set the flowers down. As I walked out Izzy gave me a thumbs up.

"Have fun you two!" She yelled as I closed the door. Fionn and I walked towards the elevator. I could tell he was nervous too.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He said as we entered the elevator.

"Thank you." I gave him a smile. "You look very nice yourself." I couldn't have been any more awkward. The doors opened and we walked out. He led me to a cab waiting out front and opened the door for me. I got in and he climbed right in behind me. He told the cab driver the name of the location and we drove off.

"You know french? Fancy man" I smirked at him. He laughed, he did look very handsome. His hair was combed back and a small hoop earring hung from his ear.

The cab stopped in front of nice restaurant with fairy lights hanging out front. Fionn helped me out of the car and walked me inside.

"Réservation pour Fionn" He told the man at the podium. We then followed the man to a table by the window. On the table was a vase with Roses and a small candle.

"This place is so nice." I told him.

"I wanted to treat you to a nice dinner." I looked down smiling, a blush creeping onto my face.

"It's lovely, thank you." We ordered drinks and talked about the film. He asked me more about home and I asked him about his life as well. We shared laughs and memories. I learned a lot about him in that short period. We soon got away from the topic of our lives and began to talk about random topics, for example, cilantro.

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