t w e l v e

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I was woken up by the sunlight peeking in through the window. I looked over at the flowers sitting in a cup of water as they rested on the dresser. I thought to myself so it wasn't a dream. I smiled and remembered the events of the night before. My fingers touched my mouth as I smiled, remembering how Fionn's lips felt on mine. I laid back and let out a sigh, a happy sigh. Izzy woke up and saw me staring at the ceiling with a goofy grin on my face.

"Thinking 'bout Fionn?" I glanced over at her and she looked at me with her eyebrow raised. I didn't have to say anything for her to know my answer.

"Rosie's in looooooovveeeee." She laid back in her bed laughing.

"Oh shut up." I threw a pillow at her. "I'm not, in loooovvveeee" I said mocking her.

Now it was her who threw a pillow at me. "How are you still denying these feelings? You kissed!"

"I got caught up in the romance." I was now sat on the edge of my bed. "I told myself not to get too attached, and look at me, I kiss the boy on our FIRST DATE!" I put my head in my hands.

"Rosie you shouldn't run from love. It's a beautiful thing."

"It's a scary thing, that's what it is." Izzy groaned at my comment. We got ready and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.

"I'm just saying, if a nice cute boy was in love with me, I wouldn't fight it." I shook my head. I did like Fionn, but I knew that I'd just end up getting heartbroken when it was time for me to leave. My last relationship didn't end up too well. Let's just say I don't talk too much to my old friend, especially after I found her in bed with my, now, ex. Relationships and love weren't really my thing.

We walked towards the dining hall which was practically empty. I grabbed an orange juice and a muffin and sat down. Izzy and I ate our breakfast and talked for a bit.

"Your boyfriend just walked in." Izzy smirked. My back was facing the entrance so I couldn't see, but I knew she was talking about Fionn. I kept gaze on Izzy and continued eating my muffin. She, on the other hand, looked at me with smirk. Fionn had now made his way over to us.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Izzy wiggled her eyebrows as she walked away, to which I returned with an eye roll. Fionn sat down where Izzy previously was.

"Hey how are you?" I asked. I could feel the awkwardness radiate off me. I didn't want to bring up the kiss, even if it was the greatest kiss I've ever experienced.

"I'm good, how has your morning been so far?"

"I'd say alright." He smiled at me which caused me to smile too.

"The boys and I are planning a movie night at Harry's when we get back to London. Would you care to join us?" So we're not gonna talk about the kiss ????

"Oh.. uh- I'd love to." He took a bite of his apple and excused himself. I left back to the room, spotting Izzy sitting in a chair in the lobby.

"So, did you agree on a date for the wedding?" Izzy mocked getting up from her seat.

"He didn't say anything. We didn't talk about yesterday. At. All.."

"How?!" We were now in the elevator going up to our room. I guess I should be grateful the topic wasn't brought up. It would be easier to forget about my feelings for him.


The next couple of days were the same as the others. Work, work, work, work, and work. I grew closer to the boys as the days past. We had inside jokes and we'd hang out when we had free time.

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