Chapter 5

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I came back home around 5:50pm all exhausted. Assalamu Alaikum Mutan gidan nan;I announced my presence as I entered home. Waalaikumussalam; said My mom from the kitchen. How are you doing My baby,you look tired she added.
Wallahi fah, I'm so tired Ma;I said
Its almost Maghrib,go and shower then you eat and pray;Ma said Alright Ma I said while making my way to my room. Wow! I love you so much Ma, I left this room scattered with clothes but Ma being the sweet person she is cleaned it for me.

I kept my bag on my queen sized bed and made my way to the toilet,that was after i removed my cloths. I spent almost 20minutes in the shower,I almost slept because of how warm the water was.

I was dressing up when I heard the Adhan from the neighbouring mosque so I went back to the toilet and perform ablution.  After I prayed and ate, I decided to watch TV. The channel on was Mbc Action,I wondered who watched it,me and Maa are the only people in this house. One thing for sure,it wasn't Maa..

I decided to shrug that thought off and changed the channel to Sunna TV where Sheik Muhammad Kabir Gombe was giving lectures on the importance of giving Sadaqah. I was really enjoying it,he sure knows how to make his lecture lively. I was so into it when I heard the Adhan for the Isha' prayer. I went up to my room and prayed, I didn't perform ablution again because I didn't pee or poo. After I prayed,I sat on the praying mat saying du'as for myself and the Muslim Ummah. Just then I heard my phone ringing. Who could be calling me now; I thought. Stupid! If you dont check how would you know..I heard a voice inside me.

I stood up and picked the phone to answer the call. Assalamu Alaikum; i said into the phone somewhat nervously because it was a new number I saw. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabaratuhu; his voice sent shivers down my spine as he answered!
Uhmm Please who am I speaking with?; I asked. Farouk on the line Aflaah;he answered. Farouk? Yes the one you gave your number earlier at your school;he said. Oh my! I'm sorry please;i said. He chuckled,sorry for what beautiful?,he inquired. Wow..His chuckle is MashaAllah. I couldn't say anything. We both kept quiet,till he decided to break the silence by asking how I was,I told him I was fine Alhamdulillah. We talked some more before I told him I needed to study. Okay Beautiful, It was sweet talking to you. Thank you and Goodnight he said before cutting the call.

I kept smiling all night after our call,I'm not one to fall in love so easily but I don't know what this guy did to me. I couldn't stop myself from thinking of him. With his thoughts I drifted to my beauty sleep that was after I read...


When I took Ameera to School, I decided to check around the school maybe I would get to see the lady that captured my heart. Lo and behold!, there she was seated and laughing to something on her phone, she looked so awesome. I couldn't help but snap her. I went over to where she was and I asked her if she minds me sitting beside her, she said I could sit. I heard her muttering something when I went close,like Fatabarakallahu Ahsanal Khaliqin, I'm not sure though. But still,I chucked. I asked for her name and noticed a suprised look on her face. My name? Why? She inquired.
I really want to know; I said. Okay my name is Aflaah Alameen Anas,she told me. wow, such a sweet name for a sweet girl. Thanks she said trying her best to hide the blush on her face but I saw it anyways!
I told her my name too and asked for her number and she wrote it down for me on a piece of paper, I collected it and left after promising to call her that same day.

It was 6pm but still I felt time wasn't moving. I want to call her at a time that I know she must have rest so that I wont disturb her. When it was time for Maghrib prayer, i went to the mosque and prayed. When I came back I found Mom and Ameera waiting for me at the dining area,so I went and we ate. After we finished, I watched some TV and the Adhan for Isha was called, I went and prayed in the Masjid nearby. Immediately I came back home, i went into my home and dialed her number.

It rang once,twice,thrice still she's not picking. It was almost on the verge on cutting when she picked. Assalamu Alaikum,her voice echoed in my ears sweetly. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah wabarakatuhu I answered. Please who's on the line,she asked nervously. Farouk on the line I answered. We talked more before she said she wants to study,we said goodbyes and I ended the call...

Assalamu Alaikum to my beloved Muslim readers and to the non-muslim readers Hi!

I hope each one of you is doing well, if so then thanks to Almighty😊

I'm sorry, its been long since I last updated. Exams wollah!

This Chappy is for Sarahss2000 fareeree AyshaGoje  and everyone reading this piece of my shirme❤️💋

Khaleefa_KBK or KhaleefaUmarKabeer  Here's the update❤️❤️

Please help this poor girl that stayed up this late to update by Voting,Commenting and Sharing🙏💋

Longest Chappy so far😊

Lots of love💞💖

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