Chapter 16

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This girl will be the death of me. I'm always thinking about her,I dream of her even when I'm not sleeping. I always want to see her,I just want to make her mine the Halaal way.
When I told her I wanted to come to her house she said she was at her brother's and had to inform him. She texted me the next day that I can come,I was very happy.

She was looking so beautiful yet decent. Her radiant smile never leaving her cute face. She's that girl I had always prayed for and Alhamdulillah I have gotten her. After all the greetings she kept mum fidgeting with her fingers. I couldn't help but snap her and she looked up suprised when she felt the flash reflecting on her face.

"Ya Rahman! You should have asked for a picture if you wanted one. God!" She muttered under her breath.
"You know unexpected pictures look far better than expected ones right" I replied my eyes never leaving the picture I snapped.
"Besides I will still love it if you will send me more"I added.
"Try again later" She said playfully.
"I will surely try it babes." I replied and that shut her up.

"We should know about each other more,what do you think?" She suggested.
"Yes sure."
"Okay let's start. 20 questions?"She raised her brow in a questioning manner.
"Alright. I will start then. Your favorite color?" I asked.
"Pink and many other colors but I hate yellow." She said scrunching her face.
"God! You should have seen how you looked,very funny I tell you!" I said laughing at the face she made.
"Okay my turn, what is your hobby?" She said smiling.
"Reading the glorious Qur'an,it lifts up my mood whenever I feel down,So beautiful. The second is working, I love making new designs."
"Wow,that's nice." I like your hobbies.
"Uhmm thank you,my next question goes like this; What makes you happy?" I said and turned my full attention to her.
"Many things. Meeting new people with the same views as me, reading, eating chocolates, and the list goes on." She listed.
"And then you." She added almost inaudibly looking anywhere but my face.
"I heard that babe,I heard it. I'm really glad I make you happy."I said grinning.
"I should get going it's getting darker,we will continue with the questions next time In Shaa Allah"I said getting up.
"So soon,oh my! I mean I thought you just came." She said face palming herself.
"Sit down please,let me call Ya Khaleefa. You guys should meet"She said as she made her way towards the exit of the room.

They came back together after like 10 minutes. The guy is so nice Ma Shaa Allah. We linked up real quick and he made me promise to take good care of his baby for him. I was very glad. I left the house smiling like someone who won a lottery.

I texted her the minute I got home.
F: I'm home safe and sound. Thank you so much for today beautiful❤️. You have made my entire week!💕
She replied some minutes later
A: I should be the one to thank you dear.😊 Goodnight😘. Xoxo♥️
F:Goodnight Hermosa😍❤️ p.s:don't ask me the meaning of that I will tell you when next we meet In Shaa Allah.

After praying my Nawafils,I said my sleeping Azhkars and laid down to sleep with her thoughts clouding my mind.

I went to sleep that night with a smile plastered on my face. I really need to wife this girl like real soon. She has dominated my heart. I don't think of any other lady but her,She has become my source of happiness. I am in love!

Author's Note..

Assalamu Alaykum ladies and gents😘 How are we all? I hope we all are fine and happy. I missed you😝 But guys I'm seriously not happy with you😞 The number of the votes and comments are dropping. Are you not enjoying the story again? I'm loosing the motivation to write wallah! Please and please biko🙏🏻 I take God beg una🙏🏻 Please comment on each and every paragraph if possible. I really want to know your views on my book. Never forget to vote also❤️

I love you all as you do💕

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