Chapter 17

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Returning my Qur'an to where I normally keep it,I removed the Hijaab I was wearing and got up from the praying mat. I've been in the same position for almost an hour or so after praying Fajr. I came back home last night because I'm resuming school on Monday In Shaa Allah and today's already Saturday.

I decided to go back to sleep since it's weekend and I have nothing else to do. I got under the covers almost falling down because of the amount of sleep in my eyes. I didn't realized how long I slept until when Maa came to wake up.

"Aflaah!!!" She said screaming into my ears.
"Uhmmmmm" I replied in my horrible sleepy voice.
"Get up this minute,will you?!" She scolded. "You've been sleeping for like forever,it's 11:30am for Allah's sake!" She ranted and that got me.
"Whaa-aa--ttt? Are you sure Ma? Check again please? I just slept for 1-2hours fah"I muttered.
"I don't even know what you're saying Aflaah, get up already" She said sounding irritated.
"Sorry Ma, I'm up" I said stretching my hands. I quietly got off the bed and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth,washed up and did my other businesses. When I came out,I dressed up in a knee length dress and jeans. I made my bed and cleared all the mess in my room. I walked out of the room and was walking towards the kitchen when I almost bumped into Ma.

"Watch where you are going young lady"She said clearly amused.
"Afuwan Ma,By Allah hunger is eating me up!"I said hurrying up.
"I thought you were not hungry,didn't the sleep filled up your stomach?" She said playfully.
"Maaa" I whined like a little child.
"Yallah(Go), your brunch(breakfast-lunch) is ready. You might want to heat it up again." She ushered.

After having my brunch,it was already time for Zuhr prayer. I got up and prayed then it dawned on me that I didn't talk to Farouk today. So I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed his number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah" I greeted quickly because I wanted to get the reward of saying Salaaam first.
"Waalaykumussalam Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu"He answered in his melodious manly voice.
"I thought you have forgotten about me babes,I was just about calling you"He added.
"No"I chuckled. "I actually over slept,I woke up not long ago. And you know you should have also called right?" I questioned.
"Subhanallah! Don't turn the table at me please, I didn't wake up early too. Afuwan" He apologized and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
"It's fine,I was only teasing you. Nothing serious." I explained.
"No,you were right. I should have called you"He said and that made me smile,a heart content smile.
"So how are you doing?" I enquired.
"Alhamdulillah babes,I'm alright. You?"He asked also.
"Likewise Alhamdulillah,How's everyone and everything?" I asked about his family and work.
"Everyone and everything is fine and dandy"He replied.
"Ma Shaa Allah,my regards to Ameera please" I said.

And that was how I spent the day lazying around. I read the Qur'an,Stories on Wattpad,Chatted,and surfed through twitter.
It was really a short day for me because night came so fast. Farouk called me around 9pm and we talked for 2hours,he was all lovey dovey that night. He made me voice out some of my feelings for him,it wasn't easy but it felt awesome. After almost 30 minutes of emotional blackmail,he got me saying "I love you" to him for the first time.

I kept reminiscing about what happened when I laid down to sleep,I went to sleep that night with a smile on my face. I thanked Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'alah for blessing me with Farouk and I asked him to make him the one for me in this life and the next.

Author's Note
Assalamu Alaykum readers of Aflaah,I hope you are all fine and in good shape? I missed you all🙈 I apologize for not hearing from me. I wasn't in the right state of mind to write🙄 Oh don't mind me,nothing serious! So,school has already started and I'll go back on Sunday In Shaa Allah. I don't know how it's gonna be with the 8-6pm lectures all through😭😭 Yes! FUD wan kill me alive😂 Please include me in your prayers,I really need it. Alot!
Okay,enough of my rants...Please tap on that little star at the bottom and do comment please💫
May Allah S.W.A bless you all as you do💕.

Allah Ma'akum❤️❤️❤️
Your girl,

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