Chapter 7

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Farouk's POV

I was sitting in the parlor when Amira came in with two of our cousins from Dad's side. Farida and Fadila,they are not twins but they look so much alike. I still can't differentiate them. They are the only children of my aunt;Maryam.
We used to be very close when they were kids not that we are not cool anymore. But you know,things change..

Ya Farouk Ina wuni(Good afternoon),they greeted me simultaneously
Ahh...Fadila and Farida ya kuke(How are you) I replied them smiling
Fine Alhamdulillah;they answered smiling too.

Ya Farouk they are spending the night here,we want to have some girls time before Farida's wedding..Amira said
Aww,so Farida's getting married?I asked surprisingly
Yes Ya Farouk;Farida answered covering her face with her palm.
Ahh MashaAllah,that's really great! So who's the husband?
His name is Khaleefa Alameen Anas; Amira chirped in.
Oh okay. Allah ya bada zaman lafiya(May Allah bless the union)smh😬
Sarahss2000 coman helpp

Like I have heard the name some where..maybe you're just assuming things;My mind concluded.

Aflaah's POV

Things have been happening quite so fast these days, like it's just some days remaining to take Ya Khaleefa's lefe(Bridal gifts) to the lady's family.

I was having the last touches of my make up when I heard Ma calling me.
What are you doing that is taking you this long Baby;Ma questioned
I'm coming Ma;I said or rather screamed
I'm giving you five minutes,nothing more if you don't come out I will leave without you;Ma said.
Hearing Ma said that I quickly grabbed my bag and went out to where she was waiting for me. We were heading out to the mall for some shopping.

The moment we entered the mall I quickly left Ma because I know if we're together she won't allow me take some things. Initially we came to finish up the bridal gift's shopping but I had this serious crave for chocolates since last week and haven't got a chance to take it. So, I decided to go take some and quickly pay for them before Ma sees me with them. She'll start lecturing me on how sweet things have effect and I'm not ready for such, not now anyways.

I picked 2 nutella's, 3 bags of Malteasers and other chocolates. I quickly went to pay for them, Thankfully, there weren't much people on the queue just me and some other 2 ladies before me.

Sannunku(Welldone);I muttered to the ladies standing behind the last one on the queue.
Yawwa(Thanks):The last lady turned to answer me with a smile plastered on her face.
Wow, are you by any chance Farida? Ya Khaleefa's fiancée?
Yes, Wait! Don't tell me you're the beloved Aflaah he's always talking about.
Well, yes I am. I beamed a warm smile at her.
It's really nice to finally meet you in person. I'm really glad we meet before the wedding.
It's my pleasure;I replied excitedly...
This is my cousin Ameera;She said introducing the other lady, Ameera this is Aflaah my fiancé's sister.
Nice to meet you Ameera;I said extending my hand for a handshake
You too; She replied smiling.

I didn't mention to you how I knew her ko? Well that same night I went to Ya Khaleefa's room and kept pestering him about "the bride" till he got tired of me asking him where she lives,where they met,her skin color,and other crazy things. He told me many things about her and gave me his phone to check her pictures. She really is a beauty MashaAllah, no wonder ya Khaleefa want them to get hitched very soon. Guess he is afraid of some guy to come and snatch her away😅

After paying for the stuffs I bought, I put them inside my handbag and when to meet Ma.
Where are you from? You left me all alone looking for you.
Ma, I was checking around..Guess who I met?
Uhmm,who is it?(typical Nigerian,I said guess but she's asking me who is it)
Its Farida , Ya Khaleefa's fiancée
Ohh really; Ma asked smiling
Yes Maam,she's really nice and pretty too
You forgot to add MashaAllah my baby
I didn't even finish mentioning when you cut me off  fa Ma,anyways MashaAllah.

Assalamu Alaikum; I said making my way to my room immediately after entering home.
Waalaikumussalam; I heard one of the maids answered
Sannu da zuwa(Welcome back)
Thank you.

I went straight to the bathroom and showered. After dressing up,I decided to on my cellular data because it's been off since like yesterday. Immediately I on-ed it I saw a notification that the book I'm reading on Wattpad has been updated so I entered the application to read the update, I was half-way reading it when my phone started ringing..

It was Farouk,yes I saved his number.
Assalamu Alaikum,I greeted after answering the call
Wa Alaikumus Salam;he answered in his husky yet sweet voice.
How are you doing?
I'm fine Alhamdulillah..You?
I'm cool..
So what's up?
The sky,it's always up;I replied
Sure it's always there,I mean me lbr(any gist)
Nothing nothing fa, I'm even tired. I just came back from shopping.
Eyyah, we talk later then. Bye and Take care
Thanks and you too.


Hello there my beautiful readers. How're you all? I hope you're all doing great?
It's been awhile since I last updated🙄
I'm sorry and I missed you all...

Please don't forget to click on the star at the ain't that hard but it really means a lot to me. And please do comment🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


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