Chapter 9

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I kept smiling alone on our way back from the hospital that I noticed Farida looking at me like I have grown two heads. When she couldn't hold it she said "uhmm...Ya Farouk?
Yes,what is it? I replied.
Are you two dating? You and Aflaah I mean?
What? No? How could you think of that? Me kika gani?(what did you see);I replied stammering.
No. I didn't see anything,was just wondering;Farida said.
Bakomai fah(There's nothing).
Alright then,if you say so. I didn't miss the tease in her voice.
I know she thinks there's something but I'm not telling her now,Atleast I should ask the girl out first. If she agrees then the whole world can hear about it.



Aflaah; take these things to the car and come, we've been discharged;Ma said.
Finally! I said with a sigh of relief.
See you,kaman ke ce akan gadon asibitin(Like you're the one on the hospital bed);Ya Khaleefa said.

Finally after two weeks of staying in the hospital,Ya Khaleefa is discharged. We were on our way back home,Ya Khaleefa in the front seat with the driver then Me and Ma in the back seat.

Ma; I called out.
What is it Aflaah? She answered sounding exhausted.
When will Ya Khaleefa's wedding take place?
He just got discharged today fa,sai ya samu sauqi (until he gets better😁)
But I'm better now;Ya Khaleefa said.
Woah,someone can't wait to get married;I said somewhat singing in my horrible voice.
Hmmm this girl! Allahu Yahdiki(May Allah guide you);Ma said.
Let's get home and rest first,I'll talk to your dad about it;She added.

"And when you smile,the whole world stops and stare for a while 'coz girl you're amazing,just the way you are 🎼🎧"..... I sang along with Bruno Mars from my iPhone while helping the maid with making breakfast, I woke up early today and I have no lectures so I just decided to help in the house.

After eating breakfast with Ma and Dad, I decided to check on Ya Khaleefa because he didn't came out from his room since yesterday.
Assalamu Alaikum(Peace be upon you); I salaamed as I walked into the room.
Waalaikumussalam(And upon you too);he answered almost immediately.
How are you doing Baby sis;?
I'm not fine; I said trying my best to show I'm really not fine.
Why? What happened to you?;he asked worried.
I didn't see you since yesterday and you didn't even bother to look for me ko?
Nahh it's not like that Baby sis, I'm really sorry and I can even explain;he said.
Okay, I have forgiven you but not completely I have to hear the explanation first.
I went to Farida's yesterday that was why you didn't see me and guess what?;he said excitedly.
What?; I said sounding like I'm not dying inside to know what it is.
Dumbo, I said you should guess and you're asking me what.
You sure know I am not good at guessing ai.
But you should have tried at least. Anyways, I don't have time for that. My wedding's in 10days.
Wow! Are you for real Ya Khaleefa? I'm really happy,excited and everything good; I said then faked hurt,but why am I hearing about it now?
Ah! Aflaah rigima! It was just concluded yesterday and we didn't meet until now.
Toh Naji(I've heard you) Now let me go and call my in-law; I said getting up from his bed.



"Farouk, I have been talking for almost 5minutes but I notice your mind is completely else where,what are you thinking of?;Zayd said.
Uhm, Sorry it's nothing What were you saying?
No, You know I know you better than that it's something and you should tell me before it's late;he said with his voice sounding very serious.
I contemplated in my head whether to tell him or not?
Okay,actually it's not something very serious. Can you remember the girl I told you about? I asked him not looking at his face.
Yeah,The girl you saw at Amirah's school ko? What about her?he said smiling.
Guy why? Why are you smiling? It's just.. I don't know why but I have been thinking about her since when I first saw her and we met some days back in the hospital. She happened to be a sister to the guy Farida my cousin is marrying;I explained.
Did you talk after that? He asked.
No fah, I want to call her since but I don't even know what to say Wallahi.
Guy man up mana,what's there? Just call her and say hi,don't rush things a step at a time and pray alot kaji(you hear? In shaa Allah(God's willing) everything will fall into place;Zayd said.
Alright guy,Thank you so much. So you can talk like that? By Allah, I feel better after your little talk. Alhamdulillah for a friend like you; I said smiling.
God! How many times will I tell you to stop thanking me Farouk? And yes, I can talk like that kana wasa kenan(Smh;You think this low of me?) And what have I told you about calling me your friend? We are not friends,we're brothers just from different mothers,understood? He said holding his ear like someone trying to warn a 3 years old for doing something wrong.
Yes sir, I saluted in a playful manner which makes the two of us laugh.

I picked up my phone from where it was,that is beside me and scrolled through my contacts, I stopped at her contact which I saved as "Beautiful🌹". I pressed on call, it rang and was on the verge of cutting when I heard the most mesmerizing voice said "Assalamu Alaikum"
Waalaikumussalam, how are you doing? I enquired.
I'm fine Alhamdulillah,You? She asked.
Alhamdulillah,Not bad. How's your brother?
He's fine,ya warke ai(he have recuperated )
MashaAllah, Me labari (Any gist)
Dry dry, how's Amirah and everyone?She said. I love it that she's talking to me unlike before that it's just "uhm" "yes" or "no".
Everyone is fine Alhamdulillah. I replied.
Please my regards.
I've got to go, Ma is calling me. thank you for calling.
Don't mention please.
Okay bye.
Bye, Take care Beautiful.
I could imagine her smiling right there, I'm glad I made her smile.
Uhm" and just like that she ended the call...

Author's Note
Assalamu Alaikum ladies and gents, how are you all doing? I hope you are swimming in the ocean of good health,If so then Alhamdulillah. I'm really sorry for not updating for almost five weeks, I had a writer's block😁 (in curly hair's word writer's menopause😂) that made me almost delete this book but when I thought of some people I changed my mind because I know the really want me to write.

Yes! Before I forget, I got admission to study Human Anatomy in the prestigious Federal University Dutse,Jigawa State. Anyone there? I don't know how it's going to be gaskia,but I pray I have time to update. Please include me in your prayers,May Allah see me through.

Enough about me, I was thinking of starting another book what do you think? Should I start it or finish this first?

Please and please
And share❤️❤️

That's what keeps me going...

I love you all as you do💓💞💯

Ma'assalam Dearies❤️
His Nour🙈🌹

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