Chapter 18

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Farouk's POV

It's been three months since I went to Aflaah's dad to ask for permission to talk to her and seriously I can't wait to have her all to myself,the Halal way.  Life has been pretty good Alhamdulillah,I've always been happy since I met her. That girl is surely a gem. A rare one!

I used to be this of weird person who never believed in love but here we are today. I've met someone who has completely changed my whole orientation about love and I can't ask for more.

Cuddled up on my bed because of the December cold,I heard a soft knock on my door.
"Waye(Who is it?)" I asked because it was just 7 in the morning.
"Ni ce,mamanka(Its me,your mother)"I recognized her voice immediately and stood up to open the door for her but she beat me to it.

"Oh! So you're still on your bed?! Are you not going to work today?" She asked bewildered.
"What no! I'm going Umma." I quickly said.
"Toh maza! Get up." Umma instructed.
"Alright Umma. Allow me to greet you first then I get ready afterwards." I said smiling.
"You're not serious! Toh greet me." She said smiling back.
"Good Morning Umma. How was your night?" I greeted her.
"Morning Faruku. It was fine Alhamdulillah." She replied shocking her head at my behavior.
"Now get up will you?"She said ruffling my hair.
"Yes Ma'am." I saluted her.
"Oh ni! Go already. Allahu Yahdika."She said shooing me.

I got up and I made my bed smiling. Umma is my favorite person. I love that woman so much! She had always been there. She taught me how to make my bed. She hates it when we don't make our beds and I just have it in me now,I cannot leave my room without doing it.

I quickly went to shower. I rubbed my body with Vaseline then got dressed. I checked the time and it was 7:28am. I took my car key,locked up my room and went to have breakfast.

I really enjoyed today's breakfast. Today's surely gonna be a great day,I thought.
After breakfast,I went to tell Umma I'm leaving and she prayed for me.

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Reciting Suratul Rahman along with Maher Al-Mu'aqely. I felt an inner peace. Just then,I heard my phone beeped. Turned out it was the network providers.  Haha,don't laugh at me.

So I just thought to call her. She picked up after the second ring.
"Assalamu Alaykum"She said in a sleeping voice and it was cute.
Letting out a small chuckle,I answered her and I asked why she was still sleeping.
"I don't have lectures this morning till noon."She explained.
"Oh enjoyment! I'm on my way to work. We talk later yea?"
"Alright then. Take care"
"I will,you should too."
"Bye. I love you" She said in a very small voice but I didn't miss that.
"Uhmm. I love you too" I replied and ended the call smiling.

Aflaah's POV

What? I mentally face palmed myself. How did I say that loudly. It wasn't meant for him to hear. God!

I couldn't be more happier with him ending the call. I went back to sleep but I couldn't,I kept tossing on the bed for almost twenty minutes. So I just got up and went to make breakfast for everyone in the house.

After cleaning up the mess I made,I went to freshen up. I branched at Maa's room to greet her and to tell her that breakfast is ready. She said she will wait for me.

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I may not come today,but I'll be with you again. I go pray for you everyday,My love🎶🎶

I sang slowly getting ready for school. Then I heard my phone beep.

Farouk🦋: Hey beautiful!😍
Aflaah💕: Hey! How are you doing?Farouk🦋:Missing you! What about you?
Aflaah💕:Likewise. How's work?
Farouk🦋: Alhamdulillah! You at school?
Aflaah💕:Nahh. I'm just leaving.
Farouk🦋: Alright. Don't wear any makeup please. I don't want random men ogling at you.
Aflaah💕:lols😁 Alright then. Bye❤️
Farouk🦋: Love yah😘

Author's Note
Assalamu Alaykum everyone❤️ How have you been? How ASUU strike? I missed you all! It's been longggggggggg I know,I'm really sorry. My phone got stolen and I had no way  to update Aflaah😃 I'm sorry. Some people actually did look for me,others didn't. Thank you all though😘 Ayam not complaining I promise. Please do vote,comment and share. It means alot to me,you have no idea😊


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