Chapter 20

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I watched with a very heavy heart as Maa slept looking anything but conscious.She looked so pale,exhausted and anything you can name.She has dark circles around her eyes but she looked fairer than she used to.

I have had sleepless nights for two days now,because I can't sleep even if she's sleeping afraid that she will wake up and I won't be able to help.I looked anything but fine.

"Aflaaaaaah" I heard my name being called.

"Oh Ya Abdallah! Why did you have to drag my name like that? When did you even come in?"I turned to look at Ya Abdallah standing.

He came to sit beside me and pat my back before answering me.

"I have been here for almost three minutes but you were busy thinking,you looked so absentminded."He said with much sense of sympathy.

"Ya Abdallah,I am so worried about Maa. See how she is looking Fi Sabilillah! I pray she gets back on her feet soon Ya Rabbi!"I told him my voice almost betraying all my attempt to sound strong.

"Don't worry Lil sis,She shall be alright In Shaa Allah. Have faith and make loads of Du'a for her."He tried to make me feel better.

I just smiled and nodded.

Ya Abdallah came back three days ago after I called to tell him Maa is sick and have been admitted in the hospital.

He didn't attend Ya Khaleefa's wedding because he was writing his examination when the wedding took place and there was nothing he could do about it.

While trying to make me feel better,he asked me to gist me about Ya Khaleefa's wedding and I told him everything I could remember.We laughed at many memories. I almost told him about Farouk but me being me,I couldn't bring myself to say anything.

We were laughing at something Ya Abdallah said when I noticed Maa moved a little. I hurriedly stood up and went close to the bed she was laying on. I saw her open her eyes and closed it again,she kept doing that for almost four minutes.

"Ya Abdallah! She's awake. Could you please call the doctor or a nurse? They might need to check up on her"I pleaded with Ya Abdallah because I was too happy to leave Maa's side.

He quickly got up and went out to call the doctor,I kept thanking Allah for the improvement.I was too overwhelmed by what I saw.

I took my phone and typed a message to Farouk to inform him about the latest improvement. He replied almost immediately and added that he'll stop by when he closes from his office.

I noticed that Maa was trying to sit up,so I helped her and put on the pillow she was using to support her back.

"Sannu Mama,Allah ya baki lafiya(May you recover soon)"I placed my hand on her laps.

She just nodded and smiled. The doctor came in with Ya Abdallah behind him.He checked her pulse and everything. He kept reassuring us that she will get better soon and we shall be discharged before we know it.He even advised me not to worry too much.

This doctor is so nice,not all doctor really show sympathy to their patients.May Allah bless him and his family.


Ya Khaleefa came around 5p.m looking tired. Looked like he was from his work place.I asked him about his wife and he said she's doing alright.

Abba came in carrying a basket with fruits and flasks of food inside it.He was so happy after seeing the state Maa was in.

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