Chapter 13

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Aflaah's POV

I have never been so anxious for anything like this one. I just couldn't wait for tomorrow,to see the mysterious guy that met my dad. I couldn't bring myself to believe that someone I don't know actually did that. I pray I get to like him because from all indications and from dad's description he sounds the perfect guy for me(Atleast that was what dad's speech made me believe).

Laying in bed absentmindedly looking at the ceiling in my room,literally. I felt the need to meet Maa to talk about it though she didn't tell me but I'm very sure Dad must have told her.

"Assalamu Alaykum,Maa tana nan kuwa(Is Maa around)?" I asked playfully.
"Waalaykumussalam,Ahh Aflaah in this night? Come and sit here,she motioned to the position close to her"
"How are you doing?" She added.
"I'm fine Ma,Alhamdulillah"
"Dad called me earlier to his room" I stated looking for the reaction from Ma.
"Toh! For what?"(She asked faking innocence)
"Stop looking at me that way Ma,I know he must have told you about it."I said smiling.
Anyways sha,He said some guy came to ask for permission to talk to me and he has already granted him. He said the guy's responsible blah blah blah.."I added sounding uninterested.
"Hmmm,Aflaah my dear"She said patting my back in a lovely way.
Yes,your dad really told me about it and I suggested he tells you himself. From what I heard I'm really impressed,I like him already"

Phew! I pray I like him too. Both Maa and Dad love the guy already..

Fully dressed in my purple lace with a few touches of pink and blue. I applied some powder on my face,kohl in my eyes and a pale pink lipstick on my lips. Satisfied with my looks,I gently tied my headtie in gele style not too big though. I sprayed a little perfume then covered my body with my pink veil.

"Assalamu Alaykum,Aflaah your visitor is here" Maa announced coming into my room.
"Waalaykumussalam,Alright Ma" I replied smiling nervousness evident in my face.
"By the way,you look very beautiful My Baby"Maa said when she reached for the door.
"Thank you Ma"

Finally sitted in the sitting room with the guy I was supposed to meet. I kept playing with the ring on my finger like it was the best thing in the world. He finally decided to talk because after I said my Salaam I didn't talk again,I couldn't even look at the guy before me.
"Aflaah,can you please atleast glance at me?"He said and I could swear he smirked.
I decided to look up and face him and I was beyond suprised. Farouk?! I never for once thought it could be him. Wow! Just Wow!!!
"Farouk?!"I called out suprised.
"Yes Aflaah,I'm the Farouk you know. Actually I started loving you since the very first time I saw you. I wanted to tell you at first,but I thought it'd be cool if I do it the religious way that is asking for permission from your dad. I was more than glad when he granted me the permission to that. Now here we are"He finished with a wide grin.
"Well. Let's give it a try" I replied trying to play hard to get.


I could actually say today's one of the best days of my entire life if not the best. Aflaah is really beautiful Ma Shaa Allah,the most gentle lady I've ever seen. I felt like someone who proposed to the love of his life and got a Yes! By just hearing "let's give it a try" from Aflaah...

  Author's Note

Hello lovelies,how's you? How's mommy? How's daddy?(Lol, In Jenifa's voice).
Here's is an update from your lazy author😁
I hope you enjoy it❤️

Juma'ah Mubaraak to y'all💕💕


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