Ch. 44 - Pointless

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Let your body move to the music

"Jonas, man, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking," Jonas snaps, turning off the Madonna song on his phone. "You can leave now."

"You can't just disappear without telling anyone where you were going," Elliott says. "I was very concerned about you." Jonas gives him a look. "Okay, Ivy was very concerned about you," he corrects.

I shake my head and step closer to Jonas. "Why don't you come back to the party? Jett needs someone to keep him company while he ices his balls."

Jonas raises his eyebrows. "Gee, Ivy, you know how to sell a person!" He shakes his head and moves closer to the cliff before taking a seat with his feet dangling over the edge.

I snap my head in Elliott's direction, and he seems to be completely calm. I guess there's no point in freaking out when your little brother sits on the edge of a cliff! Yeah, right.

Elliott joins Jonas at the edge. "Why'd you come here, man?"

"I don't know," he responds with a shrug. "You always came here after fights with mom or Flynn or Ivy or any of us instead of dealing with your problems."

I uncross my arms that sat along my chest and move to sit on the other side of Jonas.

Elliott sighs. "Yeah, I did always come here. It helped me escape."

"How?" Jonas asks. "I tried feeling that sense of escape and all I could feel was the urge to plunge myself down a cliff which is why I turned on Madonna instead."

"Well, man," Elliott pauses, "diving is something I've been doing ever since I was a little kid when my dad took me with him."

"Dad jumped off cliffs?"

"My dad did," Elliott confirms. "He's not your dad, Jonas." He throws an arm around his brother's shoulder. "We've talked about this. Your dad isn't some alcoholic insurance man who walked out on mom like mine; your dad is a kick-ass firefighter who saves kittens from burning buildings!"

A smile falls across Jonas' face briefly, quickly disappearing. "That's just something you made up, Liott. At least you know who your dad is."

"Jonas," Elliott says, his voice becoming more serious. He glances at me before taking his arm off Jonas' shoulder. "You're old enough to know the truth."

Jonas raises his eyebrows, giving his full attention to Elliott. I'm also curious to know what the truth is. Have they really known who Jonas' birth father is for years now? I wouldn't be surprised if it were Will Ferrell.

"Jonas," Elliott pauses dramatically, "I am your father."

For just a split second, Jonas might have actually believed Elliott. He catches on quickly when his older brother breaks out into a goofy grin. "Ah, shut up, man!" Jonas gives his brother a little shove.

"Take it easy, Jo," Elliott laughs. "I don't feel like dying tonight, especially not while I'm in the friendzone for another five years." He shakes his head and looks up to the starry sky. "Thanks for that, by the way. What happened? You totally had him."

Jonas shrugs. "I couldn't bring myself to punch my best friend in the face. What's so wrong with that?"

"What's wrong with that?" Elliott repeats. "Jonas, your older brother can't get any action from Ivy for five damn years because you couldn't punch your best friend in the face!"

"Oh, my bad. Would you like me to go home and break Jett's nose for you? Would that bring things down to just four years?" Jonas sasses. "I can't believe you two were betting on us in the first place." He starts again, "scratch that. I can't believe Ivy was betting on us in the first place."

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