Chapter 25

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Several seconds bled into the dead silence surrounding them, two hearts beating one next to the other at different paces, one slow, the other racing in front of possible death. Jungkook's mind was working on all the different scenarios of how this could go, and none of them had a pleasant outcome. He was holding you tight, feeling the warmth leaving your body by every moment that was wasted. He had to get this over with fast. He thought about running, but within the first few steps you would both be shot, he considered fighting them, but that would not go well either. There was only one way out, a risky one that no matter if it worked or not, would separate the two of you again. It required some serious thought. He looked down at you, clenched his jaw, and made his decision.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Black Tiger asked.

"I could ask the same question, but I already know the answer."

Black Tiger sneered at his answer.

"Smart little punk. You know, I'm actually proud of you, son. Now, put the girl down and get in the car, we have things to do."

"What if I don't want to."

"Don't try your luck, boy."

"Oh, but I will. I've got nothing to lose anyway."

"You know there is nowhere to go, kid, don't make this difficult."

"Maybe there is," Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Don't fool yourself. Get in the car, I don't have time for your childish games."

"I'm not getting in that car, and I will prove it to you that we'll walk out of here."

"Oh, yeah? How? You plan on taking on all of my men by yourself?"

"No need to. You will let us go."

"You're delusional. These guns pointed at you are not toys, kid."

"There is one thing you would want more than me dead, because I'm not leaving her behind, one thing that would benefit you more."

"And what is that?" he raised an eyebrow.


Black Tiger stared at him, analyzing if he was serious, because he clearly did not think he was. He started laughing after a good two seconds of silence.

"Oh, man, that was a good joke. Kid, I already have you, now stop rebelling and get in the car while I'm still nice. You know I tend to lose my patience quite fast."

"I know you're looking for a leader."

"Glad to see you're informed of what has been going on in the group, considering you've chickened out a while ago. So, what do you propose now?"

"I'm in."

"You're in? You're in for what? You've fucked around so many times, whining that you don't want this life, that you want to go to college and shit. And now you want to be the leader?"

"I have reasons to believe you don't have a better option. "

"And why is that?"

"I know you...there is no chance you'll leave your precious group in the hands of another but your own blood. I got skills and information none of your close circle members have. Namjoon? Don't trust him that much. He already tried to kill me, what makes you think he won't turn against you too?"


"You heard me. Care to reconsider my offer now?"

"You've grown to be a tough man, Jungkook-ah, I'm proud of you. But you need to get even stronger if you want to be a leader. You can't afford to have any weaknesses. And the one you so eagerly wish to sacrifice yourself for? She's the biggest one."

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