Chapter 29

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That night Black Tiger's residence had been shaken by screams of joy, acid threats, flaring acts of rebellion, and suppressed, burning hate; the list, however, was about to get longer. After sharing whatever plan had taken roots into his brain, Namjoon told Jin he's free to go. He had no intention of bringing Jin into the scheme he had so eagerly crafted. Jin might have been good at fighting, but his 'doctor' heart would always get in the way of killing the targets. So he took two men and left in a hurry to god knows where. To his luck, while searching for Jungkook he spotted Taehyung's car. Call it intuition, but a sudden urge to follow it spread through him like alcohol. The car stopped in front of an abandoned building, one he didn't know that well. What he knew well enough, though, was that the car parked right next to it was Jungkook's. A creepy smile formed at the corners of his lips.

"What a coincidence. You thought you can fool us, Jungkook? Ha! You're so dead," he mumbled to himself before he told the guy that had been driving to call the boys.

And just like that he killed two birds with one stone. However, fate had something in store for him as well. In the meantime, Jin had been making himself comfortable in one of the guest rooms in Black Tiger's residence. It was already late, he had had a few drinks, and the next day he needed to be back in the hospital quite early. That house was closer to it than his own home, so it was no surprise that at times he would choose to crash there. His father would do the same after having some drinks with his old friend. Maybe that's why it became so natural.

After all the noise from the gathering, now the house was annoyingly silent. You would've thought that would help Jin fall asleep faster, but even as the hour hand leaned towards 2AM he was still wide awake, surfing on the web with bloodshot eyes. Two hours after Namjoon had left, he was still worried about what his friend had said. All that anger that he bottled inside now that his leadership has been taken away from him was in no way going to lead to pretty things. He was dead set on making Jungkook pay for something he wasn't entirely guilty of. But if Namjoon was going after you, and Jungkook was acting like your shield, one of them would clearly end up dead. If not both. Black Tiger already threatened Namjoon for hurting his son, thinking about what he'll do if his son died made Jin's skin crawl. He did not agree to all the things his friend did, but he understood the reasons behind them. He tried to push the dark thoughts away, even though he had a bad feeling. And just to add to that a door flew open, smashing against the wall as someone rushed inside. Jin jumped out of bed, alarmed by the sudden movement inside the mansion. With his back glued to the wall, he made his way down the hall to the staircase. Downstairs a man was storming out of Black Tiger's office, heading towards the exit. With his body covered by the darkness, he seemed like a thief. Jin pointed the gun in his direction, ready to shoot. As if the man sensed the target on his back, he stopped in his tracks. As he slowly turned around, Jin's finger hovered over the trigger. He would've shot him already had it not been for his desire to see the bastard's face. Light spilled over his features one by one. He put the gun down when he recognized the pair of black, piercing eyes that stared back at him.


The boy ran up the stairs like he was about to punch him, but Jin was not the source of his anger. Even though he knew he did nothing wrong, he still took one step back, recalling the brief quarrel he had with Namjoon earlier that night.

"Where's Black Tiger?" Jungkook harshly asked. He didn't seem interested in anything else but the answer.

"I don't know. He was already gone when I came back."

Jin was confused. Why was Jungkook so angry? He seemed pleased with his new role within the group a few hours ago. Something must have happened, something that involved Namjoon. He was sure of it. Without muttering another word, Jungkook turned his back to him and went down the stairs, his fingers moving rapidly on the screen of his phone. He was already dialing a number when his feet reached the ground floor. That boy was about to cause a scene, Jin believed. He rapidly followed him towards the front door that was still widely open.

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