Chapter 3: Someone Like Me

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☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢Weeks Later♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆

I just finished building my house, with windows and a roof, and even a small chest to store food and other things. Actually, there's still one space that needs to be filled in the roof. "Ok", I say as I look up at the square whole in my roof, "Just one more block, and I'm done" So, I walk out the door, Rose following me out. I find a tree nearby, and start chopping it down. As I cut down the wood, I hear something. The noise is kind of far away, and it sounds like..... Crying.

After I gather all the wood I need, I start to look for where the crying is coming from. When I finally get close enough, I can't even believe what I see. It's.. Its...... It's a girl! She is chopping down a tree as well, and she has a sheep. She has long white hair with a black bow, purple eyes, a black and white shirt, white shorts, and black shoes, white at the bottom. Her name says "AshleyLovesTrees" I don't approach her right away. She seems to be talking to herself. "I just don't understand. How did I get here? Why me? I'm all by myself. Well , I have you, Wheatley", she says, looking at her sheep, "But I wish I had a real friend... Someone like me" She continues to cry a little.

Then I walk up to her, Rose still behind me. "Hi", I say smiling, a surprised look on my face. "Oh my gosh.. Hi", she replies, her eyes widened. I wondered if she got here the same way I did. "Umm.. Did you, by any chance, just end up here?", I ask curiously. "Oh, yes. I remember all of a sudden 'Generating World... Building terrain' appeared out of nowhere, and then I just landed here in Minecraft. I've been here for weeks", she explained. "Me too! That's how I ended up here!", I say. "Well, I'm Ashley, it's really nice to meet you", she says smiling. "You, too", I reply, "You can call me by my real name, Ginger, or my Minecraft name", I look down at my name, "GamerCutie" She smiled.

"Oh, by the way", I look down at Rose, "this is Rose", I laugh. Ashley looks at her sheep, "This is Wheatley" We both laugh. "Well, again, it was really nice meeting you", she looks down, "you, too, Rose. I better get going. All this time I've been here, I haven't even built myself a house yet!", she laughs. Then I get an idea. She seems like a really great friend, soooo.. I think I might need to ask her something. "Oh, umm, you could stay at my place for a while, if you want. I've had an extra bed and I never really knew what to do with it", I say. "Really? Thanks", she says with a smile. I lead her towards my house, "Ok, follow me"

On our way there I look back. Ashley seems to have stopped in her tracks. "...What's wrong?", I ask. She looks at me and says, "Monsters" She points to the cave where my 'neighbors' live, "Over there", she warns, pulling out a stone sword and heading towards the cave. A creeper and a zombie come out, and Ashley starts running faster to the,. "No! Stop!", I tell her, "Don't kill them! They're nice!" She stops and looks at me like I'm crazy, "Huh?" "Don't hurt them. They're my neighbors, they won't do anything to you, I promise. Look", I run over to the zombie and put my arm around it, "See?" She puts the sword away and says, "Oh, ok. Heheh.. Sorry" I smile at her, "Come on!", we continue to walk over to my house.

When we enter, Rose walks into her room ( the little fenced area ). I pull out the extra bed I had and place it in another part of the house. "Ok", I say to Ashley, "this is where you're going to sleep, and Wheatley?", I build a separate room
for Wheatley out of extra fences I have, right next to Rose's, "Wheatley can stay here", Ashley and I both smile. "Thanks", she says, "You're a good friend", "Thanks", I reply, "...You, too"

Hey guys! I'll be writing the next chapter really soon! Btw, AshleyLovesTrees is my IRL best friend: @XxFrozenTimeTundraxX! Check out her awesome books and follow her!

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