Chapter 4: Intruders

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☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢Days Later☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢

So living with Ashley has been pretty cool. We got a lot of stuff done.We made a sugarcane farm, a garden with flowers and a minecart ride, and even a pool! So, after all that work, Ashley and I decide to go for a walk with Rose and Wheatley. We walk through the forest, so peaceful and quiet, and then hear something in the trees. It sounds like it's coming from nearby, so we look forward, and see tall figures, but only for a second. Then they disappear.

We start to look in different directions, then find the tall figures again, but again, only for about a second. I start to worry, and I can kind of see a panicked look on Ashley's face, too. Then we hear something behind us. I turn around... And Rose and Wheatley are gone.

"Rose? Wheatley?", I shout. "Where did they go?", asks Ashley. "I-...", I answer but then freeze as I see the two tall figures each carrying one of our pets into the cave where my 'neighbors' live, ".. Just found out", I point to the cave. Ashley stands next to me and we both stare at the cave. Then at the same time we look at each other and say "Endermen"

"What? But all the monsters in this world seem so nice!", I say a little bit confused. "Well I guess these monsters aren't", Ashley says seriously, pulling out her stone sword, "Let's get 'em" She starts walking towards the cave, I follow her, also grabbing my stone sword. We get closer and Ashley starts running. When she finally gets close enough, she starts yelling, "Get your hands off our pets RIGHT NOW! Or I'll-"

I'm not close enough to see what's going on yet, but I start running faster to see why she stopped yelling. Then I walk in and see Ashley, staring at..... Oh my gosh. One enderman is giving Rose a saddle, and the other is carrying some dye next to Wheatley, all the other mobs surrounding them. Ashley and I both walk up and take the dyes and the saddle and thank the endermen ( which is something I've never done before ). I guess these monsters are nice, too.

Ashley, Wheatley, Rose and I head back home again. By this time it's getting dark, and we should probably go to bed, but instead, we all go into the garden, or backyard, and do something much more productive and mature.

"Ashley, look! Weeeeee!", I shout as I ride Rose around the yard. "Awesome! Look at Wheatley!", she says. I look over at Ashley, standing next to a purple sheep. And as I ride my pig around the girl coloring a sheep, I realize that I might have just found my best friend.

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