Chapter 13: Welcome to the Nether

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~one week later~

Chloe's POV

I wake up in my bed with Lucky right next to me, sleeping on the pillow. "Hi Lucky", I whisper to her and her blue eyes open and she stretches. I giggle and walk downstairs with her, to find Ginger cooking, Justin sleeping, Ashley's on her phone, and Mason packing some things. "Good morning", I yawn. "Morning", the 3 say. "Good morning, Chloe", Ginger says watching some raw meat burn in the furnace. Wait... Why is Mason packing? I skip over to Mason, "Hey Mason? What are you doing?", I ask. "Packing my things for when I leave" I tilt my head, "leave? Where are you going?" He finishes putting his things away, walks towards the door and puts his hand on the doorknob, dramatically looks back and says, "... The Nether"

Ginger and Ashley laugh. "The Nether?! Can I come with you? Please please please please pleeeeease?", I beg. Mason and I both look at the girls and they shrug their shoulders. He looks back at me and smiles, "... Sure, why not" My eyes light up. "Yay!", I cheer. "Ok Chloe, you can go, but be careful", Ginger warns, "The Nether can be dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt" "She's gonna need a weapon", Mason suggests. He walks over to the crafting bench and comes back with a gold sword. "Here", he says handing it to me, "you can use this" I take it and smile, "Ok!" I walk towards the door, but then I realize something. "I almost forgot!", I gasp. I run over to Ginger and give her a hug, "bye Ginger" "Bye Chloe, be safe", she reminds me. "Bye Ashley!", I hug her, too. "Bye Chloe" Then I walk back to the door, open it, and walk out with Mason.

"Ok, now I have to build the portal.... You wanna help?", he smiles. "Yes!" "Alright", he takes out some obsidian blocks, "here, you get half" He gives me some of the blocks. "You know what to do", he says looking at me. I nod. We put the blocks up the way they go, and the empty hole in the middle suddenly fills with a purple color. "1..2..3.. Go!", Mason says , and we both jump in. "Wooooaaaahh", I say looking around. There are ghasts, zombie pigmen, blazes, and lava everywhere. "Yeah", Mason says, "you might wanna be careful around here" I giggle. "But aside from that", he continues, "welcome to the Nether"

After a few minutes of walking around, exploring this new world, I had a bit if an idea. "Mason! I wanna practice my...", I think for a moment of how to put this, "... Self defense skills", I smile. "You're asking me to use your weapon?" I nod. "In the nether?" "Yes", I blink. "You don't have to ask! Go for it! I wanna see how good you are. But remember, not everyone can be a master 'monster hunter' at first, it can take months and months of-" "You mean like this?", I interrupt.

Mason's POV

I watch her as she fights all these monsters really quickly. Then she comes right back with ghast tears, gun powder, meat, and a whole bunch of other stuff. My jaw drops, "yeah. Exactly like that" She smiles with her eyes closed. "Wow Chloe, you're awesome at this stuff" "Thanks!", she says.

~30 minutes later~

"Ok Chloe, I think we should go now", I say, looking at the portal that's about a 3 minute walk from where we are. "Awww, ok", she sighs. I look behind me and see Chloe following me.

~3 minutes later ~

"Ummmm Chloe?"



Chloe's POV

I turn my head slowly and see... a bunch of monsters surrounding the portal! "Ahhhh!!", I shriek, pulling out my gold sword. "It's ok, Chloe", Mason says grabbing his diamond sword, "I'll help you" I start attacking some of the monsters around the portal, and then I realize... "Wait! Mason!", I call to him, "What if they go through the portal and into-.." Then a big angry-looking mob of zombie pigmen walk through the portal... Get it? Angry mob? ( I had to :3 )... Ok, not the right time, I get it. Anyway, I see some zombie pigmen walk through the portal. "Uh-oh...", Mason says, his eyes widened, "We have to stop them! Come on!"

Ginger's POV

As Ashley and I fight off all the angry spiders just outside the house, she says to me, "Hey! 1. I thought spiders were only mean at night, and 2. I thought the monsters in this world were nice!" I look at her, "Well 1. its getting kinda dark out so they have a reason to be mean, and 2. only some of them are nice"

"Well how can you tell the difference?"

"The nice ones live in that cave over there. Remember?"

We finally manage to fight them off after attacking for about 5 minutes. "Thank goodness that's over", I sigh in relief, "I don't want to fight anymore monsters for the rest of the day" Then I think about Mason and Chloe, staring at the portal, when suddenly, about 8 zombie pigmen walk through it. "Well that's just fantastic!", I shout sarcastically, throwing my arms up in frustration.

Chloe's POV

Mason and I run through the portal. We enter our world, being invaded by monsters. "Chloe! Block off the portal so no more monsters can come through. I'll go with the girls to fight them off", Mason instructs me. I nod and start placing blocks in front of the portal as Mason runs off to kill the monsters. I finish putting down the blocks and don't see anymore monsters coming through. But then I walk to the other side of the portal only to find that they are now coming out that way.

So I quickly start putting more blocks on the other side. When I finish, I stand next to the portal, facing it, so I can see both sides. Then I look back at Mason, Ginger and Ashley. They look beat. Their faces are kinda pale, and they're not really doing anything anymore. Monsters are just attacking them. They try to fight back but it looks hard for them. That's it. It seems like it's up to me now to save them. Suddenly I hear something. I look back at the portal and see that some of the blocks I placed are not there anymore, now ghasts are flying out. I start to attack them and then I hear, "Chloe..", Mason says weakly, "destroy... The portal...." I kill the last of the ghasts ( tiny bit of wordplay for ya :3 ) and tear down the portal.

After that I run to my friends, still being attacked, and fight off the rest of the monsters. Then, I try to help. "Justin!!", I scream, bursting in. "What?! What is it?!", he screams, making mushroom stew, worry in his voice. "Mason, Ginger, and Ashley! They're hurt!", I say pointing to them on the floor, "help me get them in" He nods and helps me carry them inside.

Justin's POV

I help Chloe get our friends inside and onto their beds. "Hey Justin, do you think u can make some more mushroom stew for them so they can eat when they wake up?", Chloe asks me. "Sure", I answer. "Ok, I'll help, but let's do it later so that it's not cold when they wake up", she says. "Ok"

~about an hour later~

Ginger's POV

My eyes open slowly, and I find that I'm upstairs in my bed, but when my eyes do open all the way, all I see is Chloe and Justin staring at me. "Ummmm hi..", I say, and they laugh a little, "What happened? How long was I out this time?" "An hour", Chloe answers, "here, have some stew", she says in a cute voice, handing me a bowl of mushroom stew. I take it and eat some of it, until Mason wakes up in his bed next to me. "Mason!", I say, reaching for his hand, and he grasps mine. "Ginger, you're ok!", he smiles, and so do I.

Chloe puts a bowl of stew next to him, too. He and I both eat until I remember, "Justin? Is Ashley awake yet?" "No, I don't think so. Let's check" So we all walk downstairs, right when Ashley wakes up. "Ashley!", I smile, running up and giving her a hug. Justin comes over and kisses her cheek. "This might be the wrong time to ask this, buuuut..", Chloe says, "When can I visit the Nether again?" And we all burst out laughing.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I'll be posting again soon. Don't forget to hit that 'follow' button! Also, comment what you think the next chapter should be about ._. Because honestly I don't really know. Anyway! Until next time ^-^ byyyeeeee!!

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