Chapter 7: It's a Date

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☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢The next night☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢☆♢

"So Ashley, how do I look?", I ask her. I'm wearing a light blue strapless dress ( the same color blue as the stripes on my other shirt ) and blue high heels, a little darker than the dress ( by the way, if you're wondering how I got this dress and the shoes, the answer is simple, I somehow found a sort of, link, in this 'game' where you can make clothes, or 'skins', and you can make other things, too ). "Oh Ginger, I think you look beautiful, Mason is gonna love it", she replies. "Thanks"

"Well, I better get going, wish me luck", I say. "You like him, he likes you, you'll be fine. Go have fun", she smiles. "Thanks, bye", I walk out the door and head for Mason's house. When I get there, I open the door and see Mason, in a tux. "Hey Ginger, you look beautiful"

Mason's POV

She looks beautiful ._.

Ginger's POV

"Oh, thank you, you look really nice, too", I blush.

He looks really nice ._.

"Thanks", he says. I smile, "So, where are we going for our date?", I ask him. "You'll see", he says, "follow me" He opens the door for me and when I walk out, he holds my hand as I walk with him to wherever we're going. He leads me to a beautiful spot in this world, the most perfect place. It was a big space of land. Just land. Not a tree in sight, an ocean, and it was the edge of the earth, so we had a perfect view of the sunset. "Mason, this place is beautiful!", I say. "Well, not as beautiful as you"

Oh he's good ._.

"You're so sweet!", I say. "Thanks, now... How about that date", he pulls out a little picnic blanket ( the traditional red and white plaid looking one ), and a picnic basket ( it's amazing the things you can make with that link ), and lays the blanket down near the water. We both sit down on the blanket, and open up the basket. Inside is some mushroom stew, and pumpkin pie. I take out one of the bowls of stew, and one of the slices of pie, and he grabs the other bowl and pie slice.

We talk all night until we finish eating. Then after I finish my pie, I sit right by the ocean and see the sun slowly setting. Mason finishes his pie and then sits next to me and we watch the sun set.

Wait... Here it comes, here it comes!...

Mason leans in closer and puts his arm around me.

Aaaaand there it is.

"You know Mason", I say, he looks at me, "I think it's really sweet that you wanted to take me out, I get that you like me and all, and.."

Mason's POV


Ginger's POV

"And ummm... I like you, too", I smile. He smiles, too, "great"

Mason's POV

Yes! She likes me!

Ginger's POV

Then the sun, goes down, and the moon appears. "I had a great time tonight", I say. "Yeah", he replies, "so did I" We start putting away the blanket and the empty bowls and get ready to go, but then, he says, "Wait! Before we go, I.. I have something for you", he takes out a little box and gives it to me, "open it" I take the box and open it. Inside is a little necklace, with.... With a diamond on it. "Oh Mason, a diamond? How did you find diamond? You really shouldn't have!"

"Well, after I asked you out yesterday, I wanted to impress you. So I mined all day for the rest of the day, until I found diamond, then I made a necklace and put it in a little box, so I could give it to you tonight", he explains smiling. "Well it's beautiful, and I love it"

Ok.. Here goes nothin'

I kiss him on the cheek, "thank you" He smiles. Then we walk back home, holding hands.


Then when we arrive at my house, we say goodbye, and he walks back to his house. Ashley is waiting right there, next to Wheatley in his room, "So, how'd the date go?"

I hold up the diamond necklace for her to see, and I answer her, "Great"

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