Chapter 20

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Oh my gosh, guys! I can't believe I'm telling you this, but..... This is the last chapter of My Minecraft Life. So I decided to make it super surprising and unpredictable. Something you probably wouldn't see coming ( so I purposely didn't put a title for the chapter so it would be a total surprise >:P ). Thank you so much for all the support I get for this book, it means a lot to me :3 Now, I hope you like this last chapter. Love youuuu! <3

Ginger's POV

"Can we have cake for breakfast?", Chloe asks. "Cake? For breakfast? I don't know...", I reply. "Oh, please. What's the big deal?", Ashley says to me. "The big deal is that I usually have... Oh, I don't know, not cake for breakfast.", I roll my eyes.

"Come on, Ginger. This is probably the only time you're ever gonna have cake for breakfast anyway.", Ashley says. "Fine", I sigh. "There's just one problem. We don't have milk.", Justin says. "I can go get it.", Mason says. "It's alright. I'll get it", I tell them. "I already have a bucket. I'll go.", and before anyone can say anything, I step outside with my bucket.

Just outside, I see a cow. I quickly milk it and start to head back inside. Then something catches my eye. "What the heck is that? A cave?", I say to myself, thinking about how I'd never seen that there before.

I put the milk bucket away and run over to the cave. Eh, I'll just be gone a few extra minutes, I think. I step inside and see some sort of light. So I go closer. "Oh, it's just a Nether portal?", I say. I stick my head in, hoping to see the nether, fire everywhere, ghasts, the usual, but what I actually see blows my mind.

"HEY, GUYS!", I yell as loud as I can from outside the cave. "GET OVER HERE, QUICK!" I soon see Ashley, Chloe, Justin and Mason run outside. As soon as they spot me they run in my direction. They all say things like "What?" "What is it?" "What?" "Check this out", I say motioning for them to follow me into the cave.

"A Nether portal?", Mason asks. "No, it just looks like a Nether portal.", I say. "Now, I think I know how this works. Ashley, come here. Stick your head through the portal at the same time I do. In one, two, three!"

We both stuck our heads in the portal. "Alright, two questions.", Ashley says. "One, is this your bedroom?" "Yup", I say. "And two... Why are our heads going through your computer?", she asks. "Because that's where we are, my computer." We both stick our heads out of the portal.

"Woah", Ashley says. "Now, Ashley, only you are going to stick your head through the portal this time.", I say. She sticks her head in for a second and then pops back out. "It's my room!", she say. "In my house!... Freaky..." Chloe and the guys gasp. "Wait, so does this mean... We can go back home?", Mason asks.

Everyone is silent for a second. "Yeah", I say. "I guess it does." We all say goodbye to each other. "I'm really gonna miss you guys.", I say sadly. "But it's only goodbye for now. We can see each other again." "That's right", Justin says, while the rest nod.

"I'll go out first.", I say stepping onto the portal, about to go through. "Bye guys. I'll miss you. Thanks for being my friends." "Bye", they all say waving. Then I step through the portal.

I land on the floor in my bedroom, in front of my desk, where my computer is. My bedroom door opens and I see my parents' faces as they walk into my room. "Everything alright?", my mom asks. "We heard a noise." I can't believe I haven't seen them in so long.

"Mom! Dad!", I exclaim, running over and hugging them both. "It's so good to see you again! I missed you so much!" The look on their faces tells me they're confused. "What are you talking about?", my Dad laughs. "You've been in here for like, thirty minutes." That's when all the pieces started fitting together.

"Wait, what? No, I've been gone for months!", I say. "What do you mean?", my mom laughs this time. "I-... Never mind. It's just...", I try to tell them. "It's just great to see you guys again." Then they smile and walk out, closing my door behind them. I turn back around to look at my computer screen, Minecraft still open.

I walk towards it and put my finger on the screen. It goes through it and I quickly move my hand away. I look at my hand, then the screen again, and I realize what just happened.

Aye yo don't hate me, guys. I know it's sort of a cliffhanger but I might write a second book :3 Kay bye. Love you <3

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