Chapter 16: Trapped

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~2 days later~

Mason's POV

I wake up and look out the window. It's snowing a little bit. The I turn my head and see Ginger still sleeping, with Rose at the foot of her bed. Things are still a little weird between us. We're still not together again yet, but I hope she takes me back. I meant what I said when I told her I love her, but I'm gonna try not to think about it anymore.

After staring at her for a little while I get out of bed and walk downstairs. Ashley and Justin are still sleeping but Chloe is up. She looks busy at the furnace. "Good morning Chloe", I laugh, "Making yourself breakfast?" "No", she says still cooking, not taking her eyes off the furnace. I slightly tilt my head. "I'm making everyone breakfast", she puts several bowls of mushroom stew on a block next to the furnace. "Wow", I say shocked. She smiles handing me a bowl of stew, also taking one for herself, "here" I take the bowl and start eating, "Mmmmm"

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and turn around to see Ginger, in a blue jacket ( a little darker than the blue stripes on her shirt ), carrying a golden pic axe.

Ginger's POV

I walk down the stairs in my new jacket, with my golden pic axe. "Good morning", Chloe and Mason say in unison as I reach the bottom of the stairs. "Morning", I reply, then I notice all the bowls of stew. "Oh, Mason, you made breakfast?", I ask and he looks at me. "No. Actually, Chloe did" "Did she, now?", I joke a little and they both laugh. "Yup! I made 5 bowls of mushroom stew, by myself", Chloe says proudly. "Well then, as a reward, how would you like to go mining with me today?", I ask. "Can I? Yay!", she says happily. "Yep, you can. Here, it's still kinda cold out, so I made you a jacket"

I hand her a little green jacket, slightly darker than her dress, and she puts it on. "Ok, let's go!", I tell her. "And Mason, we should be back soon" "Ok" So with that we head out. There's snow outside, but not a lot, and it's snowing now but not that much. "Alright Chloe, we can mine right here", I inform her, mining the first block. "Can I mine somewhere over there?", she asks pointing at an apple tree not so far away from us. "Sure. It's not that far away, but I'll try and watch you so you don't get lost or anything", I say. "No, it's ok", she assures me, "I'll be fine", and she skips over to the apple tree. "Ok, suit yourself", I say, continuing to mine.

~ 8 minutes later~

Chloe's POV

I've mined pretty far down here in the past few minutes. I found 32 coal, 16 red stone, 8 lapis lazuli, and 4 gold. Ok, I'm going back up to get some apples from that tree. I turn around and see all the ladders that I've placed. As I look up at the small hole that got me here, I can see something really small.... Suddenly getting really big. "Ah!", I scream, jumping out of the way. I get up off the floor after jumping out of the way of... A block of snow?

I collect the snow block, right when another one falls down. So I take that one, too, but more keep falling down the hole I mined. I try to dig them all up, but more keep coming down. By now the whole tunnel is probably filled with snow. And since the snow has blocked the hole, it's really dark now. I go to place a torch, and that's when I realize, Hey! I could place a whole bunch of torches, and then the snow will melt! I place a few torches here and there, and all the snow starts to melt. Then I remember something else.

All the snow melts..... And turns into water. "Ugh! How could I be so stupid!", I say out loud as water begins to surround me and put out the fire from the torches. And without the torches, more snow continues to fall down the whole, meanwhile I'm knee deep in water. So now it's dark again AND I'm about to drown! Great! "Help! Heeeelp!!", I scream in fear, hoping Ginger will hear me. "Help meeee!!", I scream even louder.

Ginger's POV

Now that it's been a while, I think I should check on Chloe. I climb up the ladders I placed and reach the top. Then I look around... But I don't see Chloe. "Chloe?", I call nervously. And nothing. Ok, where did she say she would mine again?, I think, trying to remember where I saw her last. Oh! The apple tree! So I look around for an apple tree, and when I find it, I start walking to it.

I approach the apple tree and yell, "Chloeeeee!!" I wait a few seconds until I hear, "Ginger!! I'm stuck down here! Help me!" Immediately I start to dig down through all of the snow. And I guess I dug in the right spot, because all the way down there are ladders leading to... Chloe! There's water everywhere, and it looks really deep. It's up to her neck, and still rising. She's drowning, I have to save her!

"Chloe, grab my hand!", I instruct her, holding out my one hand, while the other one is holding onto the ladder.

"No, I might pull you in! It's too deep!", she says just before the water reaches her lips.

"I don't care what happens to me, just take my hand! I don't want you to drown!"

She reaches for my hand and I take hers. My hand slips and I almost fall into the water with her. "Ok I'm gonna pull you up!", I say. She nods. I pull her up out of the water with me, "Now go up the ladder!" She goes in front of me and starts climbing the ladder, with me following her. I look back and the water is still rising. "Hurry!", I tell her. She goes a little faster and we finally reach the surface, and we get out and block the hole so water doesn't come out.

"Chloe, I'm so glad you're okay!", I say hugging her. Just then Ashley and the guys run outside. "I heard yelling. Is everything okay?", Ashley says. "Well, now it is", Chloe says looking at me.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! Again, please comment what chapter you think I should end this book at, and if I should make a sequel. Anyways, I should be posting again soon. Don't forget to hit that 'follow' button! Until next time ^-^ byyyeeeee!!

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