Chapter 14: Shocker

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~about a week later~

Ginger's POV

I wake up to a beautiful, sunny day. It's just to bad it's not beautiful enough to clear my mind of the millions of thoughts in my head. I can't think! There's just so much pressure on me right now. I look at Mason, still sleeping in his bed not to far from mine, and I sigh and walk downstairs. I find Ashley and Justin cooking breakfast in the furnace, and Chloe was helping. "Good morning", I groan a little sadly, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "Morning", the three say in unison. "Why so glum?", Ashley asks turning around to look at me.

"Well I.... I think..", I try to tell her, ".. Come here", I walk over and pull her to the side by the stairs. "What's wrong?", she asks me. I take a deep breath before saying, "... I think I'm going to break up with Mason" Her eyes widen, "What?! Why would you-" She gets cut off when we both hear someone coming down the stairs. It's Mason. "Hey guys. What's up?", he says walking down the stairs. "... Why do you both look a little sad?", he asks looking at me and Ashley.

Justin and Chloe then turn around and see what's going on. Ashley and I both look at eachother and then I look back at Mason. ".. Mason I think we need to talk. Come with me", I say leading him back upstairs with me. Then we reach the very top of the stairs, enter the next room and then I close the door "Hey baby, what is it?", he asks concerned, and a little quiet. "Mason I..", I say almost about to cry, "... I think we need to break up"

Mason's POV

I feel my heart sink, ".. What? Why? I thought things were going so well" "They are", she says, "I really like you, but I just don't think I can be in a relationship right now. I have to take care of Chloe, and the animals, and I-" I interrupt her by pulling her into a kiss, but then she pulls away. "Ginger, please. Just-" "Mason", she interrupts, ".. I'm sorry" A tear runs down her face. She opens the door to walk out, but then she pauses. All we see are Ashley, Justin, and Chloe, standing at the bottom of the stairs, as if they were listening to the whole thing.

"... You guys heard that?", she asks. They all nod. She looks back at me before walking back down the stairs. "Ginger wait!", I say, but she keeps walking. So I walk downstairs, too. When I reach the bottom, I pause to look at Ginger. She looks back at me with tears in her eyes. I take my fishing pole and go outside. I sit down by the ocean near our house and begin to fish, as my mind fills with thoughts of Ginger.

~10 minutes later~

After retrieving 29 raw fish, I take them inside and cook them. After a little while I take them out of the furnace and put them in a chest. It starts to get dark outside so we all say goodnight to eachother. Then Ginger and I have to awkwardly walk up the stairs together to get to our beds. We both get in our beds and just lay there. Staring at nothing. Then in the corner of my eye I see her look at me and quietly say, "... Goodnight Mason" I turn my head to look at her, "..... Goodnight" My eyes slowly begin to close as I drift off into sleep.


I dream of what happened earlier today.

"Mason I... I think we need to break up.. Break up.. Up.. Up.. Up"

Those words echo in my head.

"No Ginger please!", I say getting on my knees like they do on tv, "Noooooooooooo!!"

And with that she walks away.

~end of dream~

"No!", I say quickly lifting my head off my pillow right when I wake up. I turn my head to see if I woke Ginger. She's still sleeping, but she tosses and turns in her bed for a second. "... No", I whisper.

Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, I'll be posting again soon. Don't forget to hit that 'follow' button! Until next time ^-^ byyyeee!!

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