Chapter 17: Minecart Rides

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Ginger's POV

I wake up to laughing outside. Sounds like Chloe. I turn my head and see Mason sleeping through all the laughter. I get out of bed and walk to the window. Justin and Chloe are riding around in minecarts. I race downstairs with Rose. Ashley is sleeping, too. "How are they sleeping through this?", I laugh and grab an apple.

Rose and I walk out to the backyard and see Chloe and Justin in two separate minecarts, riding along the small track we have outback. The one that's just goes around in a circle around the flowers and the little spot of water in the middle. Only now there are a couple bumps in the track.

"Hey guys, whatcha doin'?", I ask munching on the apple. "We added bumps! See?", Chloe says riding over them. "Cool! Well as long as you're adding improvements, I think I have an idea, too. Can you guys help me?" "Awww. But we wanted to go around again! Just one more time?", Justin whines, making me laugh. "Oh ok", I give in.

"Yay!", they both cheer and I laugh again, watching them ride around, cheering like kids. Then after I little while they get out of the carts. "Ok, now we'll help you" I stay silent for a moment, staring at them with my arms crossed. "What's wrong?", Chloe asks. "...... That was two more times around", I say trying to sound angry but I can't hold in my laughter, and we all burst out laughing.

"Ok, now let's hear your idea", Justin says. I smirk and tell them both , "Alright, so I was thinking..."

Mason's POV

I wake up to a lot of laughing. I rub my eyes and look out the window. Ginger, Justin, Chloe, and Rose are outback by the minecart ride. They're all laughing and having a good time... But I think two of them are having a great time.

"Ok, let's just test out this first part, then continue building it, so-" "I want to ride with Rose", Chloe says kneeling down to hug Rose, cutting Ginger off. "Ok", she says, "I'll ride with Justin" I keep watching. Chloe jumps in one cart with Rose, and Ginger and Justin jump in the one in front of it.

It starts out as the usual ride around the flowers and water, then the rail goes up, then down again. Then it goes out of the backyard area and over the lake. After the lake they ride through the tunnel with all the monsters in it, and out through another side. They're all smiling and laughing, and pointing things out, the whole time.

And that's where it's about to stop.

Chloe stops her cart and yells, "guys stop! That's where it ends! You're gonna fall in the-" Ginger and Justin fall in the water, along with their cart. "... Lake", Chloe finishes. They all laugh and Justin helps Ginger out of the water and get their cart.

Ginger's POV

We finally ride back home and get out of the carts. "Wow. That was really fun.", I say smiling. "Yeah, it was.", Justin agrees. "Hey, I think-...", I begin to say, but stop. I see in the corner of my eye, Mason looking through the window at us with a mad face, and right when I look at him he ducks. "What the hell...", I say a little confused. "Is he kidding me right now? I'll be right back."

I storm inside, slamming the door on my way in. "Ginger are you okay?", Ashley asks as I start walking up the stairs. "Just peachy.", I tell her with a mad tone in my voice. "I'll explain later."

"Mason!", I yell as I fling open the door to our room. "Yes, darling?", he says with a scared smile. "Don't call me that.", I snap. "Were you spying on Justin and I?", I ask, looking him right in the eyes. "Of course not, Ginger.", he says in a monotone voice. "Why ever would I do anything like that?", and he shifts his eyes quickly to the right.

"Oh don't play dumb, I saw you!" He blushes a little bit. "And why were you spying on us?" "Because I didn't want him flirting with you, okay?!", he snaps, throwing his arms up in the air. Then he walks over to his bed and sits down with a sigh. "Mason, I wasn't flirting with him. He's already with Ashley. But even if I was, I can hang out with whoever I want. We're not together anymore, and you need to respect that!" He doesn't say anything.

"Mason...", I say walking over to him. I stop in my tracks. No. I'm not going to let it get to me anymore. I broke up with him, and that was my decision. I turn the other way and head out the door with a sigh.

I walk down the stairs and Ashley is still there, sitting on her bed with Wheatley. Wheatley jumps off the bed to greet me as I fall to the last step. "Hi, Wheatley", I say petting him. "So Ginger", Ashley starts. "What happened? Was it Mason again?" "Yup", I answer. "He thought I was trying to flirt with Justin" "Wow, he really likes you", she says. I nod, sitting down on her bed next to her. "Awwwww!", she squeals. I look at her with annoyed face. "Sorry", she says quickly, and we both laughed.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry, I haven't updated in quite a while. I kind of had a loss for ideas :/ So now I'm thanking all of you out there reading this book, for writing down nice comments for certain chapters, because that kinda gave me ideas and it really pushed me to keep writing this book, that people actually read! ^-^ Wow. So thank you, and I should be updating the next chapter soon, too! If you have any ideas for what the next chapter should be about, or if you have an idea of what chapter I should end this book, let me know. So until next time, byyyyyyyeeeee!

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