Twenty Six || Intrude

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The doctor went on a fifteen minute explanation on what I can and can't do without my sling. Apparently, I had some inner damage that could possibly result in surgery if I am not careful. Needless to say, I'm going to be careful. The last thing I need to have to go through to hassle of booking surgery and then having the setback of the recovery.

"If it starts to hurt more than usual with the pain medication, then come right on back, for now, I'm prescribe you that medication." The doctor begins write something down on her notepad.

After I was finished up at the doctors, I head back to the apartment and this time actually being able to drive with two hands.

I feel that the stairs were going to wear me out, so I take the elevator up to the apartment. I go to unlock the door of the apartment, but it's already unlocked. That's odd. James isn't supposed to be home, he went to lunch with his dad only an hour ago, he shouldn't be back yet.

I open up the door and it is dead silent. If James was here, he'd be watching TV most likely, or maybe sleeping, maybe reading, but I doubt it if he could choose sleeping. I glance around the living room and the kitchen, but he isn't there.

"Huh, weird." I say out loud.

I feel my phone buzz in my hand, I look down and look at the screen that exhibits a text message. 'I'll be home around 2. Love you.' Of course it is a message from James and that just shows me that he really is forgetful, so much that he forgot to lock our apartment. My God, this is New York City, you can't just 'forget' to lock your door, not if you don't want to get robbed.

I sigh and set my bag on the couch and I find myself going to the kitchen to find something to eat. Honestly, I probably should've just stopped at McDonalds because neither James or I have done any grocery shopping lately.

I mean, yeah, eventually, I do find something to eat but that actually meant that I had to cook it.

With my bowl of noodles, I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV.



The loud sound of shouting is what shakes me awake. I jolt up from the couch and look around. There is nothing, but sounds of someone moving things around in James's room.

"What the fuck happened in here? Vena!" James shouts from probably his bedroom.

I race across the apartment, down the hallway to his room. As I push the door open, my eyes widen. What happened in here?

I look at James's face as he stares back at me and his eyebrows are furrowed in confusion.

I, too am confused. It looks like as if a tornado came from here. His entire room was completely ripped apart. His closet completely disorganized. All his drawers were dumped on the floor. His mattress half off of the frame. His curtain rod pulled off the walls. It looks absolutely horrendous.

"Do you know what happened in here?" he asks.

I shake my head, although the look on the face really should've said it all.

"Was the door locked when you got home?" he asks as he's trying to get a better look around the trashed room.

I shake my head, "No, I either thought that you were home or you forgot to lock the door behind you."

He nods, "Okay, Ven, can you go check the door and the frame and tell me if there is any damage to it because I did in fact lock it behind me."

I nod and leave his room to go check the door. So, yeah, someone broke into our place. Well, isn't that just lovely. I open up the front door and look down the frame on both sides. Unsurprisingly, there are many dents in the metal and the scuffs on the paint job that were most certainly not there before. I shut the door and lock it.

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