Quince (15)

925 23 3

I looked in the car and saw Jose, Rico ,Manny, and Sarah. Oh no I hope I didn't kill them. Multiple paramedics were on the scene. A few police cars stopped and I saw Derek in the back of one. The EMT dragged me away on a gurney my adrenaline was pumping to much to the point that I fell under.

Authors pov


The doctor shouted as he tried to get Angel's heart to start up. As for Jose and them they had mild concussions and either a broken leg or arm but nothing severe. But Angel had a heart attack. As rare as it sounds the blood was pumping too fast and her heart started working faster to the point where it gave out. The doctors started working harder to keep her alive.

The doctors where shouting and Jose heard and he walked over on his cruches to get a better view.

"COME ON ANGEL, YOUR NOT GOING TO DIE ON ME!" the doctor screamed as he pushed on her chest. The doctors were not aware that Jose was watching her lifeless body get shocked over and over. He stands there unable to react. As the doctor kept using the defibrillator on her but nothing. "NOT TODAY, NURSE GIVE ME 1100 WATTS NOW!" -SHOCK- her body flew up for a second and Jose was crying now. he started screaming but nobody heard him. he continued to scream until he fell to the floor

"ANGEL WAKE UP PLEASE!" he screamed. Manny and Rico collected him and his crutches from the floor while he screamed for Angel. Jose cries for her as he sees her body fly up in the air once more. Sarah walks behind them and tears sting her eyes as she sees her best friend stuck in this predicament. they crammed themselves into a taxi. tears flooding everyone's eyes as the taxi driver continues on in silence. once they arrive at Jose's house, Jose climbed the stares as best he could with his broken leg. he hurries himself to his room and slams the door. 

He completely screws up his room. he throws things around, punches the wall, break the glass vases in his room and screams at the top of his lungs. He eventually gives up and plops himself on his bed pulling his hair back and looks at the mess he made. He cries some more and grabs his crutches. he walks two doors down and opens the door to Angel's room. Then he sits on her bed and looks around. A picture of Angel and Jose catches his attention. He gets up and holds the picture in his hands. It was the day they went to the beach. They were kissing while the water crashed against their legs.

Once more tears slip and fall off his face and onto the picture. He holds the picture close to him and he turns on the TV to drown out the silence. Of course to make the matters worse, the news came on talking about the accident. Pissed, Jose turns off the TV and lays back into her pillows. He then passed out and held the picture close.

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