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***Quick Disclaimer. This chapter is a little gruesome. Nothing in detail, but if you are squeamish with gore, I would read with caution. Thank you for reading! xoxo!

"No!" I screamed as my father was dragged to his death. I pulled at the restraints, but it was useless. The guards pushed my father to the floor, to bow in front of Tristian. "Stop it," I screamed, pulling harder, trying to get to my father. 

He turned, his face twisted in pain. "It's okay," he said. "It's okay." His voice was a whisper, a soft voice. Pleading with me. Tears rolled down my cheeks, splattering on the marble floor. Tristian rose and stalked around my father, looking him as if he were a meal. 

Tristian grinned and turned on me, his cold fingers digging into my chin. My name was still written on his white wrist. The wedding ring still on my own finger. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't have time. 

I jerked my head forward and snapped my teeth together. I pulled away and spit out the ring. It clattered on the floor, the ring breaking in two. My name vanished from his wrist and his from mine. 

A single drop of blood slipped down his finger. 

"How. Dare. You!" He yelled, smacking his hand across my face. I spit his blood from my mouth and flicked my wedding ring off. "You are mine!" He growled, forcing me to look at him. 

"I was never yours!" I spat. He stood up stiffly and glared at me. 

"Enough of this," he said, pulling a sword from his sheath. In a smooth motion, the sword cut through my father's neck. Blood flowed onto the floor, pooling at my knees. I screamed at the top of my lungs and the windows shattered. 

Glass rained down on us, catching the sunlight. 

Fear flickered in Tristian's eyes. 

"Next!" He shouted. My brother was pushed next to my father's dead body. His eyes flickered from my father to me. 

"I love you," he said. 

"I love you, too, Edward," I cried. 

My brother cried out in pain as the sword pierced his abdomen. He bled out for a few moment, suffering in front of me before Tristian delivered the killing blow. I felt as if my insides were crumbling, my heart cracking and cracking until it would finally break. 

I was sobbing now, staring at my dead family members. 

And my mother was next. She had to be held down on her knees, she struggled. When she was down, Tristian smiled at me. My mother said, "Remember my words, Raven." Her voice did not quiver or break. There was no fear in my mother. 

Tristian toyed with her, his fingers caressing her face, her neck. She pulled away but did not break eye contact with him. When Tristian opened his mouth, four delicate fangs were waiting, shining. 

He kissed my mother's bare throat and bite down, her scarlet blood running down his chin. She fell, a gaping hole where her throat had been. Tristian carelessly wiped the blood from his face and smiled at me. His fangs were dripping red. 

I let out another sob and watched as he killed his entire family, his mother, father, and sister, without a word. And then it was Peter's turn. 

"I've always loved you, Peter," I sobbed. He closed his eyes and said, "I know. I love you so much. I'm sorry," he was crying. "I'm sorry." 

Tristian was smiling broadly. He waved a hand, which was glowing. A beam of red light shot into my chest and I moved. I was his puppet. My hands picked up his sword. My eyes looked into Peter's eyes. I fought against it, but it was so powerful. 

"I forgive you," Peter said, crying as well. "I know this wasn't you." 

And I plunged the sword into my true love's heart. 

Something inside my shattered into a million pieces. I screamed and the red beam of light broke, freeing me from his grasp. Black seeped from my skin. The chains broke, snapping in two, freeing my hands. 

"I will come back," I snarled at Tristian, who shook in fear. "I will come back for my throne." The blackness swallowed me whole and exploded, the room going with it. I turned into pure energy. Into nothing and everything. 

I let it take me away, black as night, as a raven's wing, as my twisted, twisted heart.  

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