Cosplayer! Mike x Cosplayer!Readerx Cosplayer! Jeremy

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Your P.O.V

'Gaming expo, here I come!' I think as I place my garment bag over my outfits for each day of the convention.

Me and the Nightguards this year decided to be Yandere Simulator characters when we to the local cosplay convention this year.

I hurry up and do my make up before packing my extra clothes into my already full bag.

This year I'm going with the Nightguards, even though I usually go alone. Since we're all friends we started to taking trips together. Even Mike decided to come with us this year!

I was surprised because he doesn't usually go on trips with us, but when he heard we were doing Yandere Simulator as our group costume this year, he decided to come.

I hear the horn beep outside and then I quickly rush downstairs. Mike gets out the car and grabs my suitcase and garment bag from me.

"Gotta get something else really quick!" I yell before running back inside. I grab my con-backpack and hurry downstairs. I hop into the back row next to Mike and get comfortable.

Fritz has a TV in his van, so we watched Kubz Scouts play Yandere Simulator on the way to the convention.


'Today's the day' I think while pulling up my tights. I slip on my flats and stand up.

I grab my backpack and unplug my phone before leaving the room to meet the boys for breakfast.

"Cmon Y/N!" I hear two voices yell as the elevator doors begin to close.

I rush into the elevator right before the doors close and look at them.

Jeremy was dressed as Taro and Mike was dressed as Budo "You two look great!" I say happily.

"Th-Thanks Y-Y/N." Jeremy stutters while a blush spreads across his face.

"You really think so Yan-Chan?" Mike asks before flexing in Various poses.

I giggle and as a light blush spreads across my face. The door opens and we walk out to the breakfast buffet. I lick my lips in anticipation and grab a plate.

Mike just chuckles at my actions and grabbed a plate from the pile, getting in line behind me.

I make a waffle and start the waffle maker, grab some yogurt, and grabbed a spoon. I sit down at a table with and look at my phone.

I check my notifications and then go on Instagram. I had gotten a lot of likes on the "teaser" photo from my Ayano cosplay to give some people a good idea of when they could meet up with me.
A couple of comments were even from people who would be at the convention today! I smile and set my phone down so I could eat.

        ---------time skip----------

I grab my backpack off the chair and ran outside to get into Fritz's van. Fritz had dressed up as Osano and Vincent had dressed up as Yandere-Kun. I decided to listen to Smoke and Mirrors by Jayn on my way to the con, to practice for my performance.

I was going to perform in an idol cosplay contest today, which had me especially excited for today. The first-place prize was 500 bucks, what have I got to lose?

        ---------time skip----------

When we got there the person at the front checked our bags and we looked around a bit. Some people asked for my opinion on ships and I answered differently each time, depending on who was closest to me and then they would speak a line of dialogue and get closer to me.

Some people asked for me to pose with Jeremy or Mike depending on their favorite ship. It was kinda awkward for me though because I couldn't chose between a ship. So after we took selfies with different fans, answered questions, and posed for a few cosplay photos, they called everyone who was performing in the idol cosplay contest up to the stage.

Me and the nightguards left for the stage and some people started to wander over to the stage. I went backstage and introduced myself to the person who was running it.

He nodded for me to go to the makeup stand but I skipped since I already had my make up done. I looked over to the Nightguards and they smiled before I took the stage.

I looked over the crowd of people. Some had taken their phones out to record and others smiled back at me waiting. The music started and I sang into the microphone.

I looked over the crowd as I finished singing. It was silence for a moment then everyone started cheering but most of it was coming from back stage.

I smiled at the audience and handed the microphone to the announcer. She just stared at me in awe for a second then began to speak as I walked off stage.

I went to the Nightguards and we had a group hug before the stage manager came over to us while he tapped his pen on his clipboard.

" You guys gotta go on." I looked at him with a confused expression before Mike and Jeremy waved bye to us and went onstage. I walked up to the curtain and watched them perform the Taro vs Budo rap battle, which was pretty awesome.

After the did this I stood there in shock as they walked offstage. They noticed me peeking out from the curtains and then I wrapped both of my arms around both of their necks and pulled then down to my height.

" That was great!" I said to them while they gave me huge smiles.

"Thanks. I'm sure you knew we would rock it already though." Mike says as I smiled and shook my head.

"Wouldn't expect any less." I said while we walked offstage.

       -----------time skip------------

"Last but finally not least, our first place winner of this year's cosplay idol is...." The announcer said as she slowly opened the envelope as I thought I was going to burst because of the tension.

"Y/N as Yandere-chan with Smoke and Mirrors." I jumped up in excitement as practically ran some people over while getting to the stage. I walked onstage and grabbed the trophy from the announcer lady.

"I would also like to invite Budo and Taro back up to the stage." She said as Mike and Jeremy made their way over to me through the crowd of people. They made it onstage as they both stood on either side of me.

I looked over at Jeremy and Mike then they nodded to each other. I ignored it in my peripheral vision.

I cousl see them both lean in as both of their lips light touched my cheeks and lingered for a few seconds before pulling away. I blushed madly and covered my face with my hands.

I could hear some people fangirling and phone cameras going off. I just stood on the stage with a grin on my face that nothing could ease. After people stopped taking pictures, I walked off the stage with the guys and I gave them both a hug.

I looked back at Fritz and Vincent. They both had this huge smirk plastered on their faces as they then smiled to me.

" You all planned this didn't you?" I asked them as they all avoided eye contact with me.

Maybe..." Mike said, his voice trailing off. I just smiled and laughed while walking off backstage. I grabbed my bag off a chair and met up with some fans.
---------------time skip--------------------

I got out of Fritz's Van at my house and walked inside. I plopped down on my bed and slept until I had the night shift. When I got up it was 11:46.

"I'm gonna be late." I said while grabbing my phone off my nightstand. I grabbed my backpack and headed for the Pizzeria. When I got there Jeremy and Mike were waiting for me in the office.

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