chapter 1 Smart

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Penny ) The name and the stroy your about to hear about this about me falling in love which is big superd to me true i am still shocked by it to i never thought i fall in love even more with some one i worked at that with this person you see i am nerd i am really smart and good at Math to and i had been looked for a Job for a while now . ( Penny) And i had not really found anything i looked it just will i wamt get payed very will but also want love what i do i want love my Job so i had not people wanted me to work for them but i was turned them down because i really did not like the job was not happy with it so i was still out looked for Job . When one Day while i was just been lazy not doing nothing after checking the paper for any Jobs which i did not found i had deiced to go on my lap top and just mess around and do one my favitore thing which was Google Brendon Urie by the way he the singer of the band called Painc at the disco if you dont know . ( Penny) So was looked up picture of him because i have big fan girl crush on him when i want back to the web page that dose have the picture but web pages about Brendon and something catch my eye i looked at it twice thing that it was really this what i read . Brendon Urie out looked for some one to work for him as a accounter to help him keep track of him money and Bills and bank accounts i push on the page and read some more about it seem like it was really but i still was not sure it was after read it all i get to the bottomed of the page where there was a box that read summite your paper here with your info .

( Penny) So i said to myself why not even if it end been fake at least i did it i had the paper already in my laptop so i summite and that was it thanked me and i seat back not beliveing what i just did but not having so much hope it was really so i left it at that want to clean because i really need to do so . ( Penny) I throw on some Painc at the disco to pass the clean time to make it faster not so boring once and while i look back at my lap top maybe hoped something would happend with what i just did not knowing something would proubly not happend it was proybly a fake thing for sure so i keeping on cleaning . ( Penny) Soon i was done by this time i was hurgy and it was late so i decied to make myself some dinner tv dinners at that it all i already had i was short on money not having a job and all so will at least i had food i eat my food at i watched some old walked dead episodes . ( Penny) Soon i was done with that to and i still had the thought of the paper had to summite and about Brendon really could it be true are was it truely fake had some one just bring my hope up with all this i hope not i could stand it anymore so i grabed my laptop and check my mail where it said it let me know of any up dates on my paper . ( Penny) I checked it but nothing no new mail now i know was really even if i wish it was but it was not what was i think it would be that easy i made my way to the rest room i deiced to take a shower maybe it get my mind off of this even if it did hurt knowing it was fake but i should have had such high hopes about it to .

( Penny) I get in the shower as i let the cool water ran though my long Blue hair yeah i have blue hair my really hair dark brown and i hate it so that why i colored it i stay like that for a while still upset and sad about who did this and get me all happy for nothing but i told myself i had to get over it and move on.  ( Penny) So i did i started wash my hair ( Penny ) Soon i was in my Supernatural theme role and a towel in my hair feeling a little better but not all the way i told myself i would let this get to me so i did not as i made my eay back to my living room i deiced to finshed watched the episodes of the walked dead i was watched . ( Penny) As i layed there watched it the thought of not worked for Brendon Urie for reals and that whole thing been fake get back in my head as much as i did not want it to but it did why did it have to be fake what type person would play someone like that and why just for them to feel good i just think that evil . ( Brendon) Hello yes no no what really i dont know as Brendon on the phone and on his compture at the same time he check up on how many more people have summite there papers as he gose thought the papers look thought it all he makes faces of what he likes and what he dose like about the person paper . ( Brendon) I cant not belive no not you as he said into the phone i am talked to myself okay i just have found that right and smart person for this Job i need done i mean all these people seem smart and there proubly nice but it not what i really want i know your going say i am so picke but i just want make sure it the right one that all .

( Penny) I decied to change it up and watch some of Brendon vines then was made me laughed and happy so i looked them up on youtube and found long video of all his vines he made as i play the video right way i smiled and soon laughed after this man so funny i bet he even funnyer in person to. ( Penny)  This was for sure worked on make me happy Brendon was seem to do that i finshed watched the video by this time i was falling sleep so i deiced to make my way to my room to go to bed i take my laptop with not even want to touch after how sad it made me but i take it anyways and slowly and sleeply. ( Penny) Made my way to my bed room i put my laptop to change that when the web page come up right way when i saw it made me made so i closed the laptop and get on my bed and under the covers as i slowly started to feel sleep still little mad at what had happend today . ( Penny) But soon i fall sleep and for get it all as soon as i fall sleep i started to have dream and it was a good one to i dream i was in room with Brendon Urie and he was hold my hand tell me all these nice things as he smiled and i shyly smiled back he said i looked so pretty today that made me brush which made him laughed but in cute nice way . ( Penny) Soon he was very close to me i think we where going kiss that when i wake up because will i had to go rest room i hated my body for doing this to me at the worst time but i get up and made my way to the rest room in the dark half sleep i smiled thinking about dream half sleep as will.

( Brendon) No not like that i want this way you know my fans mean everything to me okay and i want them to be safe and have good time as will you get that right i am not tryed to be mean at all just let you know this okay yes thank you then yes i still looked not going stop in till i found the one i want okay i get this .  ( Brendon)  I will found it i know i will okay so tell me more   About the show and all i wamt make sure it way like it all i ask you know i am not at all like the another rock start i like to give back to my fans and make them happy and have them know i care for them okay . ( Brendon) Wait who is this i think i have to call you back who are you Penny Lane i see will Penny Lane you get me into you let take look at you i see very good at math oh what this a fan as will i liking what i am see but let keep looked to see if you have all i need for this Job as Brendon keeps looked at Penny paper and smiled at all times as he keeps reading. ( Brendon) Yes yes i think i found the one i wamt and and need you have all i need and you seem let see a picture not that it matters what you look like but still let see oh see this how you look like Penny i like it very nerd but cute but i really like what your all about it seem you know your way around Math will that it your the winner Penny . ( Brendon) My new helper noe just to let you know send you a email get you to fly out here and all and you can start your new job and it one less thing for me to worry about there is email send now we just want for you to see it and write me back see i told him i found the right person to work for me and then thought i could do it .

Penny laptop started to flick but Penny dose see it as she half sleep and she fall back into her bed and falls sleep again

Shy Eyes Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon