chapter 12 Feels for sure

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( Brendon) i had another dream again this time will everytime then seem more really like i can touch her like it really he still wondered to himself why he was still dreaming about Penny even though he tried not to but I guess it wasn't in his control anymore he went straight to the restroom to wet his face to wake up.  Penny what's up next to Dallas remembering that last night she had stayed at his place the first thing that comes to mind is Brendon she gets up and makes her way to the kitchen she started to prepare herself a coffee in order to wake up then she feels to pair of arms grab her. It's Dallas of course (Dallas) hey what are you doing up already why don't you come back to bed with me ( Penny) no I wish I could but I have to get ready for work already ( Dallas) why not ask for the day off today and spend it with me instead ( Penny) I'm sorry but I have to work Dallas . ( Dallas) okay I understand but I'll see you at lunch today again right ( Penny) course you well now I have to go take a shower and get ready for work ( Dallas) just one more kiss at Dallas kisses Penney for a long time can you pulls away from Dallas and walks into the bathroom. Brendon looks at himself in the mirror after wedding his face to wake up ( Brendon) okay Brendon you're good snap out of it there's nothing wrong with just having a few dreams about Penny it doesn't mean anything I mean after all their dreams just.

( Brendon) they're not real even though they seem so real why did they seem so real teams are you trying to give me a sign of something would you mind maybe letting me know my talking about I'm talking crazy I'm just going to let it go I'm going to be late. Can Penny probably waiting for me as Brendon  makes his way out of his room And walks his way to his office as he enters his office Penny already there ready even gotten started working ( Brendon) good morning Penny how are you today.  ( Penny) I'm good and you I hope you're feeling better today ( Brendon) actually I am feeling better today thank you for asking I'm still having those weird dreams though those really weird but kind of super real dreams ( Penny) oh I see I'm sorry about that I hope they're not bad dream. ( Brendon) I don't know if I'd really call them bad dreams they're just out of the ordinary like something you don't think what happened it's like something you want to secretly have him but then you know what's wrong ( Penny) I'm get it what do you mean by want something you want to happen. ( Brendon) you know what nevermind about it they're just dreams after all you do have some work to do so let's get to doing that ( Penny) Dallas told me you stopped by his room to talk to him ( Brendon) oh really did he say that because I mean I did stop to by his room to talk to him.

( Brendon) but I mean it was just a man-to-man talk you know talking to my best friend and all I felt like I hadn't talked to him like that in a couple of days ( Penny) I hope it's not me getting in the way of your friendship ( Brendon) no not at all Penny it's not you ( Penny) good cuz I never intend to get in the way of your guys is friendship.  After all you two met before he met me ( Brendon) yeah that's true but Dallas loves you I can tell he does weird question but do you love him ( Penny) I love him a course I do Brendon ( Brendon) you did it's a silly question sorry for asking ( Penny) find Brendon it's okay are you guys excited for Tonight Show. ( Penny) it seems like it's going to be a sold-out Arena ( Brendon) excited for sure you should be fun I always love to perform in front of big crowds I guess you can just say that I love to perform in front of anybody I mean it is what I do for life and live is my dream job ( Penny) I admire you for all.  ( Penny) The confidence you have with it ( Brendon) not the only one with confidence here you have it as well and I am I argue for that I mean I'll say it again and again and I probably said it so many times you're a great worker always on time and always gets work done on time as well. ( Brendon) which reminds me I wonder if I could have you in my room tonight I have some other papers I love for you to work on I mean I know it sounds weird and whatnot but I'm willing to pay you overtime if you do this for me ( Penny) yeah I can do that for you but I mean you don't have to pay me overtime.

( Brendon) I know I don't have to but I want to hear you deserve a penny you deserve anything you want once again Brendon has his hand on top of Penny's hand he holds onto it in his hand it seems that Penny doesn't pull her hand away as well ( Penny) okay then Brendon I really should be getting back to work as he finally pulled her hand away . From Brendon's hand ( Brendon) yeah I sure of course Brandon walks away and goes back to his desk to go back to doing what he was doing but as he tries to go back to work he can't keep his eyes off of Penny you can see at the corner of her eye that Brendon staring at her . She tries to act like it's not happening and goes back to work but when Brendon not booking she stares back at him as well ( Penny) I'm just going to take my lunch right now Brendon if that's okay with you are you sure you don't want me to get you anything for lunch ( Brendon) no I'm good thank you you go enjoy your lunch . ( Dallas) well I'm so happy to see you right now right away Dallas gives penny a kiss ( Dallas) are you okay Penny I seems like you're out of it again ( Penny) I just have a headache because I'm hungry let just eat ( Dallas) okay then I got you what you always liked here let me get your chair for you. Penny started to eat and they start to eat Brendon in his room eating all alone still thinking about penny more like the dream the very Vivid dream he had that morning was it really getting to the point where he was starting to get actual feelings for Penny but he couldn't that was his Best Friend's Girl.

( later on in the day ) Night by now and it's time for the concert is Brendon in his dressing room getting dressed for the show there's a knock on his door and he tells them to come in Dallas as he closes and locks the door ( Dallas) hey man I just wanted to talk to you about something before the show started ( Brendon) yeah sure why not.  what's is it what on your mind  ( Dallas) it's about Penny I was wondering if maybe you could tell me what's wrong with her she's been acting weird all of a sudden lately he's kind of out of it they dreaming I was wondering if you could tell me if she was acting like that at work as well ( Brendon) not really . ( Brendon) did you say daydreaming ( Dallas) yeah they dreaming I know it's probably something I shouldn't be worried about but I'm just wondering you know since I like love her ( Brendon) you know what maybe she's just tired maybe I should just give her a couple days off so she can energy back . ( Dallas) Yeah I'd be nice thanks man maybe that's all it is I mean see it I was worried about nothing thanks for the talk man but I think we should head out on stage now ( Brendon) yeah for sure man anytime yeah we're needed up there we have a show to do as both head on stage . After the show and everyone is packing up (Brendon) Penny by the way I just need to talk to you real quick I was thinking maybe I'd give you a couple days off to cool off and would not me you deserve it you've been working hard these past weeks.

( Brendon) Or so ( Penny) thank you Brendon but I rather be working if that's okay with you.
( Brendon) Okay then if you sure  but you sure you're okay right ( Penny) I'm perfectly fine Brandon I promise you this feels better to be working but thank you for the offer.

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