chapter 10 Dreams

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( Brendon) Wake up after have a long but werid dream about Penny or was it so weird the dream seemed so real to him these thoughts about him and Penny getting out of hand and now he was dreaming about her could it be that Brendon had feelings for Penny.  He really did not know what to think about it all.  As he sat up in his bed still confused about the dream but somehow a smile came onto his face thinking about it as well but he couldn't have feelings her Penny work for him and that's all she was maybe a good friend. He had to snap out of it so he did he no longer tried to think about it even though it was in the back of his mind the whole day it was even harder for him to know that he was going to be seen penny for now on for a long time not that he didn't want to spend time with Penny . But knowing that he'd dream about her made him uncomfortable you been knowing that the dream was so detailed as well ( Penny)  Brendon are you okay there seems like there's a lot on your mind you want to talk about it ( Brendon) oh it's nothing. ( Brendon) I'm fine it's just a weird dream I had good thank you for asking ( Penny) you sure about that because I'm here if you need to talk you know where more than just I am more than a person that just works for you we are friends after all right ( Brendon) yeah friend of course we are.

( Brendon) Brendon did not like how that sounded friends did he just want to be friends with Penny or more but then again if you wanted more with Penny there's nothing he could do about it and it wouldn't be right for after all he's dating Dallas his best friend but he also wondered if Penny was really into Dallas and if she really felt something for him. ( Brendon) hey Penny by the way how are you and Dallas doing ( Penny ) actually we're really good thank you for asking I mean he's really nice and all ( Brendon) well that's good to hear as long as you're happy I'm happy as well for you ( Penny) what about you Brendon how are you lately. ( Brendon) I'm great never felt better you know it's just the tour it's tiring and all my job after all and I love it I wouldn't change it for the world ( Penny) I can tell you put a lot of effort into it and you really do love it I always appreciate someone that works hard for what they love to.  ( Brendon) the same goes for you I appreciate the work that you do as well and I can tell you really do love it ( Penny) I love my job and I really appreciate you giving me this chance to work for you this is going to open a lot of doors for me and I'm willing to work for you as long as you have me for.  ( Brendon) when that case I plan to keep you forever how does that sound with you is Brendon smiles and Penny laughs ( Penny) well I'm game as long as Dallas is okay with it ( Brendon) yeah Dallas ( Penny) why do you say it like that Brendon a problem  with me in Dallas dating.

( Penny) I mean don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say this in a mean way I'm just wondering who acts really weird when I'm with Dallas ( Brendon ) what no way why would you think that I'm actually really happy for my Brest friend that he's happy and I'm happy that you are happy ( Penny)  okay with me and Dallas dating you don't have a problem at all. ( Brendon ) no not at all no problems here I want you guys to be happy ( Penny) okay then just making sure that's all ( Brendon) okay here's what we're going to do to show you that I'm okay with you and Dallas dating how about I take you guys out for dinner tonight my treat ( Penny) no Brendon he don't have to do that I believe you it's fine. ( Brendon) yes maybe I don't have to do it but I want to come on what do you say around 8 you call up Dallas and let me know or while you let him know that I'm taking you out for dinner the both of you on my treat ( Penny) okay then Brandon if you and insist you want me to call him now.  ( Brendon) yeah why not get it over with and I'll see if he approves and everything (Penny)  okay if you say so as Penny dials Dallas ( Penny) hey Alice it's Penny yeah I knew i miss you to listen Brendon just invited us to dinner tonight him treat so what do you say. ( Dallas) oh is that so yeah sure why not that should be fun ( Penny) yeah okay yeah I'll see you then I love you too bye ( Brendon in his mind) were they just saying I love you to each other already real do they really love each other why do I care why am I thinking about this .

( Brendon in his mind) I shouldn't be thinking about this at all come on Brendon  stay focused ( Penny) Brandon hello Brendon he approved he said it's cool are you there ( Brendon) oh yeah I'm sorry I must have been daydreaming or or something okay good it's all settled we'll have dinner tonight we'll have a good time have a couple of drinks .  ( Brendon) And you'll see that I'm perfectly fine with you dating my best friend ( Penny ) okay but for now back to work ( Brendon) yes for now back to work Shelly we Penny and Brendon go back to working what they were working on ( Dallas) surprises me that Brendon would want to take us out on a dinner on him. ( Penny) oh poor sleepy tired Brendon work too much you deserve this sleep has Brandon had falling
on the sleep while they were working and Penny just decided to let him sleep cuz he seems so tight has Brendon slept he dream about Penny again his dream was more Vivid than the other one. Brendon in his room in his bed the Penny was also in his bed sleeping right beside him stood up on his bed as he looked over at Penny sleeping she seems so peaceful and beautiful but you did not want to wake her up but why was Penny in his  bed why was he dreaming about her again. Was it because he fell asleep out of nowhere while they were working Point Brendon didn't care he know I felt right even though it wasn't right that's one Penny moved in the bed ( Penny) why are you up so early is Penny sat down on the bed ( Brendon) I don't know I guess I couldn't sleep.

( Penny) oh did you miss me because I missed you come here has Penny got off of the bed and got on top of Brendon ( Brendon) you miss me really ( Penny) yeah and why wouldn't I miss you ( Brendon) I don't know this just seems all so surreal ( Penny) what do you mean so real that you're with me or that were together . ( Brendon) yeah just all of it it doesn't seem real can you put her arms around Brendon neck ( Penny ) will i sure you it really as she lead in to kiss Brendon that when Brendon wake up out no where surprise in a way ( Penny) hey you okay did you have a bad dream I'm sorry I was going to wake you up.  ( Penny)  But you seem so tired so I just let you sleep for a little bit ( Brendon) yeah I had a dream you could say that but it wasn't a bad dream so it's just a really real dream ( Penny) really what was it about that made it seem so real ( Brendon) oh it's nothing I'm sorry for falling asleep let's get back to work.  ( Penny) oh okay then yeah let's get back to work it was the night now and Penny and Dallas where getting ready for the dinner then going have with Brendon that he invited them out for ( Dallas ) okay you ready to go now babe ( Penny) yeah let get going as theb head out . We got to the restaurant where Brandon was already there seated at a table waving them his way ( Brendon) hey guys I'm glad you made you both look very nice tonight you two make a cute couple ( Dallas ) thanks man i love the sutie ( Brendon ) thanks man then order food and some drinks .

( Dallas) well man we had a great time we should do this more ( Brendon) for sure man we should do this more often how about next week as well same time same day ( Dallas) well I approve what are you say honey ( Penny) yeah it's fine with me as well ( Brendon) okay it's settled next week same time you too have a good night and Penny I'll see you tomorrow at work.

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