chapter 2 Job of dreams

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( Penny) I get up late today i guess my alarm did not go off or something or maybe i did not said but the only reason i was up was because i had to pee even if i wanted to stay in my good bed that felt to good to get up but i draged myself out bed and into the rest room . ( Penny) As i seat there peeing still half sleep with my eyes just little open ( Penny) I decide it was time to get up it was 11:30 am way past my time my alarm ring and way past the time i wake up so i made way to the stink and started to slash some water in my face to wake myself . ( Penny) Finally i open up my eyes right way after that water hit my face i dry my face off and want back in my room to look for my phone which not a superd at all i could not found. Finally i found under my bed i deiced to grabed my laptop as will just to check up on something on there . ( Penny) That when i saw it i had new email i open it think it was just another stupid email not hoping for anything that when i saw it had Brendon Urie name on it and he was written to me tell me he pick me to work for him i could belive it i was in shocked at the end of the email . ( Penny) It give me his face time username and it said for me to face time him to talk some more about all this i had to take deep breath after reading all that my inner fan girl was screaming inside i get the job he picked me out of all people he picked me now i just had to acted cool and face time not be a nerd mess like i am .

( Penny) Okay Penny you can do this it just a Boy or more like a Man a man you had a crush on for so long that all breath just do it as i grabed my phone and want on face time and put in his user name and number and it started the call i tryed fix my hair and look my best as it ring a few time then it stop ring and there was nothing .  ( Penny) Then there look at me was a smiled Brendon. ( Brendon) Oh hey your Penny right i just make sure and  all you look little different from the phone you send but get blue hair and glasses that how i know it you ao how been i am Brendon Urie by the way and your Penny Lane right . ( Penny) Yes that me i was tryed not to acted so nervous about it all but you could tell was died inside ( Brendon) Will let me just say Penny i really like what i saw on your resume it seem your a wizard at math and all do you enjoy it ( Penny) i do very much and thank you ( Brendon) will from what i saw your very good at it . ( Brendon) That why i picked you and many other reason why i hope your will to do this Job only if you pick to do so ( Penny) frezer for little then i finally get the words i love thing more then to work for i promise you pick the right person for this job i wont let you down . ( Brendon) I going remember that just playing i kmow wont let me down you seem not juat snart but a hard work to i am right are you a hard worker Penny ( Penny) very much so i was have my mind set on what i have to do and what i love to do like math ( Brendon) Will that settle it even more  .

( Brendon) Penny welcome to worked for Brendon Urie or more like me sorry so this how it work i was hoped you could work right way if that okay with how about started today and all i can have you fly in night and get you settle hotel and all food to so you can be ready to work for me tomorrow all on me of couser ( Penny) Wow really all on you dont ( Brendon) No not at all okay . ( Brendon) So what you say you want get this going then ( Penny) yes i love to ( Brendon) okay then i will email it all your ticket and hotel things and all then i see you here tonight and i am very lucky to have found you and that you said yes to this to thank you ( Penny) no thank you really for pick me and give me this job . ( Brendon) No promble your made for this Job bye i see later on today ( Penny) okay bye thank you i hang up and just looked at my lap top for a while not belive what just happend not belive still that i was going to be worked for Brendon Urie from Painc at the disco of all things and that tonight i was going to meet him . ( Penny) i had to let my mom know so i called her up she pick up right way ( Mom) oh hello honey how are ( Penny) really good Mom i found a Job but not just any Job the job of my dreams really you will never guessed who i am worked for ( Mom ) i dont know some old rich guy ( Penny) no more like some very nice but great looked rich rock start by the name . ( Penny) By the name of Brendon Urie ( Mom) wait is that not the guy in that band you love that your sercet in love with ( Penny) yes and no Mom yes i get Job worked for him handing his man he said he picked because he was very impress with my resume i turn in and all he thinks i am smart .

( Mom) Will that because are honey i am very happy for that you finally found i job you will be happy doing ( Penny) i am so happy to Mom ( Mom) So when do you Started ( Penny) actally i started tonight ( Mom) Wow that soon ( Penny) yeah i know it so soon but Brendon said he need me right way and how could i say no so i said yes . ( Penny) He fly out night i dont know yet where he said he send me the tickest anything else i need to my email as soon as possible wait i think get email as i grabed my laptop and check it ( Penny) Mom i am going to New York it my ticket and hotel and all i have catch my plan night at 10 pm. ( Penny) He also send my hotel room number and what hotel i be stay at all ( Mom ) wow all that and he pay for he really must want you to work for him ( Penny) yeah Mom but he also a nice guy to so i get go Mom i dont know how long i be gone so i get go pack or more like see what i need to pack okay love you ( Mom) okay Honey call be before you leavn okay . ( Penny) Will do so as i hang up the phone and Jumped out bed happy as can be i looked at myself in the mirror and smiled and said i am going be worked for Brendon Urie me worked for him as i scream like fan girl i just let all out then i deiced to go get some break fast but not before email Brendon back and tell him get all and thank you again . ( Penny) Also tell i be see him tonight or morning whatevery it was when i get to New York i was also exicted to be going to new New York after all i ever been there after breakfast i want to go printed out the things i need for my trip to New York then i come home and started to pack what i thought i need i did not know how long i be gone for so guess really how much clothes .

( Penny ) And another things i need and the few Money had left i was all ready and seat there hoped the time go fast so i could leavn already finally it was close to me leavn so i called up My let her know she asked if i packed all i need and if i need anything to call her up at anytime i could tell she was proud of me but she was going to miss me.  To i get my suit case and my Back pack and made my way to my car and drive to the Air port my Dad was going pick my car and take back to there house to be save i saw him alread there as i huge told him i loved him and told him i had to go and give him the key to my car i huged my Mom to and i was on my way . ( Penny) I made it pass everything with no promble as i give the ticket to the lady and made my way in right way i could tell this was very nice where i be seat then i looked at my ticket again what i did not see before is that it read firt class Brendon had bought me a first class ticket wow really he to nice . ( Penny) i wi have to thank him when i meet him for sure this nice as i take my seat which was able to make in to little bed i could sleep in so i slept most of the way over to New York finally i woke up and i was in New York i could belive i get off and want to get my things that when i saw face i know to will by now . ( Penny) it was Brendon he ran over to me ( Brendon) Penny it you finally get meet you it so nice to meet you as he shake my hand i could talk then the words just come out ( Penny) it very nice to meet you to ( Brendon) Oh let get my gurard to help with all that he get come your ride with me for sure as he put his hand behide my back .

( Penny) Soon we where at the hotel and i followed Brendon very step ( Brendon)  okay this will be your room i hope to your liked i know your proubly want rest so i leavn you be and thank you again for doing this really by way anything you want order it on me i pay for okay so order if you like . ( Penny) Thank you Brendon it mean alot you have a good night and all bye for now . ( Brendon) No promble yes you to as i opend the door to found not a room but what looked like a house in a room it was so big i stepped inside and it had everything i was in shock but happy as put my thing on the bed .

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