chapter 17 Tension

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Brendon would still thinking about the kiss that had happened a day ago Penny had still gone to work but the relationship wasn't the same at work anymore it seems there was tension Penny know it all had do with Brendon and the kiss then shared . Not to long ago she still felt bad about it that she want long with it that she could back way at any moment but she did not she stood there and kiss him back why did she not just ran way she could have or was it she know she could back off but still kiss Brendon back . ( Brendon) listen Penny we get talk about what happend okay ( Penny) i have no idea what your talked about anything happend it was something that should have no happend that all we get talk about ( Brendon) will it if it so called something . ( Brendon) That should happend then why did not just walk way or push me way when i first kiss you did not do that did you Penny maybe did and kiss me back because you liked because you have feels for me like i have feels for you will what is it why you kiss me . ( Brendon) Back will you dont have hide it anymore leaven Dallas and be with me it me that your meant tp be with i love you Penny ( Penny) no Brendon dont say that to me i already ( Brendon) what i cant help but say when i mean it the trust okay .

( Penny) Will i love Dallas i told you that and what happend with me and you will it was not right and something like that wont happend again i am stayed with Dallas okay so leavn at that and Dallas cant know anything about this that happend between you me. ( Brendon) fine i let me for now but it wont change my feels about you okay when your ready i am here for you as Brendon let go of Penny hand ( Brendon) i let get back to work i will just be over here if you need anything Penny just gose back to work . Lied to her self about her feels for Brendon she know deep down she loves to but she know it be wrong of her to do that to Dallas so she pulls these feels a side and dose think about them as Brendon just watched her work Brendon know there something there . And he willing to wait for her to come thought with her feels as will she knows he already win part of her over already she just need to see now that there the onces that should be togther he will love her like Dallas never could he care for her like Dallas should be doing soon it lunch time . ( Penny) I am going to go have lunch now with Dallas Brendon i be back on time ( Brendon) yeah sure Penny you go head and Penny ( Penny) yes Brendon think about what i told i was not joking with what i said my feels are all there and real you just get let happend okay it be hard but .

( Penny) No really Brendon are you kidding me it be hard i just kissed the another day i cheated on Dallas with his own best freind and your tell me it be okay it not going be okay ( Brendon) you liked it you where into it i know you where as Brendon get closer to Penny . ( Penny) Brendon back way dont started as Brendon on in front of Penny face with his hand close to her hip that when out no where Dallas comes into the room and Penny quickly moves way from Brendon scent he was stand so close to her ( Dallas) hey is everything good here i was waited for you i get worried so.
( Penny) No we are all good let go i sure can eat as Penny take Dallas hand just walks way to leavn Brendon there lone in the room ( Dallas ) what was that all about back there ( Penny) oh that nothing we just talking that all.  ( Dallas) okay you okay you seem i dont know out of it ( Penny) no i am good let go have lunch ( Dallas) okay then so how the job with Brendon going ( Penny) it good ( Dallas) listen if Brendon trested bad or anything you could let me know okay i can talk to him for you and fix it . ( Penny) No Brendon fine why would think Brendon was been mean to me ( Dallas ) just take a guess that all i care about you Penny i do i love you and i go crazy if i lost you or anybody tryed to take you way from me your the best thing that had happend me .

( Penny) i know Dallas i care about you to okay and i love you to you dont have to worry i am not going any where okay as penny take hold of Dallas even if she lied to most of what she just told Dallas she lied to her self most of the time now but she did care for Dallas in way she want him hurt at all.  That why she felt bad For what she did for kissing Brendon but then a part of her know it was true what Brendon said about her like it and her kissing him back and her having feels for him as will she did she know it now but she did not know what to do at this point . She just lied to Dallas about all she just told him but then again she could just tell Dallas she kiss Brendon it break him heart and he be so mad he meant want to fight Brendon it just end up been a big mess she could held for sure as bad as ir was she need to keep lieing to Dallas. ( Penny) Will i love the lunch and i see you after work okay as Brendon just watched on as Dallas kissed Penny good bye ( Brendon) i hate see him kiss you make me sick ( Penny) make you sick of jealous ( Brendon) both it should be ( Penny) nobi will stop you there Brendon no Dallas is . ( Penny) My boyfreind i am with him not with you Brendon your nice and i care for your feels to but ( Brendon) but what your going keep lied to yourself about how you feel about me and how so called that kiss we had meant nothing to you because i know you felt it just like i did .

( Brendon) you felt that Spark you saw the fire works you know it was love as Brendon now has his hand on Penny face and his another hand hold on to her hand ( Penny) no felt nothing that lie let remember about it again as Brendon was about to kiss Penny again but Penny backed way.  ( Penny) no Brendon stop this already hard enough to do you had your change i was so into you when i first started work but i did not even try i said to myself a girl like me would have chance with handsome Man like you no way he be into nerd me ( Brendon) will i am why you tell me.  ( Penny) Would it have made the difference Brendon ( Brendon) yes would have and know your feel about me have not change your still into me i just know it i can see it in your eyes just let me let me love you been with me ( Penny) i cant now stop let me go i have get to work ( Brendon) i love you Penny and i will let you go . ( Brendon) But just know i wont stop in till see yoy love me to i am sorry i let you work as Brendon walks way and so dose Penny she gose back to work as Brendon watched on as was Penny know Brendon was all right Penny had not lost these feels she stared to have with Brendon then where still there . But it was bad for her to acted on them for sure she be hurting Dallas and put a hole in the freindship him and Bredon had all because she kissed Brendon back and she could not take it back anymore even if she want to so bad but secretly liked it as will .

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