chapter 16 Kiss

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Penny was in lay on here bed think but not of Dallas but of Brendon lately she been thinking alot about his even if she tryed not to she couldn't do this to Dallas shooting and try anything with Brendon it wasn't meant to be  or was she just lying to herself and she knew it was meant to be. Dallas walks into the room and sees her sitting on her bed ( Dallas) hey aren't you going to be late for work what are you still doing in bed are you okay ( Penny) yeah I'm fine you're right I'm going to be late for work I better get in the shower ( Dallas) mind if I join you . ( Penny) I think I'll take this one on my own I'm going to be late ( Dallas) okay then yeah you're right sorry about that you will get ready for work I'll be here waiting for you maybe I can walk you to there ( Penny) yeah sounds good be right out you can take a seat if you like. ( Dallas) is it just me or something's up with her she's been acting different lately it's probably just me I'm overreacting minutes later Penny walks out of the rest room already ( Dallas) you ready to go then ( Penny) yeah sure by the way I'm sorry I hope you didn't take offense about me not you know the whole shower thing. ( Dallas) no not at all he's fine honey you were running late either way maybe next time ( Penny) yeah thanks for that maybe next time but let's go don't want Brendon to kill me for being late not that he  would kill me ( Dallas) plus if he fires you where else would he get a girl as smart and as well as you.

( Penny) that you are right as you walk out of Penny's room and she locks the door Dallas takes a hold of Penny's on every walk it doesn't take them long to get to Brendon's office which is not too far away from Penny room ( Penny) okay so we're here I'll see you at lunch as always. ( Dallas) you know it love I've always look forward to it as Dallas gives penny a long kiss at that same moment the door opens in their stand Brendon ( Dallas) sorry man I'll let her get to working by see you later Dallas walks away and Penny walks into Brendon's room. ( Penny) you know you don't have to be like that just because you're mad at me ( Brendon) like what and who said I was mad at you I never said I was mad at you then why you being like that ( Brendon) being like what I don't get what you're talking about ( Penny) being jealous that's what . ( Brendon) wow really you think I'm jealous of Dallas there's nothing to be jealous about him ( Penny) yeah sure that's why you made noise when we were kissing does that upset you ( Brendon) I do have to admit it did not make me happy but I'm not jealous I'm letting you know that now ( Penny) seems like you are. ( Brendon) I got some work for you to do by the way and I might need you to stay late tonight if that's okay with you ( Penny) do you need me to stay late for work or for something else or you're just making things up ( Brendon) no I actually need to do some work for me and maybe a little bit of it is because I enjoy your company.

( Penny) fine I'll stay late but not to keep you company just to to work I hope you know that's all ( Brendon) okay fine that's fine with me too like I said you'll still be keeping me company and you'll still be doing work ( Penny) talking about work I better get working now unless you're going to talk more ( Brendon) you sure you can get to working I just have one question to ask you. ( Penny) okay what's the question ( Brendon) what is you see in my friend Dallas do you actually have feelings for him did you ever actually have feelings for him ( Penny) okay why would you ask something like that of course I have feelings for Dallas why would I be with him if I didn't. ( Brendon) you got with him because because he was into you and you were trying to substitute him for someone that you actually really liked but you are afraid to tell that person your feelings about them because you felt like they were in into you ( Penny) you're crazy you know that right ( Brendon ) maybe little for you . ( Brendon) but besides me being crazy maybe I'm just telling the truth what is your answer  really are really  into Dallas do you really have feelings for him or did you get with him because you don't want to be alone and you secretly wanted to be with someone ( Penny) I told you once and I'll tell you again . ( Penny) I guess because you didn't hear I love him and that is the honest truth and that's why I'm with him ( Brendon) I find it very hard to believe me I don't think it's true I think you got with him because you were into someone else but never let that person know that you were into them or what kind of feeling you had for them .

( Penny) are you going to let me work or not but should I go home right now ( Brendon) I'm joking only I'm sorry I apologize for my behavior I really do but you know I can help my feelings for you ( Penny) please find Brendon but you know when you can't be ( Brendon) and why not why can't we be something I can to leave Dallas and be with me. ( Penny) you know why and I don't have to repeat it to you again I'm not the kind of person to her Dallas in that way even if I wasn't into you ( Brendon) what is that supposed to mean that you were into me that you do have feelings for me like I have feels  for you.  ( Penny) I'm just saying I didn't say much Brendon okay ( Brendon) open she did say it all I'll let you get to work I'm sorry Brendon walks away and Penny gets to work  two Penny  it seems like time is going slower than usual not to mention that Brendon is just staring at her the whole time she works. ( Penny) I'll be back it's my lunch break I'm going to go have lunch with Dallas as I usually do would you like me to bring you anything right now or anything back when I come back ( Brendon) no I'm not much hungry you know life will do that to you when you're falling hard for someone ( Penny) okay I'll be back on time bye. As Penny walks way Brendon just left there alone ( Brendon) she does have feelings for me and I know it and I will help her discover then and  help her bring the out so we can be together she meant  to be with me and not with Dallas and I'll prove it to her no one will like her as much as I do.

( Dallas) You seem more  up mood how is worried about you this morning ( Penny) why would you be worried I'm fine I was fine before I guess I was just having a bad day or something or I don't know ( Dallas) I've been meaning to talk to you about something ( Penny) sure what is it Dallas.  ( Dallas) it's about what Brendon said that night we went out for drinks (Penny) what about what he said he was drunk you do remember that he had several drinks ( Dallas ) yeah I know that I saw him drink them since it's been bothering me for a long time  what he said .( Penny) why would it bother you you know he didn't mean it ( Dallas) I don't know it just seems like he was being honest maybe it's true what he's saying maybe you should be with someone else or not Penny take Dallas hand ( Penny) no it's not true I meant to be with you okay. Penny walking back Brendon's office her lifetime had had to run out and she needed to get back to work as she entered Brandon's office she couldn't find him anywhere for he usually would  be she didn't think much of it she probably thought it went out to get lunch so she went straight to going back to work. That's when out of nowhere before she could even think or do anything Brandon lip for pressed against hers you should have ran  away but she didn't she actually kissed him back her for a while until she finally backed away ( Penny) No i cant  Penny ran out of the room Brendon was going ran after but he left there with fingers on his lips .

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