Chapter 20 Ranways

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( Penny) Stop it Brendon shut up both of you shut up this is I think this is all just too much for me I can't believe this is going on I never meant to hurt you Dallas ( Dallas) yeah I'm sure you didn't but look what you did now if you don't mind I'm going to get Brendon's ass just says Dallas steps forward in front of Brendon. To hit him the penny stands in between both of them holding her hands out ( Penny) stop it the both of you I said stop Dallas if you're not willing to talk then just leave ( Dallas) alright then I'll leave for now but this is not the end around and I will get you I will hit you . ( Dallas) and you Penny will all I have to say is you broke my heart thanks maybe I should have known better that you were like every other girl just too slut ( Penny) what you think of me ( Brendon) well then no matter what penny did I'm not going to let you talk to her like that. As Brendon steps up in front of penny in front of Dallas now ( Penny) it's okay Brendon He's just stating his opinion and you're sad he's in pain ( Penny) but I will not talk to you if you're going to talk to me like that please just leave ( Dallas) and I will for now like I said this is not over. Dallas walks out of the room ( Penny) this is all my fault it's all my fault that you guys are fighting over Me Maybe Dallas is right maybe I am just some slut will you thinking Brendon you were going to get in a fight with him he's your friend ( Brendon) was my friend not anymore .

( Brendon) And I was thinking I wasn't going to let him talk to my girl like that no he's not right you're nothing like that you're more than that you didn't make a mistake he just fell for someone that you deserve to be with that's all ( Penny) but I cheated on him with you while I was with him don't tell me that's not bad Brendon. ( Brendon) I'll tell you what you told me you wanted to be with me since the beginning but you were too shy but you thought I would never go for you that's why so I don't think you made a mistake you just ended up with Dallas because you really wanted to be with me . ( Penny) it still doesn't make it right Brendon I'm afraid for you I'm afraid that Dallas is going to get back at you for what you did ( Brendon) don't be I can take care of myself okay and you stop beating yourself up over this you did nothing wrong like I said. ( Penny) I'll try not to but it what if the band breaks up because of all of this because of me then the band will blame me ( Brendon) you know what the truth is after the band if the band wants to do that then ask them I rather be with you than have any career at all we'll make our way somehow. ( Penny) I'm sorry Brendon I can't just leave this like this I have to talk to Dallas I have to let him know that I'm sorry ( Brendon) stand for at least let me go with you ( Penny) no you can't go with me Brendon that would just make him more Angry please let me do this on my own.

As Penny gets close up to Brendon and hold on to his hand I'm going to fix this I promise then we can be together in peaces ( Brendon) okay I believe you as long as I get to be with you at the end Brendon gives penny a big long kiss ( Penny) I have to go for now this is the best time to do it . ( Brendon) okay then please be safe and if anything happens call me right away( Penny) I will I always i am has Penny walks out of the room and makes her way to the Dallas's room which is not too far from Brendon's office he makes it to his front door.  As she stands there in front of it she starts to think in her head what she's going to tell Dallas he wondered if Dallas would ever really forgive her you know what she did was bad even though all the stuff that Brendon told her supposed to make her assume that it wasn't bad. Finally she took a deep breath and knocked on the door it opened right away and there was Dallas standing in front of her ( Dallas) yes may I help you what are you doing here ( Penny) I came to talk to you for real about what happened ( Dallas) really Penny what is there more to say. ( Dallas) you cheated on me with my best friend behind my back how long have you been doing this anyway why would you do that why would you drag me around you tell me you never thought anything for me ( Penny) it's not like that Dallas please let me explain.

( Dallas) okay then you got 10 minutes to explain to me wait to Brendon come with you ( Penny) of course not I came alone this is between me and you ( Dallas) yeah sure it is it's between him as well but coming anyways and tell me what you're going to tell me ( Penny) I want to be honest with you ( Dallas) really honestly now when you weren't honest before. ( Penny) I know that's bad of me and I deserve everything you tell me because I did wrong what I did was bad but what I mean by honesty I want to let you know that I was into Brendon  this whole time ( Dallas) okay that's nice to hear and how is that supposed to make me feel I just shows me even more never into me. ( Dallas) if you were into Brendon this whole time why did you get with me why did you lie to me why did you tell me you love me when you never did ( Penny) you have a point there I did that by saying that but I didn't know what to do I never got the guts to ask Brendon anything I thought I could get him off my mind by going out with you. ( Dallas) well goes to show that you never really did get him off your mind now I have a question for you and please answer it truthfully are you in love with my best friend cuz I know he's in love with you ( Penny) I'm well Dallas ( Dallas) wait make that two questions did you sleep with him.  ( Penny) I'm sorry you wanted the truth is the truth yes I'm in love with Brendon ( Dallas) okay then I had a clue that you were in I just wanted to make sure now answer my second question truthfully together you were a virgin or that's what you told me and you said he wanted to wait.

( Penny) that is true I was one but yes I slept with him ( Dallas) wow really that's all I needed to hear Penny he's dead Salas gets up and Penny doesn't even get a try to stop him he's already heading to Brendon  office I don't know where Brandon sees Dallas coming his way before he even has a chance to move.  Dallas had already punched him in the face ( Dallas) really mad out of all the shity things you could do you slept with my girl Dallas hits Brendon once again but when the second hand comes to hit Brendon he's ready as he tries to hit Dallas back but then Penny stop them ( Penny) stop it now really if you're not going to be men then stop it. ( Penny) is that all you came for Dallas to beat up Brendon if there's anyone you should be mad at it's me come on you want to hit anybody hit me be mad at me now if you're going to keep fighting Brendon then I'll call security or get out yourself I tried to apologize to you but if you don't want to take it and get out . ( Dallas) fine if that's what you want and that's what you get be happy with the bitch she was never really my type ( Brendon) that's it I'm tired of your disgusting mouth and your weight you talk to my woman if Brandon gets up to Dallas and punches him twice knocking him out.  ( Brendon)  what I'm sorry I told you if you called you any other name again I was going to hit him and he did ( Penny) what now he'll never forgive me and I don't think I could forgive myself ( Brendon) yes you can it'll just take time and what now you run away and get away from all of this.

( Penny)  what about the band what about your career ( Brendon) like I said fuck the career fuck the bad all I want to do is be with you I want to have a family with you I want to grow old with you we'll figure it out in time just let me be with you ( Penny) are you sure you're willing to leave all of this behind you with me . ( Brendon) no not just to be with you but to be with the one I love the one I should be with and I'm sure if you are up to it ( Penny) more than ever but you forgive me right ( Brendon) you have to forgive yourself and I have nothing to forgive you for you did nothing wrong As Brendon kisses Penny. 4 hours later ( Brendon) you got all your stuff you ready to go ( Penny) yeah I got all my stuff do you think Dallas will ever forgive me for hurting him ( Brendon) beautiful but the all that matters is that you're happy I just want to see you happy and smile ( Penny) for me to be happy again but I'll get there .  ( Penny) with you in my life Brendon  I love you more than I've ever loved anybody I just want to live happy with you ( Brendon) and you will that's why we're leaving this place for good eating it all behind to live happy together ( Brendon) Penny amd i lover more then you ever would think . ( Brendon) now headed to go we'll miss our plane Penny take a hold of Brendon hand as then walk off happy if you're wondering what happened to Dallas I'm here to tell you he never got in contact with Penny ever again he was too upset about the whole thing .

Brendon and Penny moved to New York and Brendon made money doing a solo career and Penny will she soon become a Mom then welcome there new baby girl jane in May of 2016 soon after then get married and then lived happy as can be like it was meant to be this whole time.

The End

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