1- The Concert

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{Arden's POV}

As it approached 5 o' clock, I started to lay out two different outfit options for tonight. The first was a plain black playsuit with black lace details. The second potential outfit was a pair of denim shorts with a white halterneck top. I laid them on my bed as I waited for my best friend Mia to arrive and help me choose, as we get ready.

Before senior year starts next Monday, Mia asked if I could go out with her tonight to a concert of her favourite band. I didn't hesitate as I adore her music taste.



I rushed down the stairs and pulled open the door.

"Arden how are you?" Mia says, as I welcome her inside.

"I need help choosing my outfit, I'm stuck." I reply.
"Don't you worry, Mia is here." She laughs as we run up the stairs.

"So which do you think?" I ask.
"Defiantly the white top and shorts."

I changed accordingly. Mia was already dressed in a mesh crop top with a bralette underneath, accompanying some denim shorts also.

In about an hour, we had applied our makeup and we were ready to leave. Mia had already called the taxi, so we were both waiting by the front door for it to arrive.

"So do you think you're mentally prepared for senior year?" Mia sighs.

"It's probably going to be the worst year by far. Not only the studying but applying for colleges too! I just hope I can end up getting the grades so I'll be accepted into the London one I've always dreamed of going to."

"You're going to get in. What the hell you're practically the smartest girl in our year?!"
I chuckle. "I'm really not Mia but thank you for the compliment." I reply.

"Wasn't your Mom going to get you piano lessons?" Mia questions.
"Yeah, I thought it would be good if I learnt how to play again, it looks good on applications plus it's an amazing instrument."
"I wish I had as much focus and determination as you. I just want this year to go by as quickly as possible." Mia says, whilst fiddling with her hair.

"I see a flashing car lights, the taxi's here!" I return.

We both hurry outside, holding onto our bags. We get into the taxi, ready for the hour trip into central Toronto.


We get out of the taxi, paying the man 20 dollars. We go straight away to the line, making sure we'd get a place near the barricade.

For about half an hour we continued to wait in the queue, until the security started to let people into the venue.

Our bags get checked before we're allowed inside. We hurry for front row, which did need require a little persistence.

"I can't wait for this to start Arden, it's my first time seeing the group!" Mia says loudly above the crowd.
"Me too! Do we know who the opening act is?" I ask, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Um, I think somewhere it said it was a guy called Shawn Mendes, but I haven't heard of him before."
"Oh me neither!" I reply.

Soon enough, the lights dimmed down and the faint spotlights shone onto the stage, awaiting Shawn.

There was a cheer and scream arising from the crowd as soon as this happened, although Mia and I joined in too.

Shawn walked to the central of the stage semi-nervously, just to the left of Mia and I.

He was quite good looking if I'm being honest. Although I know nothing about him and for all I know he could be a dick in real life. But nonetheless, I really like his smile.

He got out his guitar and started to strum a few chords before he started to sing.

Initially I was blown away by his pure, raw vocals. I cheered along, in which I think he heard as after the first song was over he waved towards me.
His set only lasted about twenty five minutes, which was a shame as I would've loved to of heard more. But I think Mia was kind of over it and she wanted to see the band she came for.

Another twenty or so minutes passed and the lights dimmed once again. The crowd cheered twice as loud as they did before and the show started.


Throughout the whole show, Mia and I were bopping and singing away to all their amazing songs. As we came to the last song, the lights changed colours to a deep blue which I really loved. I looked over at Mia who was screaming... and slightly crying as we got to the last song. However, I can understand, 2 years ago when I went to an Ed Sheeran concert I was exactly the same. I didn't want the night to be over.

However, this last song was one of their hits, so absolutely everyone knew the words and was singing along.

Nevertheless, the set finished and the lights lit up again. Everyone was leaving. The thousand people that were here moved in unison out the two exits. I was pushed into the giant group of people.

"MIA! MIA!" I shouted, as I lost her within the mess.

No reply.

I think quick and decide that I'll just get out of the venue and wait around until Mia finds me or I find her.

As I got out of the doors, I was instantly met wit the crisp air of the night. I luckily brought my nude leather jacket, so I swiftly put it on.

I wait about fifteen minutes by the exit. There was still no sign of her, and I started to get worried. I tried to call her but it rang a few times before it got cut off.
I walked around the back of the venue in case she came out of one of the exits there.

I see a set of doors and I approach them in a hurry.

I pull out my phone from my pocket to see a text from her--


I fell on the floor instantaneously, with my head throbbing in pain.

"Oh my god, oh my god, are you okay?" I heard a mans voice say quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine-" I reply, putting my hand over the right side if my head. I look above and see that this man was Shawn.

"Do you need ice? Or should I take you to the hospital?" He clearly panics.
I slightly chuckle before replying, "I'll be fine, I swear."

There is an instant look on relief on Shawn's face, he holds both my hands with a grip before he pulls me up carefully.

"Now are you sure? Because that sounded like quite a bang." He asks once more. He uses his thumb to lift up a little section of my hair.

I smile before he says, "There's no bump. I think you're good." He says in relief. "So what's your name?" He asks.

"Arden." I reply, looking straight at him.

"Arden what?" He smiles.

"Arden Rose."

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