Chapter 1

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I'm running for my life right now, I can't breathe, my energy is slowly fading away into nothingness. I can't give up now, they'll kill me. "C'mon legs! Don't give up now!" I yell into the night sky. "There's the demon brat!" I heard a villager say.

I start running for it now, c'mon just a little more, and, we'll be safe. "Please! Let me in!" I frantically knock on jiji's door. "Naruko? Shouldn't you be at home?" Before I could get in, one of the villagers grabbed my hair, and yanked me away from jiji.

"We'll take care of her, Hokage-Sama." The villager said with a smirk. "No, I will not allow you to go anwhere near her again!" He shouted at the villager. "Jiji, why, you could've saved yourself some trouble atleast."

"Don't say that Naruko, you are the only one in this village who has a pure soul." I looked up at him with sadness filled eyes, and, I cried in his arms. The morning came, and, I had to go home. "I hope they don't hit you."

Jiji, wished. "Why wouldn't they?" I asked, as I walked away. "Naruko! Where have you been!" "The villagers chased me, and, beat me again." I said flatly, she then slapped me, sending me across the room.

"I don't wanna here another one of your excuses, go to your room! No dinner for you!" She pointed up towards the attick, little did she know that was her sanctuary. "Finally, time to sleep at last." As I faded off you sleep, I heard a thud, and, the sound of screaming.

"Hello, kit, I'm sorry, I am the cause why they beat you, and, treat you this way." "It's alright mister fox, it's not your fault, it's more the villagers fault than you." I give him a big smile. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Kurama, nobody ever wanted to know my name."

"Well, I did, so I'm the first of a long list, soon enough!" I say cheerfully. "Kit, do you want to be stronger, and, defend yourself?" Kura-niisan asked. "Yeah, sure, why?" I ask curious. "'Cause this is my gift to you." "But, it's not my birthday?"

I asked dumbfounded. "That's for you forgiving me." Kura-niisan, held his head low. "Don't look down, Kura-Niisan, I makes me feel sad." I tell him. "Thank you, kit." I smile at him. "Now, remove this seal, and, I can heal you." Kura-Niisan, picked me up by his many tails, and, placed me in front of the seal.

"If you remove it, I can train you." Kura-Niisan, tells me again. "Alright, I'll do it." I said while ripping it up. "Alright, let's start your training." He picks me up, and, we leave, the sewage looking place. "Wake up, kit. We're here."

I hear Kura-Niisan, whisper to me. "Okay, Kura-Niisan." I said groggily, while rubbing my eyes. "Alright, let's start training."

•Time Skip to when Naruko is 7•

"Naruko, I know you're going to flip, but..... I've signed you up for the ninja academy." I drop the book I'm reading, and, I stare at him. "You're kidding, right?" I ask him. "No." He said hesitantly.

"But, I don't want to be back in that hell hole again!" I complain to Kura-Niisan. "I know, but, I feel like you should know what it's like to be surrounded by kids, your age." He explains his reasoning. "B-but, I don't want to go."

"It includes watching over someone, as well, to keep him from falling into darkness." I stare at him with wide eyes. "Seriously?" I questioned. "Seriously." I stare at him with disbelief. There's someone out there like me.

"Well, we head out today." He gathered all my stuff for me. "And, since you've been gone for, 3 years, you'll have to let them know you're back." I nod. "Oh, and, don't worry about having to move back in with the uzumakis."

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