Chapter 21

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Hey wassup... I'm sorry. Really I am.... I stayed up most of the night trying to make this chapter... Please accept my apology!!!(;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')


Naruko turned to face the four sensei's that faced her now. All preparing skills to aprehend her. Naruko laughed loudly.

"You'll have to have a whole entire shinobi army, of two villages face to be able to have a single chance!" Naruko boasted. "You really think you can defeat me?"

In a moment, Naruko blurred, and what was left was a after image which quickly disappated. "How pathetic," the four shinobi sensei's could do nothing but listen to the laughter of one of their students.

"I feel sorry for you, Kakashi," Gai pitied. "Having to end up with this insane girl. To have a student that didn't have any passion whatsoever in their heart,"

"Shut up! I'll have to cut your tongue off for you to shut up," Naruko's shout seemed to echo, and the room seemed to have transformed. The students all looked around in bewilderment.

"What is this?" Neji breathed. He slowly turned in a circle.

"Now, now. This is only a glimpse of what I can do, Neji," Naruko giggled. "Not like you'll live to see it," she spouted nonchantly. Enraged by Naruko, Neji foolishly tried to provoke her into coming out and facing him. Nearly risking his life. And he lost his rather large ego.

"Why don't you show yourself, coward!" Neji immediately regretted spouting that insult out of his mouth. And he covered it with the palm of his left hand.

"You were the coward who didn't own up to telling the truth of your affairs. You are the coward that didn't want two girls rejecting you if they found out." Naruko appeared before them. Taking a step forward after each sentence. "You are the coward, who shattered my heart into a million pieces, then shattered it again when it was starting to put itself back together! You are the coward who lead me on! You are the coward who hurts me now! You are the coward that can't realize how much he hurts people!" Naruko inhaled a large breath.

"You are the coward that deserves to lose his life!" Naruko screamed in anger, and frustration. Pouring it all out in one ferocious shriek. Her face only a few inches away from Neji's. "Why?" Naruko let out a sob that shook her whole body. "Why? Why did you have to hurt me? Why?"

Naruko punched Neji in the face, and Neji fell on to the ground. Neji reflexively put his right palm up to his right cheek, massaging it to soothe the pain that traveled through his body.

"Gomenosai, Naruko. Gomenosai," Neji's eyes were shadowed, and you could see the glistening of tears. "Gomenosai for being a coward. Gomenosai for hurting you heart over, and over, and over again," he looked up at Naruko. Tears dripping down his face.

"Gomenosai for ruining you life!" Neji clenched his fist and his teeth, waiting for the impact he knew awaited him.

When that impact didn't come, he opened his eyes to see Naruko, pinned down by almost everyone, except TenTen and Sasuke. "Gomenosai!" His apology coming out in an shaking sob. And he kneeled down, and his forehead touched the floor.

Most of the group struggled to pin her down. However, since she was sobbing at the same time, she didn't struggle as much, and just sat there. Practically sobbing out her heart.


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