Chapter 4(or 5 I losy count)

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We all filed out of the room, and, Yui-San, Shino-Senpai, and, I headed towards the blossom tree. "So, Shino-Senpai, what is your hobbies?" I asked after a couple of minutes of comfortable silence. "I like to take care of my ants." I nod in reconition.

"What is your hobby, Naruko-Chan." He asked. "I like to read, and, draw, and, sing." I answered. "Really? You never told me you liked to sing, Naru-Chan." Yui-San questioned. "Of course not, I'm a shinobi, I can't sing." I tell him. "You could always sing for fun?" Shino-Senpai suggested.

"That's a good idea, but still, I don't want anyone else to know, you're keeping this a seceret. Got it?" I made them swear not to tell anyone. "Okay, I'll take one request." I say. They look at me confused. "A song, decide on a song please." They both looked at each other.

"Sing, Still here/Little girl." They both said at the same time. "How 'bout I sing both song!" I wanted to keep them from arguing. "Alright." Yui-San mumbled. Shino-Senpai nodded.

"Alright, I'm done." I said trying to regain my breath. "You're amazing!" Shino-Senpai, said in awe. "Yeah! You're brilliant!" Yui-San was a littls hyper, he started to bounce up, and, down. "Please, one more song!" He litterally started to beg.

He got on his knees. "Fine. One more, but Shino-Senpai gets to choose." He pouted. "Alright, can you sing Hurt?" I nod.

I opened my eyes, and, Yui-San's eyes were glazed. "Oh, my, god. You almost made me cry!" I chuckle a little, and, I glanced at Shino-Senpai. "I-I have to admit, I'm getting a little teary-eyed." He said, and, he flushed from embarssed.

"I have that effect. You would be full on crying if you knew what it was about. Because, if Yui-San didn't know, he wouldn't be fazed right now." He gaped at me. "My past is a horrible one really." "Everyone! Time to come back inside!" Iruka called out for everyone.

"Alright, your sensai's will be here shortly, so I'll be taking my leave." Iruka-Sensai exited the classroom. "I should go sit with my team, bye." I waved a little at Shino-Senpai. "Bye." He said quietly. "Sasuke-Kun!" Sakura, rushed past me, and, took a seat on his right.

"Sasuke-Kun! We're on the same team! Our love is destined!" She clings to his arm. "Get off me." He growled at her. I sit behind Sasuke, and, I started to play with his hair. "Hey! Don't touch him, Demon!" I'm not fazed, but it still stings. "Don't call her a demon." Sasuke growled.

"B-but it's true!" She tries to counter. "Still, it's sealed inside her. Why can't you see the difference bwetween, a kunai, and, a scroll, and, what's in it!" Sasuke yelled at her. "Please stop yelling, or I'll be froced to duck tape your mouths shut." I say flatly.

They both shut their mouths.

After a few hours, the only teams left were, team 8, and, team 7. "Don't think our sensai's gonna come for another hour or two." "Seriously." Sasuke banged his head on the desk, and, stayed in that position. "I'll punish him when he comes." I mumbled to myself.

After about thirty minutes of waiting, I finally got bored. "I'm going to set up a trap, kinda." I told them. "He's a jounin, he's not gonna fall for your stupid trap, BAKA!!" I ignored her, and, continued making my trap, or should I call it 'prank'.

I heard him coming, and, I know he was gonna fall for it on purpose. "Sorry for being-" befors he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by the door slamming into the side of his head. I didn't do it that hard, he didn't knock out or anything.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting that. "Never come late, ever again, or your punishments will become worse every time." I said vicously. "H-hai! Meet me on the roof." He instructed. We both disappeared in a puff of smoke. "H-how'd you know-how'd you learn-how?"

He finally just said a one-word question. "That's a seceret!"

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