I'm back! Chapter ?

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•Naruko POV•

As I fanned myself, I noticed that, Sasuke, was staring. "What is it, Sasuke?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing..." He stopped staring after awhile. Why summer, why do you have to exist. We don't need you! I sighed exasperated and I stared as Choiji ate his final chip in his bag. "Aww, dang it! I don't have anymore left!" I stifled my laugh and hid my smile behind my fan.
"Troublesome." Shikamaru muttered. Do al Naras' say 'troublesome'? "I let out a low chuckle and we continued with no incidents, or atleast, tried to. Sakura and Ino, went rabid on eachother, we had to get Asuma-Sensai and Kakashi-Sensai to hold them. They were actually growling like rabid dogs. How barbaric. They do realize that Sasuke is right there, right?
Neji and I talked among ourselves, and Neji glaring at Sasuke when he thinks I'm not looking. I can practically see the electricity from their glares. It looked, cool! "Stop glaring, I can practically see the electricity coming from your, glare-off." I smacked both of their heads together. "Now, play nice!" I secretly wanted them to start fighting, that'd be intriguing to watch.

•Sakura POV•

How dare that Naruko-Baka! She did something to my Sasuke-Kun! I'll break whatever was placed on my Sasuke-Kun! She'll pay for this!

•Naruko POV•

I sneezed loudly. "I think someone's either talking about me, or they're thinking about me. Could be either one really." Neji looked at me, concern evident in his pupiless eyes. "I mean, why would I sneeze in the summer, I don't have any allergies." I reasoned. He nodded, and he continued his glare-off with Sasuke. Ino and Sakura had started arguing, and I am really tempted to throw a senbon at them.
Will I ever have peace and quiet ever again?

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