Chapter 17

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I hope Naruko's okay. Her outburst was unsettling. She doesn't mean it, does she? I paced worriedly infront of her assigned room, and Tenten peered at me. Concern evident in her eyes, and her face.

"Hey, I'm sure she's okay. She probably didn't mean it," Tenten smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. " A whole two days, and one night in the woods can have a toll on you."

"Thanks, Tenten." I glanced at Naruko's door one last time. Before Tenten and I returned to our rooms. Please be okay.


"Hello?" It's what I try to say. Until a coughing fit hit me. My throat felt like I had swallowed a whole bucket full of sand.

Someone had heard my coughing, and they were rushing to my room.

"Hey, you okay?" It was Kurenai-Sensei.

"I am fine, thank you." She left the room. Probably to get me some water. I slowly got up. It seemed to be morning, I must have slept all day and night. "Kimikoi. I need to meet up with Kimikoi!" I rushed out, and grabbed the water canteen out of Kurenai-Sensei's hands, and I quickly ran out of the house.

I rushed back to the clearing, the sent of morning dew assaulted my nose.

I spotted a familir ball of hair, and shouted, "Kimikoi!"
Kimikoi turned and faced me, his dark brown hair swaying gently in the breeze.

"Naruko! You made it!" He enveloped me in a hug, and kissed my cheek. He grinned at me, joy beeming off of his aura. "I thought you'd be busy, but I guess not!"

"Of course I would make it. Just for you." I smiled lovingly at him, and he smiled right back. He was just a ball of sunshine. However, his smile quickly vanished, and a aura of seriousness surrounded him.

"I heard your screaming yesterday, when I had come to meet up," he looked concerningly at me. "What happened? Did someone try to hurt you? After your cries had stopped, I was really scared." He looked like he was about to cry

"I thought I was about to lose someone I loved straight off the bat."

His words struck my heart like a arrow. His words were depressing, and seeing my ball of sunshine suddenly sound depressing. It just didn't settle right in my stomach.

"No. Nothing bad happened, just a bear. I probably scared it off with my screaming." I tried to make it sound like a joke. I was successful.

"Ha ha! Probably!" His perfect smile returned to his perfectly chuseled face. He was so happy all the time. It was actually hard to imagine his old expression. Always depressed. Because of his alchoholic father.

"I love you. I am glad your mother ran into me." I cuddled into his chest. The cold feeling, with a touch of warmth had faded away. It was replaced with happiness.

However, I knew it would come back after Kimikoi left me again. I want to experience this with him forever. I don't want him to ever leave my side, I will make sure he never will get hurt. I will make sure he never feels unhappy ever again, all he will feel is joy.

I will make sure of it.

After a hour and half with him, he had to leave.

"Please don't leave. Just a little longer Kimikoi?" I pouted up at him.

"Sorry Naruko. I have to leave, my mother will get worried," He smiled softly at me. "How about this. I'll come back tomorrow. And we'll go into town. How about that? Deal?"

I huffed, and looked away. "Fine. Deal." He laughed loudly, then he kissed me on my left cheek.

"Bye-bye, pouty pants." He chuckled, and walked away, waving back at me until he disappeared into the thick forest of trees. I sighed in contentment, then I felt that cold but warm feeling again.

I sighed, and I walked back to the resort. I really wanted to stay here with Kimikoi. However, that would be abanding my mission. What was it again... Um... I think it was looking after... Sasuke. Right? Whatever, like that matters anymore. Now he has feelings for me. And I need to change out of my kimono.

Shun-shined back to the resort, and I quickly changed into a light blue kimono, with blue sakura
Flower patterns.

Shun-shined back to the resort, and I quickly changed into a light blue kimono, with blue sakuraFlower patterns

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I put on my blue flats, and I headed out, before a certain someone went ahead and caught me on my way out.

"Naruko! Where're you goin'!" Kiba came running up to me, with Hinoto, Shino, and Akamaru running behind him.

"I'm just heading out. Why?"

"Oh... Um... I-I wanted to see if you wanted to... Um... Hang around town?"

"I'm heading out to town now. To ask, there is no need."

"Oh... Um.. Alright!" Kiba cheerfully followed me, and shino came along, and of course Akamaru. Hinoto decided to stay behind I guess.

"Shino. How are you. I have not talked to you in a awhile,"

"I've been doing fine," in formalities he asked the same. "How are you, Naruko?"

"I am fine," I smiled at him. "No troubles whatsoever."
The silence consumed our walk to town, and the chatter did not start until we made it to town. It was bustling.

"Sugoi! It's so busy today!" Kiba looked like he would turn in circles if he could.

"Yes. It is very busy today," I turned to face them both. "Let us explore. Grab on to my kimono so I don't lose you both," Kiba laughed loudly.

"You make it sound like we could get lost,"

"You can,"

"Oh." It was a short conversation. We continued onward without losing a single person. Akamaru was inside Kiba's hood.

Then I saw something I wish I could erase from my memories...

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