Chapter one: Attraction

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I feel so nervous and I even though I'm always warm, when I'm around him I feel even warmer. It's funny how I'm always warm around him when he's cold and has never really felt the warm, and when he does it hurts it makes him weak and fall behind. I wonder sometimes what it feels like for him to be around me, does it make him feel weak? I'm not sure. I love him, I love him with all my burning heart and it hurts so much to be near him. Ellie told me that this always happens, that you do feel a kind of pain but that's mostly because he doesn't love me. "Are you okay Dan?" I hear Phil ask from next to me. I put on a smile for him "Yeah I'm fine."

Dan's fake smile doesn't convince me, but I brush it off anyway. He's been acting weird lately. We continued walking down the path to school in a comfortable silence when my hand accidentally brushed against his. He's fire, and i'm ice, and physical contact between polar opposites has consequences. My walking became slower, as I felt my knees become weaker. I turn to the nearby tree, sitting down and I blasting out some cold ice from my fingertips into a river. My breathing gets steadier eventually. This is the dangerous thing about becoming friends with a fire user when your ice. It hurts, me and Dan are so alike personality wise, but so different physically.

I felt his hand touch mine and for a second it felt amazing, but I knew for him It wouldn't. It feels good for me because I'm in love with Phil so when he touches me it doesn't hurt it only tingles a bit. For him however it hurts because he doesn't love me and that fact itself hurts. I rush over to Phil and sit down in front of him, "Oh god Phil I'm really sorry I didn't mean it!" I hoped that he wouldn't realize that I'm fine even though he touched me. It's funny when I remember that me and Phil have never touched, we've never hugged, or even shock hands because when we do this happens.

"It's fine Dan. It was my fault!" I say through gritted teeth as the pain slowly subsides. I steadily stand up, taking a deep breath in and out, as we continue to walk down the path, only to be met with Dan's girlfriend Ellie. She was really nice, and Dan and her got along well, at least they could touch each other without feeling pain.

"Hey there Danny! Hi Phil!" I chirp happily, getting a smile from Phil and a peck on the cheek from Dan. Wow, he kissed me, he must be feeling the love a lot right now. Not towards me, of course. Me and Dan have had this pact, that I help him get Phil, because personally, they are so cute together! Dan believes that someday he will make Phil so jealous and they will fall in love or whatever. Let's just say i'm his cupid. I'm part fire so I can touch Dan whenever I want, not that i'd want to. That job belongs to Phil. But I can see the hurt in Dan's eyes whenever he looks at Phil, to know that they can never touch, and the amount of pain it would cause Phil if they did. It breaks his heart.

I see Ellie look at me a little strangely when I kiss her cheek, because I never really do that but sometimes it's just nice to be table to touch someone and hold them and kiss them. All three of us talk for a while, ignoring the fact that the bell just went because it's so close to the end of the year and are Exams are done so we just don't care any more. I have a smile on my face for a while but I feel it start to fade when I see Isaac walking over to us. Isaac is Phil's boyfriend and I hate him. Well I don't hate him, he actually a really nice guy and we are friends. I just hate the fact that he get's Phil and I don't.

I walk over to Dan, Phil and Ellie, smiling at them all before giving Phil a peck on the cheek, "Hello Love." I tell him and I smile even wider when I see him smile.

"Hi Isaac." I blush, taking his hand into mine, swinging it as we walked.He was always so sweet and loving.

I could see the hurt in Dan's face whilst seeing Phil like this, so I took Dan's hand into mine, giving it a slight squeeze reassuringly. "Thanks Ells." He whispers thankfully. Isaac is ice, he can touch Phil. They really are cute together, but Dan is just so much more...of Phil's type. Well, besides the fact that their powers are completely opposite.

I squeeze Ells hand back as we begin to walk into the school for our second class of the day, and I think about how lucky I am to have Ells because I don't think I would be coping very well without her. She's always there for me and I always try and be there for her too and we really are best friends in the end. I'm not in love with her but I do love her.

I squeeze Phil's hand lovingly and hold him close as we walk in the halls on the way to class, I glance over to Phil and take in just how beautiful he looks.

I blush at Isaac staring lovingly into my eyes, trying to ignore it as I knew how red I was. "Stop staring love!" I whisper, quickly pecking him on his lips, laughing at how shocked he seemed.

"Ignore it Dan!" I whisper into Dan's ear one final time as we all separate into our different classes. I was in Isaac's class so we walked together, as Dan and Phil walked to their next class together. "Good luck lover boy!" I whisper into Dan's ear, making him scowl me as a blush securely crept up on his cheek.

I give Phil another peck on the lip's before saying goodbye and walking to class with Ellie "So Ells?" I ask, "How's it going with you and Dan?"

I scowl at Ells before quickly walking away to next class with Phil, I try and cover up my blush but it doesn't seem to work as I hear Phil laughing. He no doubt think's she told me something cute or something like that. If only he knew that the reason I was blushing was because of him.

"Haha Dan your so cute your blushing like hell!!" I laugh, poking his cheek playfully. He grins slightly and I poke his dimples, as I continue teasing him. We take our seats next to each other as he shoots me an angry look, which just makes me laugh more.

"Fine, fine. You know him, a sarcastic little shit as always. So, you and Phil, do you two each other? Have you said it yet?" I ask, ignoring how uncomfortable he seemed to get.

I can feel myself blushing harder and harder as Phil laughs and pokes me. The something dawns on me. He's touching me and he isn't hurt. He is really touching me and I can't believe it.

I bit my lip and turned away from Ellie a bit "Well I really like Phil but I don't think I love him.."

I tried not to squeal to much. THIS MEANS DAN MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE!! I nod sympathetically towards him. "If it makes you feel any better, i'm not very sure how I feel with Dan. I mean he's my best friend...but i'm not sure if I love him..." I half lie, because he is my best friend.

I suddenly realize something! I just touched Dan, and it didn't hurt. All I did was poke his cheek, because he actually looked really cute, buy my finger started tingling, and I also started to suddenly have butterflies in my stomach. What is happening?!

I look at Ellie and smile "What really? Wow that kind of makes me feel better.."

I smile at Phil and don't say anything about what just happened, but I know that he has just realized what happened. I'm never one to get my hopes up but this means that Phil likes me! Even if it's just a little right now he does, so maybe just maybe I have a chance with Phil after all.

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