Chapter four: Cold

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I drag Dan to the park, practically pulling him to run along with me. When we finally reached the lake, we were both out of breath, but the sight was magnificent. The water was showing a glowing reflection of the moon, and everything looked perfect. I looked over at Dan, admiring how the moon reflected off of his eyes, making them seem even more beautiful than usual. I take in a deep breath, from the tip of my fingers, I raise up my hand, taking some of the water along with it into mid-air. I push my hands forward a little, making the water immediately freeze, turning into ice, still in the air. I keep my right hand up, whilst using my other hand to slice some of the edges . It make a roughly cute heart shape, but the edges weren't exactly precise and I wasn't a master at ice to do that yet, so I kept it in the air for Dan to look at it


I look at the little heart in the air and I feel my own heart warm even more it that's possible, it's so beautiful. I look down at my own hands and life them up and make the flames come out in the shape of a heart. I look at Phil and he's smiling at me and we both slowly push the hearts together making them disappear and only leaving smoke behind in it's place, the smoke is in the shape of a heart. After that my hands feel a little cold so I rub them together to make them hotter and soon the cold goes away.

Phil takes my hand in his and for a second we both forget how hot my hand is. Phil pulls back and yells out in pain. I look down at his hand to see that it's badly burnt. "Oh my god Phil I'm so sorry I-I didn't mean too!"


My hand goes numb at the extreme burning pain and before I can stop it, there are tears flooding down my face, as I jet forward towards the water, kneeling down quickly and putting my hands into the water, taking deep breaths slowly. I think this is the most amount of pain Dan has ever caused me, even though he didn't mean it. The water around me freezes slightly, but the tears coming down my face won't stop. I quickly take my hand out of the water to rub my wet eyes, but immanently regret it due to the immense pain, and dip it back in again.


I run over to Phil and sit down next to Phil "Phil I'm sorry oh my god!" I look at Phil and he looks like he's about to pass out. I heard in class once that if you cause enough pain to an opposite you can kill them, and it's not that hard too kill them. I start to panic, what if Phil dies because of me!?" I see Phil about to pass out and fall in the water so I catch him and pull him close to me before he can, He starts to close his eyes and his breathing is slow and I panic even more.

I remember I read once in a book that I 'borrowed' from the school library, about energy transfer and life force transfer and thing's like that. It means that you give all your energy to someone else, not enough to kill you, (if you do it right that is) but enough to make you very weak. It also hurts a lot. I've practised it a lot on dead or dying fly's, so I'm gonna try it.

I take Phil's hands in mine a squeeze them tightly, I close my eyes and try to remember what the book told me to do. 'Open you mind and feel the other person, fell them in you're heart and think of them deeply and don't let them go.' It hurts. I don't remember anything ever hurting this bad but I can't let go, and it wont kill me, so I'll be okay.

I don't know how long I held onto him for, but soon enough he let me go, and he was sitting up, breathing and looking at me with a worried expression. I see him say something but I can't hear him. I'm so tired, every where hurts so much and I'm cold.


"Dan, are you okay!? Dan!?" He seemed to pass out after that, so I slung his arm over my shoulder, helping him back home. It wasn't exactly far, but it wasn't close either. However the strength I suddenly had helped a lot. When we reached his house, I made a mug of hot chocolate, setting it on his bedside table, and waited for him to wake up as I lay him in about 3 or 4 blankets just to he sure he was warm enough. I watched him sleep for a few hours, just admiring his beautiful features before drifting off to sleep myself.


I woke up sometime when it was dark, I had no idea what time it was all I knew was that I was cold and shivering and I hurt every were. My head, my arms, hands, legs just everywhere. I could just about keep my eyes open and I could see the outline of Phil. I smile at the fact that he was okay and still here. The longer I stayed awake the longer I felt myself shiver.


I slowly opened my eyes to see Dan shivering a lot. I turn over to him, staring wide-eyed and confused. I had no idea what to do! All I know is that Dan gave me some of his strength which makes his power get a lot weaker. I don't know what I can do though!


"P-P-Phil.." I shiver out "A-A-Are Y-You Oka-ay? I-I never go-ot to a-ask if you were o-okay.."

"Shhh don't worry about me Dan, i'm perfectly fine. Thanks to you. Your such an idiot, did you not know what the spell could do, how much it could affect you?!" I laugh sadly, feeling a warm tear roll down my cheek as I quickly wipe it away.

I dig into my pocket, taking out my phone and calling Ellie. She's a fire, maybe she'll know what to do. After a few rings, she finally answered.


"Ellie! I need you to come round to dan's. Now! "

"Phil, what happened?"

"It's Dan, i-i'm really worried Ells, p-please!" I sob into the phone desperately.

"I'm on my way Phil, don't worry!" She says comfortingly, as she hangs up.


I hear Phil start to cry and I frown "N-No P-Phil please d-d-n't cry, I-I'm so-orry."


I look down at Dan, quickly wiping the tears away, shooting him a fake smile. "Don't worry Dan, i'm fine, and you will be too soon!" I try to say enthusiastically, to make him think I wasn't that sad, although I actually was.


"P-Phil c-can't keep my e-eyes op-pen so tired, b-but so cold.."


"DAN HANG IN THERE OKAY? E-Ellie is on her way, she'll know how to fix it, just don't fall asleep! Not yet! I-I don't want you to leave me yet..." I whisper sadly.


"C-Can't.." I said quietly "C-can't stay awake I-I'm sorry I-I love you.." I feel my eyes shut and I fall in to a dreamless, cold sleep.

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