Chapter ten: Breaking point

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I know that Dan is close to cutting again. He often has this look of disgust whenever he looks at himself in the mirror. Sometimes he also starts subconsciously scratching at his arms. He also gets lost in his thoughts quite a lot, which just makes the thing a whole lot more worrying.

"Dan, do you want some stir-fry?" I ask Dan, who came to stay over at my house. Our holidays had started, so we often went to each others house. He shrugs, mumbling a sad "No." I try to smile, brush it off as nothing, but truthfully, I made the food for him. It was supposed to be a cute romantic home cooked dinner for the two of us. I had lost my appetite after that, I mean what's the point of cooking for someone if they don't eat it? I leave the hot food to aside, ready to take whenever I got hungry, probably later tonight.


I feel like such a horrible person I mean I just make Phil sad all the time and I know he's trying so hard to make thing's better but no matter what I just can't seem to find my spark any more. "Phil I-I'm sorry.."


"For what?" I laugh, trying to lighten the mood up a bit. I'm just being sad over nothing, it's stupid.


"F-For making you sad and just being really annoying, for acting like I don't appreciate what you do for me when I do, I do so much and I'm just sorry that I'm a fuck up."


I walk over to the sofa where Dan is sitting, raising my hand up to cup his right cheek. "I'm never going to find you annoying Dan, no matter how hard you try. Your not a fuck up, sure you have little imperfections, but they are what makes you perfect in my eyes. Please don't think like that."


I sighed and frowned, he's still so caring even now. "Just because I have to be sad doesn't mean you should be sad too, I don't want to drag you down with me Phil.."


"Your not. Whenever you smile, I mean truly smile, it gives me butterflies. You can make me immediately happy in a split second. Only you can do that Dan. I-" I was interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. I took it out of my pocket, looking at the name. "Sorry." I mumble to Dan who nods understandingly. It was Ellie.

"Phil? I need to tell you something about Isaac and I, but I don't wanna do it over the phone, can I meet you at the coffee shop in a few minutes with Dan?"

"Yeah sure." I answer back into the phone, chuckling slightly. It might be about Ellie and Isaac being a couple, because though they haven't fully announced it, it's kind of obvious.

"Dan, do you want to go meet Ellie at the coffee shop around the corner? They need to talk to us about something." I explain. Dan looks at me and nods his head no, saying "No thanks, I'de rather stay home."


I shake my head no and Phil looks at me a little sadly. "I'm just tired." I say and it's not really a lie because I really am, "You still go though it might be important." Phil still looks unsure which I knew he would be. "I'll be okay Phil and if I'm not I'll call you. I promise."

Phil bit his lip but agreed to it. He kissed my lips quickly then picked up his hoddie and walked out the door. I hopped he wouldn't be long.


As soon as I got to the coffee shop I saw Ellie and Isaac sitting in the corner at a table. I walk over to them smiling but they look nervous. "Hey guys, what did you want to talk about? Dan's not here because he's feeling poorly." I explain, getting nods from them both.


"Umm, Phil, the thing we need to tell you. It's about Ellie and I..." I mumble nervously. I don't know hoe to break up with the nicest person in the world! Its hard, I feel so evil and cruel, but Ellis told me about the whole 'fake girlfriend to win Phil over' thing so I felt a little better about this whole thing. Who knows, maybe in the near future Dan and Phil may end up together?


I giggle a little at how cute Isaac is, he doesn't know about Dan and Phil yet but I'm not gonna tell him till after.


I look at Ellie, smiling slightly. I think I might as well put Isaac our of his misery already. "Oh my god are you and Ellie a couple!! Freaking finally! Isaac, it was nice being with you, but lets face it, I ship you and Ellie more than I do with you and myself." I laugh, looking at both Ellie and Isaac's faces.


To say I was dumbfounded was a complete understatement. How did he know? And why is he so chilled about it? I ignore these questions deciding to ask them later, and start giggling slightly as I feel myself blush,


I lean over and kiss Isaac on the cheek, he was blushing and I couldn't help but smile. I look over to Phil again and he seems to be thinking about something. "Hey Phil you okay?"


"What? Oh, I'm fine. Just worried about Dan."


"Oh.." I say sadly "what's wrong with Dan?"


I realize what i've said and quickly say "Nothing! It's nothing really. I just worry a lot, he was feeling a bit sick, but it's j-just a headache. He always say I worry way too much." I try to laugh convincingly.


I chuckle "Oh okay, send him my best."


"Sure thing. Actually i'll just ask him if he's alright, he might need some pain tablets or more tissues." I laugh, getting out my phone and sending Dan a text.

"Hey Dan, i'll be home soon, are you alright btw? <33"


"I hope he's okay." I say a little worried.


I was in the bathroom crying when my phone went off, I picked it up quickly and replied as fast as I could.

'P-Phill Pleaes coem home, I ned you or I need my razoorr please Phil Ii dont knw what to doo.'

I was crying so hard that I couldn't type right but I just hopped that he would understand.


I immediately got a response back, and I jumped out of my seat. "Dan says he, umm...he really doesn't like being left alone so I have to go. Sorry guys, see you later!" I wave to them, jetting out of the shop and running home, trying to get there as fast as possible. Dan was going to cut. My Dan was going to hurt himself after so long of being clean.

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