Chapter fourteen: How mothers show love

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"Dan!" I flinched at her voice. She sounded mad, but then again, she always sounded mad with Dan. The noise came from the living room, so Dan walked inside, me following closely behind.


I felt fear run through me as I heard my mothers voice, I turned around to Phil and gave him a look, telling him to stay outside the room. He frowned but nodded. I walked inside the room alone to see what I had done wrong now.


"Dan! What the hell is wrong with you!? Why do you always have to leave your shit everywhere I almost fell over because I tripped over you shoe!"


I didn't want this to get out of hand, Phil had never been around when my mother was angry like this and I never wanted him to be. "I'm sorry mother.." I mumbled sadly, I couldn't even find it in me to argue with her.


"Sorry!? Really Dan is that the only fucking word you know how to say!? Are you that stupid? I'm starting to think so! I mean you always leave such a mess behind you, and I have to clean it up again and again! Why do you have to be so fucking useless!? This is why your dad left!"


So there it was, the reason my mother seemed to hate me so much, because she blames me for my dad leaving. I know it's not true, my dad told me it wasn't and I believe him. I wish I lived with my dad he loves me, and cares for me, he always did. I only ever see him once a year all because of my mother not wanting him to have any right's over me. "I-It's not my fault he left!" I said defectively "He left because because he couldn't put up with you any more!" This was true, again my dad told me this. "Shut up!" My mother yelled and she slapped me on the cheek. I flinched back a little, she does this all the time and I hate it. 


I could hear everything outside very clearly, including the sound of Dan's mother slapping him. He told me to stay out here, I have to trust him. I'll only go in if things get really serious, which hopefully they don't.


I shock my head, I can't take this, I can't live with her any more. "That's it!" I screamed "I can't take this any more, I'm leaving!"

"Leaving!?" My mother yelled "You can't fucking leave! Where will you go!?"

"Well I have a dad who actually gives a shit about me that I can go live with!"

"Your dad!?" My mother said coldly "Oh please like your dad really cares about you, I mean who would!?"

I bit my lip hard, tasting a little blood. "Dad loves me.." I said quietly "I know he does, and so do others.."

"Oh please." She said rolling her eyes "People can easily fake emotions and feeling's. No one really cares."

I don't have anything else to say then because she's right. People can fake feeling's, I do it all the time. So what if my dad does too, and all my friends and Phil? What if they all just feel sorry for me. I frown and she chuckles a little. "That's what I thought.." She mumbles.


I can't stand to listen to this anymore. She's lying, and the worst thing about it, is that Dan might believe her. My nails dig into my palm as I squeeze my hand into a fist. I said I would wait, I said I wouldn't interrupt him. This is for Dan. I just have to wait patiently, no matter how much it hurts.

opposites- Phan ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon