Chapter seven: Worried

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This chapter could be triggering, you've been warned.


It had been two weeks since the 'incident' happened to Dan. He's gotten a lot stronger lately, which of course is great, but he's also been very distant. He hardly ever talks to me anymore and spends a lot of time at home. A small part of me thinks its the depression, but I just can't lead myself to believing something so sad.


I don't know why I bother any more with anything, whenever I go anywhere I have this kind of pain in my chest and I feel so horrible about so many thing's that don't even make seance to me. I feel sad all the time, and nothing can make me happy any more. I still hurt too, but not a physical hurt no, it's an emotional one instead. I feel bad for pushing Phil away but I just get the feeling that he's better off without me. I get the feeling that everyone is.


I made a surprise visit to his house today. His mother wasen't home as always, so I let myself in with the key he gave me. "Dan?" I called out, waiting for a response.


I was sitting in my locked bathroom on the floor crying, crying my eyes out and I was so fucking pathetic. I don't even have a reason to cry, I just feel horrible and I'm so tired of it, I'm so tired of everything and I don't know what to do.


I walk upstairs to hear slight sobbing coming from the bathroom. It's locked. I slowly make my way to the door, knocking on it. "Dan? A-Are you okay love?"


I heard Phil outside the bathroom  and started to panic, I was glad the the door was locked. I hid my razor back under the lose tile and got up quick to wash the blood away. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." I call back out trying to sound as happy as possible, "I'll be out in a second."


This is weird. He can't of been cutting, right? I hear the door unlocks and Dan appears, looking glum as he has been usually looking lately. He walks past me but I quickly stop him, grabbing the wrist of his left arm, pulling the sleeve of his hoodie down. Nothing but his beautifully tanned skin. I sigh in relief, and see that Dan's eyes are full of worry an fear. "S-Sorry, just checking..." I mumble, releasing his arm from my grip. He laughs awkwardly, fake of course, and a fake smile follows it. He grabs my hand, pulling me into his room, as we cuddle on his bed.


I hold Phil close to me as we cuddle on my bed, I'm glad he didn't see anything, he wouldn't have one because he checked the wrong arm, two because I only have one cut right arm so I could pass that off as being an accident and three because I cut my legs, then he wont ever see. "I'm sorry that I've been distant lately.." I mumble sadly, I've been feeling really bad about ignoring him but at the same time I think it's best, well for him anyway.


"It's okay Dan. I'm sorry I was just acting really weird." I laugh little. How could Dan cut? He was literally perfect. Of course he wouldn't.


I smile sadly and buried my head in the crook his his neck, "It's okay..Phil you know that I love you a lot right?"


"Yeah I know Dan. I love you two...Are you okay? You've been pretty weird lately. Your not still weak are you?" I ask, raising my hand up to his forehead to feel it.

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