Chapter fifteen: Home

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"Phil!" My mum chirps, pulling me into a tight hug. I melt into the hug not realizing how much I missed her until now. "Hi mum." She pulls apart, smiling, then whispering into my ear "So, where's Dan?"


Phil led me into our kitchen. I could tell from his shaky hands how scared he was. It was adorable, I can't believe he would be scared of telling me this. Wait, if Dan lives with us, I won't mind, but what if them two are...together? I squeal in excitement, getting a weirded out look from Phil followed my a small laugh.

I see Dan standing by the sink, looking really nervous. I haven't seen him in forever! "Dan! How are you?!" I greet happily, pulling him into a hug. Let's just say I hug a lot. He's stiff at first, but then hugs me back. We pull apart and I can see in his eyes how scared he is.


"H-Hello Mrs.Lester.." I say quietly and nervously, I'm still so scared of what she'll say about all this.


I watch awkwardly, waiting for my mum's approval as she seems to be judging Dan.


"Eww Mrs Lester, that makes me sound really old. Call me Tess Dan, you always did before anyway." I say, unsure of why he is so nervous. He used to call me Tess, and was never this formal.

"Phil asked me about you staying here. I have no problem with it don't worry. Is your mum still the same?" I whisper the last bit quietly. I knew about Dan and how his mother treated him. He had only told me and not Phil because he knew how much it would hurt him. I always begged him to come live with us, but he always refused, saying he 'didn't want to be a bother'.


I nodded sadly and she gave me a sympathetic look. She's the only person who knew about what it was like at home. I never wanted to tell her but I had to because one day she saw my bruises and she asked about them and I started to cry, so of course I had to tell her


"Does Phil know yet?" I ask quietly.


I can see my mum and Dan whispering something, and it doesn't look like they are talking about something nice.


I sighed sadly "Yes..He saw.."


They continued to secretly whisper, clearly not willing to tell me what they were talking about, so i walked over to the kettle, turning it on and getting 3 cups out.


"How did he react?" Dan opens his mouth to answer, but quickly shutting it. He look at what Phil is doing, and I can see the admiration in his eyes whilst looking at Phil. I wish they'd tell me already, because he's making it really obvious.


I look back to Tess again and I can see her looking at me like she knows and I chuckle "Stop looking at me like that!" She just smiles and laughs.


They are so cute. All I need to do now is to get Phil to come out to me, and I think Dan knows that too. He really loves my Philly, and I can't possibly think of anyone better to be with him.

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