Chapter eleven: I need it

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I waited for Phil to come home and I willed myself to stay where I was. I was gonna wait for Phil, I wasn't gonna touch my razor yet because I promised that I would wait for him to come back and I didn't wanna break my promise no matter how hard it was not too.


I fumble with the keys, unlocking the door and stumbling in, shutting the door behind me. "Dan? DAN!" I yell through the apartment, hearing a small whimper from the bathroom. I run over to it, to see Dan sitting there knees to his chest hugging them tightly. He is staring across the room, thinking in deep thought.


"P-Phil I-I'm sorry I-I didn't know what to do!" I said and then he walked over and sat beside me, talking my hand. "Phil I need I-it." I cried "P-Please I'm sorry b-b-but I need it."


"Dan no, your stronger than this! Please baby, ignore those bad thoughts, please!!" I let the tears freely roll down my cheek.


I shake my head "N-No I can't Phil p-please! It's like a physically need it, I do-on't want it b-but I n-n-need it please I-" I cut myself off there with more cries.


"D-Dan, you can do this! Please! I-I need you l, I can't get you back into the habit of doing this again!" I plead.


"Please Phil! Just one last time, just this one last time and it wont happen again please!" I beg.


"B-But Dan, this is for your own good! You don't...Please don't." I whisper quietly, looking into his eyes. They are full of sadness, and regret.


I bite my lip so hard that I can tease blood, "I-I don't know what do to, please I-I please just-" I put my head in my hands and give up, but the thought of giving up and not getting my release makes me cry harder.


I'm probably the worst person in the world. I can't stand seeing anybody cry, let alone the person I love. I steadily stand up, wobbling over to the sink. I open the cupboard, taking out a little box containing the razors. I sit back down next to Dan, handing him the box, too ashamed to look him in the eyes. Partly ashamed of him, but more ashamed of myself. I bury my head in my knees, sobbing quietly, as I know what he's about to do. I can't stand to watch it, he was right.


I take the little box out of Phil's hand and open it, look at all the little razors inside. I pick one out and just stair at it, I finely have it, I have the release that I wanted and I can have it. But then I look at Phil.

I look at Phil and I see him crying into his knees, not wanting to look, to look at someone who he loves hurt themselves in such a horrible way. I think this is the moment that I finely realise how much he loves me, because he doesn't want me to be sad so he lets me do something so horrible.

I find myself not wanting the razor any more, so I throw it away to the other side of the room and take Phil in my arms and hug him as tight as I can. He's still crying as he clings on to me, he's crying even harder than before, so I stroke his hair and try and calm him down. "Shh, baby, shh it's okay, I'm okay and so are you, I love you, it's okay."


"D-Did y-you d-do it?" I choke out in between sobs. I cling onto his shirt, my nails probably digging into his back, but I can't help it. I just need to be close to him so much. What if this turns into a regular thing? What do I do when he needs to cut again? I'm sure I will break down again in front of him the next time, I know I won't be able to handle it.

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