Chapter nine: Take care of you

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One week later

I guess this week has went by okay I mean I haven't cut since..that night which is good. However I can feel myself slowly start to break down because I don't have anything to re-leave myself any more, I don't really have an outlet of any kind. Well I have Phil but I try not to annoy him to much. Phil hasn't really left me alone since that night, he's been staying at my house for pretty much the whole week. I think it's because he's scared that if he leaves me alone I'll do something bad. I think I would though.

Sitting in one of my classes for he day I feel myself start to wonder off thinking about thing's, thinking used to be a good pass time but now all it does is hurt and make me feel worse about everything. Just two more hours and I can go home.


I listen to what the teacher is saying for about 2 minutes before getting bored and looking around the classroom. I look next to me, where Dan is in deep thought about something. I haven't left his sight since I found out.

However, I know he is still hiding his feelings from me. He probably thinks it's just a bother, but that's part of the depressive thoughts getting to him. I know he is trying to control himself, and I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't believe it. I think he may break at some point, because he'll keep on bottling up all these feelings and eventually just burst.


I pull me hoddie closer to me trying to get warm, I'm still quiet cold but that's because my powers are still weak and they are what kept me warm. I see Phil next to me looking at me, I don't let on that I seem him though and he doesn't seem to realize. He worries far to much about me.


I pull my gaze away from Dan finally, fiddling with my hands, attempting to make a small ice ball. It partly works because I create the ball, but the whole table was frosty, and partly covered in ice. Dan shoots me a worried glance, quickly standing up excusing himself to use the toilet. He quickly exits as I run after him. Oh no, what have I done?


I leave the class room and go to run to the bathroom, I know Phil didn't mean to do it but the table was so fucking cold and my skin feels like it's about to crack so I had to leave. I also just wanted to leave and take a walk and try to clear my thoughts.


I decide not to call for Dan. I walk to the toilets, listening to the slight sobbing from behind one of the cubicles, who I knew would be Dan. I slide down the locked door, back to it. "D-Dan?" I call out, tapping my fingers against the door lightly.


"Y-Yeah?" I chocked out between sobs.


"Can you open the door please bear?" I ask softly


I sigh quietly and reach my hand up to open the door, but I don't move from my spot.


The door creaks open followed by the sound of shuffling feet. I see Dan cowering in the corner head buried in his knees. "I'm sorry. I...I hate being ice. I w-wish I was fire. I'm so sick of not being able to touch you, hold you, or feel you without hurting you, or vice verse..." I mumble sadly.


"It's not your fault. Y-You didn't mean to it's okay.." I whisper quietly. I think we both need to be more in control of our powers and learn how to handle them the right way.


"Sometimes I wish I didn't even have these powers...i've been wishing recently a lot...." I continue, staring down at my hands in deep thought.


"I wish I didn't have them tow sometimes..What else do you wish for?.."


"That we could be together. Without any problems I mean. No sadness, fear, anger. Just love. But that's stupid. Sometimes i'm surprised you've stuck with me through all of it Dan. The heart ache, the pain, the suffering. I don't get it, why?" I say, letting all the negative thoughts that were being built up in the last few weeks get to me.


I frown and crawl over to where Phil is and take his hand in mine. "Because I love you." I replied "You're the most perfect person in the world to me, your laugh, your smile, just your everything is amazing. You make everything worth it, you make the pain worth it, you make the sadness worth it. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and don't you ever for a second think your not. I love you Phil Lester, you'r not just my sky, you're my stars and my moon and if you were the moon and I was the sun I would die every time the day ends to let you breathe at night."


I was left speechless by Dan's beautiful speech. Instead I pulled him into a kiss, the feeling of love intensifies in my stomach. I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek as I pull away. Dan wiped the tear away, smiling slightly. "It's funny," I chuckle. "I'm supposed to be cheering you up, but here I am once again, crying." I laugh more.


I smile at Phil and continue to wipe his tears away "Just for a while, let me worry about you Phil, don't worry about me or anything just..Just let me take care of you for once okay?"


"Okay." I giggle slightly, pecking him on his nose. "I really do love you Dan." I smile, kissing him quickly on his lips once more.


I smile at his smile. "I really do love you too." I reply kissing him on the side of the mouth.

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