Chapter five: Side effects

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I start to panic. My love is slowly dying and there's nothing I can do to help. I can only watch in torture. The doorbell rings, awakening me from my horrid daydream, I jump up to answer it, seeing a very worried Ellie and Isaac.

"Please, please please help him Ellie! He's d-dying! I c-can't stand to watch it, there's nothing I can do, please help him, Dan's i-in danger!!" I sob, crying into Ellie's open arms as she hugs me softly.

We walk up to his room, to see that he's still asleep. I gulp, nervous about what to tell her. She walks over to him, placing her hand over his forehead to feel his temperature, quickly taking it off and hissing slightly.

"Fucking hell he's ice cold!" She shrieks.

"I know..." I sniff sadly.


I can't believe how cold Dan is he feels like Ice and all the colour has gone out of his body. I don't even know how he's still alive. "What happened to him!?" I ask yelling, I didn't mean to yell I wasn't angry at Phil I was just scared.


"I-I'm s-sorry, I d-didn't k-k-know t-that..." I sniffed, hiccuping in between sentences due to bow scared I was. Scared of Ellie, but more scared for Dan.

"Stop yelling Els! Clearly he's affected by this, have a heart!!" I hear Isaac yell at Ellie, pulling me into a hug and resting my head on his shoulder.


I sighed sadly "Phil I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell it's just..I'm scared I don't even know how he's still alive and I don't know what to do..Please tell me what happened.."


"W-Well, we went to the r-river, and I made something out of ice and Dan made it e-even better. And then Dan felt cold I guess so he heated up his hands and we held hands forgetting about how hot his were. And then it burnt me. A lot, I mean I was about to pass out at the nausea and dizziness and I felt so numb. S-So Dan used this spell to transfer some energy into me I think, and it worked, b-but he's really weak now and I-I don't know what t-to d-do! I-I'm so s-sorry E-Ellie!" I finish, still crying.


I bit my lip. This was bad, really, really bad. Dan did the spell wrong somehow and now his powers have stopped. It's kind of like Dan's a fireplace and now the fire has started to die out so now it's only running on smoke. I have no idea what to do.


This was bad. I could tell from the look on Ellie's face. She was pacing around the room, thinking about what we could do. "M-Maybe he'll get better bit by bit, and eventually regain his strength. Maybe it's like when your ill, you eventually get b-better?" I ask hopefully. It's a long shot, but it's worth a chance. I'd do anything to make Dan better, I can't stand to see him so sick.


I looked around the room to see if I could find the books that Dan was reading and found them on his desk. I walked over to the desk and picked up the book and started flipping through the pages. "Well the good thing is that he wont die, if he's not dead yet then he wont be." I smiled at the fact that Dan wasn't gonna die. "There is some side effects to this thought and they are..oh." I mumbled as I started to read through them. I bit my lip hard and I felt my panic come back. "I don't think you wanna hear them.."


"T-Tell me them, please Ells! I-I need to know how to help him! It's my fault he's in this state in the first place!"


I sighed sadly "'s the list of them...sickness, fits, extreme loss of energy, loss of power, tiredness, if you're someone like Dan then always feeling cold..and depression.."


"DEPRESSION?! T-That's not okay! I mean, the others we can help, but depression is a big thing. He could start cutting, or...I don't know. This is horrible." I mumble scratching my head. I look at Ellie, as she shakes her head, turning to look at a sleeping Dan.


"B-But he can get better? Right Ellie? A-After the side affects pass, will he be back to normal?" I ask, sitting down next to Dan, taking in how pale he now is and the dark circles due to loss of sleep.He still is beautiful in my eyes though, and he has to get better soon. I don't know what i'd do without my best friend.


I don't know what to do about this, Isaac and Phil are freaking out and so am I! I can't show it though because that wont be any use. "I know he could start all that..." I mumble to Isaac. I look back in the book a keep reading about the side effects and how long they will last. "Well most of the side effects will only last about two months. However the depression could last longer, it really depends how bad it is. It also said he might not get that but there is a ninety percent chance he will.."


"This is really not good. Um," I feel my head getting dizzier, and slightly light headed. "I need to go home." I mumble, before jetting off out of the room and out of the house, hearing Ellie shout after me. I can't handle this. I already helped somebody through this once. It can't happen again. All that work, for was a waste of time.


Isaac runs out of the room, and I see Ellie about to run after him, but sends me a sympathetic and confused look. I nod, telling her it's alright, so she also runs outside, chasing after Isaac. I think I know why he's sad, but he needs to tell Ellie that for himself

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