Chapter six: It's okay

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I slowly open my eyes again and instantly wish I hasn't, everything still hurts and I'm still so fucking cold. I hate this, I hate this so much I want it to stop at least when I'm asleep I don't feel pain. I start to sob uncontrollably into my pillow, I try and stop myself but I can't.


The faint sound of Dan crying causes me to quickly scurry to his bed, pulling him into a hug. All I can think about is how much I love him, and I think this works because he starts to hug me back, sobbing into my shoulder. "Don't worry Danny. It's okay. I'm here." I shush him, rocking his fragile body gently in my arms.


I cling onto Phil and hug him tightly, crying into his shoulder. "P-Phil I-It hur-t-ts." I sob out, "S-So cold I-I hurts!"


"Don't worry Dan, your gonna be fine." I softly reassure him, trying to convince myself as well. I slowly get up from the bed, hearing Dan whine from the small loss of comfort. "I'm just going to get some boiling water, you need to drink it. It'll help Dan, I promise. Also, i'll go fetch some more blankets and hop in with you since your already covered in like 4 already." I laugh at Dan's shocked reaction, quickly running downstairs to get everything I need.


I sit in the bed waiting for Phil to come back with the stuff, I curled myself more in to the blankets trying to get warm but I can't seem to. I've never been cold before, I don't know how Phil can take it.


After boiling the water and getting more blankets, I headed back upstairs, making sure to cover up my hands in thick oven gloves in case I get weak from the heat. I open the door to see Dan still fidgeting, trying to get warmer. Aww, poor baby. I walk over by his side, spreading more blankets onto him and handing him the cup.

Surprisingly, Dan eagerly takes the cup, gulping it all down at once. He smiles slightly, as I stare shocked and slightly scared.. He just drank hot boiling water! "I didn't know fire's could easily drink boiling water!" I laugh, getting a small nod from him as slight blush creeps up on his cheeks.


I blush a little at Phil's words and smile, I feel a little better now, not as cold. I sniff and move my hand up and wipe the tears off my face.


I quickly grab some tissues off of the bedside table, bringing it up to his face and wiping away some of the tears for him.


I let Phil wipe my tears away and when he's finished I cuddle into him again, wanting him close  me.  I'm scared though, scared I'll hurt him again so I don't hug him to tight just in case


I notice Dan gently hugging me, but I can feel him shivering slightly, so I pull him close to me, holding on tightly. I wish things could stay like this forever.


I gently close my eyes  feeling like I'm gonna fall asleep again, and I want to so much because then thing's wont hurt for a while. I feel myself get more and more tired until I fall into a deep sleep.


I softly stroke Dan's hair, until I can see his chest rising up and down in a normal pace. I feel my eyelids get droopy, as I fall asleep myself, cuddling Dan and keeping him close.



I run to the park, setting myself on the swings


I ran all the way to the park to find Isaac sat on the swings, I walk over and sit down in the swing next to him. "Isaac?" I ask quietly "What's wrong?"


"I-It's nothing really...i'm just being childish..." I mumble, thinking deeply about how it all happened before.


"N-No Isaac please tell me?.."


"Um, I had this friend, a long time ago. And h-he suffered depression and social anxiety. I h-helped him through it of course, but it was never enough. He would always cut, and I always tried to help. The frequent panic attacks, I learned how to control them eventually though. But when everything seemed fine, he hadn't even cut for a few months, he committed s-suicide. T-The sight was horrible. I-I r-remember he had cuts. A lot of them. The old ones that had started healing had been torn, it was horrible. He had also overdosed. He l-left a note, but all i-it said was "I'm sorry". I'm sorry Ellie. I-I c-can't go through all that a-again and I couldn't take it. T-That's why I ran...i'm sorry..." I let the tears roll freely down my cheek as I cried.


I frowned "no it's okay Isaac, I understand why you ran away."


"I'm sorry, I really am..." I apologized again, not even sure why I was anymore.


"It's okay Isaac...Look Isaac I understand that this is hard for you but, Dan needs us..both of us.."


"Yeah, your right, i'm sorry. Can we go back to his house tomorrow Ells? I'll text Phil, and see if every things okay. But I really just...wanna go get some coffee or a bite to eat...with you. I know its random but i'm just...I don't know..." I blushed.


I smiled a bit and nodded "Yeah that's okay, I think Phil wants to be alone with Dan anyway.."


"S-So, do you maybe wanna go Starbucks together then. Now?" I ask, sounding like a scared little kid asking for a cookie. Its just a girl, and yet i'm getting nervous over one sentence.


"Of course I want to go with you." I said smiling brightly at him in a hope to calm his nerves. It seemed to work because then he took my hand in his and we started to walk out of the park together holding hands.

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